AMERICAN IDOL: The Final 4: Haley Reinhart, Scotty McCreery, James Durbin and Lauren Alaina | ©2011 Fox/Michael Becker
Cast: Ryan Seacrest, Jennifer Lopez, Steven Tyler, Randy Jackson
Network: Fox, Airs Wednesdays and Thursdays
Original Telecast: May 5, 2011
Last night, I posed the question if anything could prevent Jacob Lusk from going home this week on the world’s greatest karaoke competition, AMERICAN IDOL.
The answer is no. As he was sent home finally after being in the bottom three for the past three or four weeks on the show.
It was only a matter of time in my opinion as there was a reason he was in the bottom for a number of weeks – he had gotten stale. I was saying it for weeks that while the guy can sing his heart out on stage, he just doesn’t entertain like some of the others and that is as important as song choice and actually singing well.
But maybe more interesting is that perhaps Haley has supplanted Lauren as the favorite female on the show. Lauren Alaina was also in the bottom two for the first time this season. Her performances were good last night but nowhere near the caliber of Haley Reinhart. It will be interesting to see if this trend continues.
Here is what you missed on the lead-up to finding out who got the boot from IDOL: a craptacular group song (this one was especially bad and sounded like someone kicked five dogs and put them on stage howling); another bad Ford music video; a pretty good promo for the new HELLS KITCHEN season with Gordon Ramsay having the contestants cook omelets; a pretty good new song from Lady Antebellum; an enjoyable performance from J. Lo; a look at how the contestants choose their songs; and a slew of unnecessary high drama.
Here’s how the results happened in real time on the episode:
First, James Durbin was sent to one end of the stage. Then, Lauren Alaina was sent to the other end. Jacob is next to take the stage and joins Lauren on stage. Haley takes the stage next and joins James. And you can sort of see how the voting went already. Scotty is last on stage and gets relief as he is safe.
And as I suspected, James and Haley are also safe. Haley’s risky performance of the unreleased Lady Gaga song paid off but it was probably her master performance of “House of the Rising Sun” by The Animals that got her the most votes as it might have been the best performance of the entire season so far.
The bottom two are Lauren and Jacob. And Jacob goes home.
Check out photos from tonight’s Elimination Show below.
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