
TV Review: SUPERNATURAL – Season 9 – “Dog Dean Afternoon”

Jensen Ackles in SUPERNATURAL - Season 9 - "Dog Dean Afternoon" | ©2013 The CW/Jack Rowand

Stars: Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, Leslie Jordan, Steve Valentine, Al Rodrigo Writers: Eric Charmelo & Nicole Snyder, series created by Eric Kripke Director: Tim Andrew Network: The CW, Tuesdays @ 9 PM Original Airdate: November 5, 2013 SUPERNATURAL tells us right up front that “Dog Dean Afternoon” is going to be one of its relatively light segments. The “Then” section, although it does have the bits necessary to keep us up to speed with the story arc, is mainly a montage of comedic bits that’s actually funnier than some of the episodes represented here. Dean (Jensen Ackles) is still worried […]Read On »


TV Review: SLEEPY HOLLOW – Season 1 – “The Sin Eater”

Tom Mison in SLEEPY HOLLOW - Season 1 - "The Sin Eater" | ©2013 Fox/Brownie Harris

Stars: Tom Mison, Nicole Beharie, Orlando Jones, Katia Winter, John Noble, Lyndie Greenwood, James Frain, Tongayi Chinisa, Craig Parker Writers: Alex Kurtzman & Mark Goffman, story by Aaron Rahsaan Thomas, series created by Phillip Iscove & Alex Kurtzman & Roberto Orci & Len Wiseman Director: Ken Olin Network: Fox, Mondays @ 9 PM Original Airdate: November 4, 2013 It’s been a little less than a year, but how we’ve missed seeing John Noble, until lately Dr. Walter Bishop of FRINGE, on genre TV. (Yes, he appeared on an episode of THE GOOD WIFE in between.) In the SLEEPY HOLLOW episode […]Read On »


Exclusive Interview: Mark Pellegrino evolves with THE TOMORROW PEOPLE

Mark Pellegrino in THE TOMORROW PEOPLE - Season 1 | ©2013 THE CW/Mathieu Young

Chances are excellent that any and every fan of genre television has seen Mark Pellegrino’s work. The Los Angeles-born actor has played Rita’s awful ex-husband Paul on DEXTER, the savior-like Jacob on LOST, vampire leader Bishop on the U.S. version of BEING HUMAN, post-apocalyptic survivor Jeremy Baker on REVOLUTION and Lucifer himself on SUPERNATURAL. Now Pellegrino is a series regular on the CW’s new series THE TOMORROW PEOPLE. The title characters are people, largely adolescents, who have abilities that mark them as the next step in human evolution. Pellegrino’s character Jedekiah Price claims that he is concerned these super-powered folks […]Read On »


TV Review: SUPERNATURAL – Season 9 – “Slumber Party”

Felicia Day as Charlie in SUPERNATURAL "Slumber Party" | (c) 2013 Diyah Pera/The CW

Stars: Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, Mark A. Sheppard, Felicia Day, Guildhart Jackson, Tiio Horn, Maya Massar Writer: Robbie Thompson, series created by Eric Kripke Director: Robert Singer Network: The CW, Tuesdays @ 9 PM Original Airdate: October 29, 2013 Instead of going for either terror or utterly bizarre (two of the more expected choices), this year’s SUPERNATURAL Halloween episode “Slumber Party” decides to open the door, literally, to Oz. In a black-and-white prologue set in 1935, Hunter Dorothy (Tiio West) brings in a captured witch (Maya Massar) to the Men of Letters headquarters. Something happens, though at first it’s not […]Read On »


TV Review: SUPERNATURAL – Season 9 – “I’m No Angel”

Misha Collins in SUPERNATURAL - Season 9 - "I'm No Angel" | ©2013 The CW/Diyah Pera

Stars: Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, Misha Collins, Adam J. Harrington, Shannon Lucio, Kevin Brief Writers: Brad Buckner & Eugenie Ross-Leming, series created by Eric Kripke Director: Kevin Hooks Network: The CW, Tuesdays @ 9 PM Original Airdate: October 22, 2013 With Misha Collins’ desanctified angel Castiel now human, it makes sense that SUPERNATURAL devotes a good portion of an episode to the character coming to terms with his new condition. In “I’m No Angel,” Cass deals with homelessness, hunger, getting an anti-angel warding tattoo (so the other angels can’t track him) – and, oh yeah, sex. Unfortunately for Cass, his […]Read On »



THE COUNSELOR movie poster | ©2013 20th Century Fox

Rating: R Stars: Michael Fassbender, Penelope Cruz, Javier Bardem, Cameron Diaz, Brad Pitt, Ruben Blades Writer: Cormac McCarthy Director: Ridley Scott Distributor: Twentieth Century Fox Release Date: October 25, 2013 Director Ridley Scott and writer Cormac McCarthy are masters of craft who should not be underestimated. However, their collaboration on THE COUNSELOR – erstwhile novelist McCarthy’s first screenplay – is not the finest work of either one. Although THE COUNSELOR has certain thematic qualities in common with NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN, it lacks of that story’s poles, the ethical if ultimately ineffectual sheriff played by Tommy Lee Jones or […]Read On »


TV Review: SUPERNATURAL – Season 9 – “Devil May Care”

Osric Chau as Kevin and Mark Sheppard as Crowley in SUPERNATURAL | (c) 2013 Liane Hentscher/The CW

Stars: Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, Mark A. Sheppard, Osric Chau, Alaina Huffman, Jesse Hutch, Paul Rae, Olivia Ryan Stern Writer: Andrew Dabb, series created by Eric Kripke Director: Guy Norman Bee Network: The CW, Tuesdays @ 9 PM Original Airdate: October 15, 2013 One big takeaway from the SUPERNATURAL episode “Devil May Care” is that young Prophet of the Lord Kevin Tran (Osric Chau) is officially considered family by Dean (Jensen Ackles), along with the not-in-this-ep Castiel (Misha Collins) and of course Sam (Jared Padalecki). The other notable element here is that Padalecki, playing Sam as possessed by the angel […]Read On »


Interview: KILL YOUR DARLINGS stars Daniel Radcliffe, Dane DeHaan and Michael C. Hall

Daniel Radcliffe and Dane DeHaan in KILL YOUR DARLINGS | ©2013 Sony Pictures Classic

Long before he wrote “Howl,” helped found the Beat movement and became one of the most venerated poets – and gay activists – of the twentieth century, Allen Ginsberg entered Columbia Collegein 1944. There he met Lucien Carr, who introduced Ginsberg to William S. Burroughs, Jack Kerouac and Carr’s old mentor David Kammerer. The relationship between Carr and Kammerer became so fraught that it ended in tragedy, which in turn presented an enormous moral conundrum for Ginsberg. This true – but until now largely unknown – story has been brought to the screen in KILL YOUR DARLINGS, directed by John […]Read On »



KILL YOUR DARLINGS movie poster | ©2013 Sony Pictures Classic

Rating: R Stars: Daniel Radcliffe, Dane DeHaan, Michael C. Hall, Jack Huston, Ben Foster, David Cross, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Elizabeth Olsen, Kyra Sedgwick, John Cullum, David Rasche Writers: John Krokidas & Austin Bunn, story by Austin Bunn, based on biographical material by Allen Ginsberg Director: John Krokidas Distributor: Sony Pictures Classics Release Date: October 16, 2013 KILL YOUR DARLINGS is advice that essentially means a writer should remove any elements that he or she feels particularly precious about or identifies with too much. In this fact-based film, it also has a more literal interpretation. It turns out that Allen Ginsberg […]Read On »


TV Review: SUPERNATURAL – Season 9 – “I Think I’m Gonna Like It Here” – Season Premiere

Jared Padalecki in SUPERNATURAL - Season 9 - "I Think I'm Gonna Like It Here" | ©2013 The CW/Liane Hentscher

Stars: Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, Misha Collins, Jim Beaver, Julian Richings, Tahmoh Penikett, Grace Phipps Writer: Jeremy Carver, series created by Eric Kripke Director: John F. Showalter Network: The CW, Tuesdays @ 9 PM Original Airdate: October 8, 2013 Just in case any SUPERNATURAL fans were worried, rest assured that Season 9 gets off to a crazier than a bag of WINNIE THE POOH heffalumps and woozles, with Sam (Jared Padalecki), Dean (Jensen Ackles) and Castiel (Misha Collins) all having their own separate bizarre adventures. And wow, is Sam going to be angry (and – oh nooooo – probably sulky) […]Read On »

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