A scene from THE STUFF | © 2016 Arrow Video

A scene from THE STUFF | © 2016 Arrow Video

THE STUFF is one of those classic 80s flicks that has a lot going for it. First of all it is a mixture of both THE BLOB and zombie flicks but also a crack in the ribs at consumerism that was one of the general themes of many horror flicks back during the era.

The plot is pretty interesting as well and not something we have seen used often as a trope among horror flicks. A weird goo oozes out of the ground in a remote location, so what’s the logical thing to do? Taste it, of course. Amazingly it tastes awesome. So people package it and sell it as the greatest snack food to ever live. It sells like hot cakes too because it is low in calorie and can be consumed as breakfast, dinner, desert and more.

There’s only one slight little problem. THE STUFF just happens to be alive and incredibly addictive to those that consume it. Worse yet, the goo changes people. Makes them act differently than they normally do and eventually it consumes them and makes them akin to zombies. One boy discovers THE STUFF is actually alive and he teams with an investigator in order to figure out what exactly it is made of. Unfortunately, it already has its claws in the FDA and other people in power and going about discovering what the goo is really is harder than it seems.

Like I said THE STUFF has a lot going on. Mixed in with the awesome commercials for the product is a whole INVASION OF THE BODY SNATCHERS vibe going on as well as a lot of THEY LIVE in terms of the branding. Add to this when the goo finally emerges as a beast it harkens suspiciously to THE BLOB. But somehow with all of these wheels in motion the flick still works as comedic horror and holds up pretty good considering its longevity.

This is coming from Arrow Video so there is plenty of good “stuff” in the extras (see what I did there). First off, there is a new 2K transfer to high definition for the first time, a classic making-of featurette, a new introduction and trailer commentary from the director and a collector’s booklet with new writings on the film, original stills and more.

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ArticleBlu-ray Review: THE STUFF

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