
SLEEPY HOLLOW star John Noble doesn’t lose his head in Season 2 – Exclusive Interview

John Noble stars as Henry in SLEEPY HOLLOW | © 2014 Fred Norris/FOX

In Fox’s SLEEPY HOLLOW, now in its second season Mondays at 9 PM, John Noble plays a character who has changed considerably in our perceptions. We first met his Henry Parish last season. Henry introduced himself as a psychically sensitive “sin eater” who apparently wanted to help Ichabod Crane (Tom Mison) and police lieutenant Abbie Mills (Nicole Beharie) in their efforts to prevent the Apocalypse. Imagine their surprise when “Henry” turned out to be not only Jeremy, the presumed-dead son of Ichabod and Katrina (Katia Winter) – who now appears older than his parents – but also the Horseman of […]Read On »


TV Review: SUPERNATURAL – Season 10 – “Reichenbach”

Mark A. Sheppard as Crowley on SUPERNATURAL Reichenbach | © 2014 The CW

Stars: Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, Misha Collins, Mark A. Sheppard, Curtis Armstrong, Erica Carroll, Travis Aaron Wade, David Nykl Writer: Andrew Dabb, series created by Eric Kripke Director: Thomas J. Wright Network: The CW, Tuesdays @ 9 PM Original Airdate: October 14, 2014 Well, gosh, SUPERNATURAL does FARGO. Not for the entirety of the “Reichenbach” episode, but the tip of the hat to FX’s miniseries is sizable, down to naming a supporting character with a thick Midwest accent Lester. Even the title “Reichenbach” is a kind of homage, since the action in FARGO never goes to Fargo and the action […]Read On »


Interview: SUPERNATURAL star Jensen Ackles gives the Season 10 scoop

Jensen Ackles in SUPERNATURAL - Season 10 | ©2014 The CW

SUPERNATURAL is now in its tenth season, Tuesdays at 9 PM on The CW. Created by Eric Kripke and now show-run by Jeremy Carver, the series follows brothers Dean and Sam Winchester, played respectively by Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki, as they engage in the family business of fighting monsters and the forces of Hell, Heaven and any other nastiness in between. At the end of Season 9, Dean died and then revived with a demon inside him, courtesy of the Mark of Cain. Season 10 begins with Sam trying to find his brother, who is currently hanging out with […]Read On »


TV Review: SUPERNATURAL – Season 10 – “Black” – Season Premiere

Jensen Ackles in SUPERNATURAL - Season 10 - "Black" | ©2014 The CW/Liane Hentscher

Stars: Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, Misha Collins, Mark A. Sheppard, Erica Carroll, Travis Aaron Wade, Emily Fonda, Jud Taylor Writer: Jeremy Carver, series created by Eric Kripke Director: Robert Singer Network: The CW, Tuesdays @ 9 PM Original Airdate: October 7, 2014 When last we saw our hero Dean Winchester (Jensen Ackles), he had been killed. This being SUPERNATURAL, he was brought back as a demon by his Mark-of-Cain connection to the First Blade. We also learned that King of Hell Crowley (Mark A. Sheppard, elevated to regular status this season) had largely engineered this scenario. In SUPERNATURAL’s Season 10 […]Read On »


The scoop on CASTLE Season 7 from Andrew W. Marlowe & David Amann – Exclusive Interview

Nathan Fillion and Stana Katic in CASTLE - Season 7 | ©2014 ABC/Bob D'Amico

When last we saw Nathan Fillion’s best-selling novelist Richard Castle in the Season 6 finale of ABC’s CASTLE, he was forced off the road and into a fiery crash while on the way to his own wedding. Much of the audience was almost as aghast as Castle’s bride-to-be, NYPD homicide detective Kate Beckett, played by Stana Katic. CASTLE begins its seventh season Monday, September 29 at 10 PM. Series creator Andrew W. Marlowe and his fellow executive producer, show runner David Amann, are at a party thrown by ABC for its show runners and the Television Critics Association, where they […]Read On »


LEGENDS show runner David Wilcox goes undercover – Interview

Morris Chestnut in LEGENDS - Season 1 | ©2014 TNT/Marco Grob

In TNT’s new series LEGENDS, Wednesdays at 9 PM, Sean Bean plays Martin Odum, an FBI agent who is uncannily gifted with “legends,” the term for long-term undercover identities. The trouble is not only that Martin has a tendency to become a little too absorbed in these identities, but also that he’s starting to question who he really is. The series, based on Robert Littell’s novel, was developed for television by Howard Gordon and David Wilcox. Wilcox, whose producing and writing credits include LAW & ORDER, FRINGE, LIFE ON MARS, 666 PARK AVENUE and THE FOLLOWING, is present at TNT’s […]Read On »


TV Review: TRUE BLOOD – Season 7 – “Thank You” – Series Finale

Anna Paquin in the series finale of TRUE BLOOD - Season 7 - "Thank You" | © 2014 HBO/John P. Johnson

Stars: Anna Paquin, Stephen Moyer, Ryan Kwanten, Rutina Wesley, Alexander Skarsgard, Chris Bauer, Kristin Bauer van Straten, Lauren Bowles, Anna Camp, Nelsan Ellis, Jim Parrack, Gregg Daniel, Noah Matthews, Bailey Noble, Nathan Parsons,  Adina Porter, Carrie Preston, Deborah Ann Woll, Will Yun Lee, Ashley Hinshaw, Lois Smith, Michael McMillian Writer: Brian Buckner, series created by Alan Ball, based on Charlaine Harris’ Sookie Stackhouse novels Director: Scott Winant Network: HBO, Sundays @ 9 PM Airdate: August 14, 2014 Major spoiler alert, we’re starting with the ending here for the TRUE BLOOD series finale. After seven seasons, it’s fine if Sookie (Anna […]Read On »


TV Review: TRUE BLOOD – Season 7 – “Love is to Die”

Deborah Ann Woll stars as Jessica in TRUE BLOOD "Love is to Die" | © 2014 John P. Johnson/HBO

Stars: Anna Paquin, Stephen Moyer, Ryan Kwanten, Alexander Skarsgard, Chris Bauer, Kristin Bauer van Straten, Lauren Bowles, Tara Buck, Anna Camp, Nelsan Ellis, Jim Parrack, Noah Matthews, Bailey Noble, Nathan Parsons,  Carrie Preston, Deborah Ann Woll, Jurnee-Smollett Bell, Will Yun Lee, Ashley Hinshaw Writer: Brian Buckner, series created by Alan Ball, based on Charlaine Harris’ Sookie Stackhouse novels Director: Howard Deutsch Network: HBO, Sundays @ 9 PM Airdate: August 17, 2013 To cut to the chase, in “Love is to Die,” TRUE BLOOD’s penultimate episode, Bill (Stephen Moyer) still has Hep-V and still hasn’t met the true death. If someone […]Read On »


TV Review: TRUE BLOOD – Season 7 – “Almost Home”

Anna Paquin as Sookie in TRUE BLOOD "Almost Home" | © 2014 John P. Johnson/HBO

Stars: Anna Paquin, Stephen Moyer, Ryan Kwanten, Rutina Wesley, Alexander Skarsgard, Chris Bauer, Kristin Bauer van Straten, Lauren Bowles, Anna Camp, Nelsan Ellis, Jim Parrack, Gregg Daniel, Noah Matthews, Bailey Noble, Nathan Parsons,  Adina Porter, Carrie Preston, Deborah Ann Woll, Karolina Wydra, Will Yun Lee, Ashley Hinshaw, Malcolm Goodman Writer: Kate Barnow, series created by Alan Ball, based on Charlaine Harris’ Sookie Stackhouse novels Director: Jesse Warn Network: HBO, Sundays @ 9 PM Airdate: August 10, 2013 In last week’s episode of TRUE BLOOD, we were reminded why human/fey Sookie Stackhouse (Anna Paquin) and vampire Bill Compton (Stephen Moyer) fell […]Read On »


TV Review: TRUE BLOOD – Season 7 – “May Be the Last Time”

Jim Parrack, Ryan Kwanten, Ashley Hinshaw in TRUE BLOOD - Season 7 - "May Be The Last Time" | ©2014 HBO/John P. Johnson

Stars: Anna Paquin, Stephen Moyer, Sam Trammell, Ryan Kwanten, Rutina Wesley, Alexander Skarsgard, Chris Bauer, Kristin Bauer van Straten, Amelia Rose Blaire, Lauren Bowles, Tara Buck, Anna Camp, Nelsan Ellis, Gregg Daniel, Aaron Christian Howles, Noah Matthews, Bailey Noble, Nathan Parsons,  Adina Porter, Carrie Preston, Jurnee Smollett-Bell, Deborah Ann Woll, Karolina Wydra, Natalie Hall, Will Yun Lee, Rutger Hauer, Michael McMillian, Shishir Kurup, Riley Smith, Ashley Hinshaw, Shannon Lucio, Marcia de Rousse Writer: Craig Chester, series created by Alan Ball, based on Charlaine Harris’ Sookie Stackhouse novels Director: Simon Jayes Network: HBO, Sundays @ 9 PM Airdate: August 3, 2013 […]Read On »

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