
Exclusive Interview: Nothing Grosses Out BODY OF PROOF star Dana Delany


BODY OF PROOF is back for its third season on ABC, Tuesdays at 10 PM, with a few revisions. Dana Delany still stars as Dr. Megan Hunt and she’s still working in the medical examiner’s office and struggling with being the single mother of teen daughter Lacey (Mary Mouser). This season, however, Megan and her boss Kate (Jeri Ryan) are working with a new pair of police detectives, played by Mark Valley (who previously costarred with Delany on PASADENA) and Elyes Gabel, and the crime-solving procedural aspects are heightened. Delany is no stranger to playing medical professionals. She spent four seasons as […]Read On »


Exclusive Interview: THE FOLLOWING star Annie Parisse on playing FBI Special Agent Parker

Annie Parisse in THE FOLLOWING - Season 1 | ©2013 Fox/Michael Lavine

In Fox’s freshman hit THE FOLLOWING, Monday nights at 9 PM, it seems like Annie Parisse’s character, FBI agent and cult specialist Debra Parker, is one of the good guys. But on this serial killer thriller, created by Kevin Williamson, it’s hard to tell. Did Jacob (Nico Tortorella), a devoted follower of charismatic multiple murderer Joe Carroll (James Purefoy) spare Parker in last week’s episode because he needed leverage against series hero Ryan Hardy (Kevin Bacon), or did Parker reveal something to Jacob while we weren’t looking? Parisse, of course, is hardly likely to share an answer to that question. […]Read On »


Exclusive Interview: Time to GO ON with actress Julie White

Julie White in GO ON - Season 1 - "The World Ain't Over 'Til It's Over" | ©2013 NBC/Vivian Zink

In NBC’s freshman half-hour comedy GO ON, Tuesdays at 9:30 PM, Matthew Perry stars as sportscaster Ryan King, who reluctantly joins a therapy group after the death of his wife. Laura Benanti plays group leader Lauren, who believes she is up to the task despite her relative lack of credentials. Julie White plays Anne, another therapy group member who is mourning the death of her longtime partner. White, a native of San Diego, California, has a thriving career in stage, television and film – nearly everyone on Earth has seen her as Judy Witwicky, the mother of Shia LaBeouf’s character, […]Read On »


Exclusive Interview with OUT THERE and FUTURAMA actor John DiMaggio

OUT THERE - Season 1 | ©2013 IFC

In IFC’s animated series OUT THERE, which airs new episodes Fridays at 10 PM, creator Ryan Quincy has envisioned a small town where much of the populace is strangely furry – he has said his artwork is influenced by Dr. Seuss and Maurice Sendak. John DiMaggio voices several OUT THERE characters, chief among them Wayne. The New Jersey-born actor is a star in the animation voice performance world, playing Bender on FUTURAMA, plus characters in WRECK-IT RALPH, TANGLED, the TV series THE PENGUINS OF MADAGASCAR, various iterations of BEN 10, BATMAN, SPIDERMAN and a host of other projects. He takes […]Read On »


TV Review: SUPERNATURAL – Season 8 – “Goodbye Stranger”

THE CW logo | ©The CW

Stars: Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, Misha Collins, Mark A. Sheppard, Rachel Miner, Amanda Tapping Writer: Robbie Thompson, series created by Eric Kripke Director: Thomas J. Wright Network: The CW, Wednesdays @ 9 PM Original Airdate: March 25, 2013 SUPERNATURAL just about hits it out of the park with “Goodbye Stranger.” We get answers, we get emotion, we get some jolting visuals, we get revelations about character’s sexual histories, we get slash that writes itself, we get a super guest cast and we get verbal quotes from STAR WARS and LORD OF THE RINGS and a reference to Sean Astin’s Samwise […]Read On »


TV Review: SUPERNATURAL – Season 8 – “Remember the Titans”

Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki in SUPERNATURAL - Season 8 - "Remember The Titans" | ©2013 The CW/Cate Cameron

Stars: Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, Brooke Langton, John Reardon, Anna Van Hooft, John Novak, Callum Seagram Airlie Writer: Daniel Loflin, series created by Eric Kripke Director: Steve Boyum Network: The CW, Wednesdays @ 9 PM Original Airdate: February 27, 2013 In Greek mythology, the Titans preceded the gods. Most of the Titans were pretty brutal, but Prometheus is credited with giving mankind fire. In consequence, Zeus, king of the gods, chained Prometheus to a cliff so that he could have his liver torn out every day, then revive and go through it all over again. SUPERNATURAL puts its own spin […]Read On »


TV Review: SUPERNATURAL – Season 8 – “Man’s Best Friend With Benefits”

THE CW logo | ©The CW

Stars: Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, Christian Campbell, Mishael Morgan, Curtis Caravaggio, Serge Houde Writers: Brad Buckner & Eugenie Leming-Ross, series created by Eric Kripke Director: John F. Showalter Network: The CW, Wednesdays @ 9 PM Original Airdate: February 21, 2013 Lord (and Prophet of) knows that not every episode of SUPERNATURAL needs to be filled with suspense, pathos or even humor; likewise, not every episode needs to advance the seasonal arc. Indeed, “Man’s Best Friend With Benefits” does resolve the mini-drama begun in “Trial and Error,” with Dean (Jensen Ackles) wanting to die for Sam (Jared Padalecki) and worried that […]Read On »


Exclusive Interview: Sam Witwer on BEING HUMAN and STAR WARS THE CLONE WARS – Part 2

Sam Witwer is Aiden on BEING HUMAN - Season 3 | ©2013 Syfy/Jeff Riedel

In Part 2 of our exclusive interview with Sam Witwer, the actor talks more about playing vampire Aidan on Syfy’s BEING HUMAN, plus Darth Maul on Cartoon Network’s STAR WARS: THE CLONE WARS and more. ASSIGNMENT X: How did you get into acting? SAM WITWER: When I was a kid, I wanted to be an actor. I was like, “That’s what I’m going to do, I’m going to grow up, I’m going to be an actor, I’m going to live inL.A.” And then as I got a little bit older, I was like, “You know, that’s not realistic at all.” […]Read On »


Exclusive Interview: DJ Qualls talks LEGIT and SUPERNATURAL

DJ Qualls in LEGIT - Season 1 | ©2013 FX/Matthias Clamer

In LEGIT, the new half-hour comedy created by Jim Jefferies and Peter O’Fallon on FX, Thursdays at 10:30, Jefferies’ character Jim is trying belatedly to grow up. One of his friends is Billy, a quadriplegic who has muscular dystrophy, played by DJ Qualls. Qualls, whose initials stand for Donald Joseph, is an uncommonly lanky native of Tennessee– he’s 6’1” and weighs about 140 pounds, the after-effects of surviving cancer in adolescence. Qualls has been appearing in feature films since his career-making co-star turn in 2000’s comedy ROAD TRIP, with credits as varied as THE CORE and HUSTLE & FLOW, with […]Read On »


Exclusive Interview: BEING HUMAN’s Sam Witwer on Season 3 – Part 1

Sam Witwer as Adian Waite in BEING HUMAN Season 3 | (c) 2013 Philippe Bosse/Syfy

On Syfy’s BEING HUMAN, adapted for American television by Jeremy Carver and Anna Fricke (based on the British series created by Toby Whithouse), Sam Witwer’s vampire character Aidan and Sam Huntington’s werewolf character Josh move into aBoston brownstone haunted by ghost Sally, played by Meaghan Rath. That was Season 1. At the beginning of Season 3, Mondays at 9 PM, Aidan has been buried in a coffin for eighteen months, and he emerges to find that Josh is now human, though Josh’s girlfriend Nora (Kristen Hager), who he accidentally turned, is still a werewolf – and Sally is alive, back […]Read On »

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