
Exclusive Interview: CASTLE star Molly Quinn talks about Season 5 and growing up

Molly Quinn in CASTLE - Season 5 - "Secret's Safe With Me" | ©2012 ABC/Richard Cartwright

On CASTLE, our best-selling novelist title character, played by Nathan Fillion, may have trouble working out his love life vis-à-vis Detective Kate Beckett (Stana Katic), but he’s a wonderful dad to daughter Alexis, portrayed by Molly Quinn. CASTLE is now in its fifth season on ABC, Mondays at 10 PM. Texas-born Quinn is now eighteen years old, which means she started playing Alexis when she was fourteen. With Quinn on the red carpet at the Disney WRECK-IT RALPH premiere – the movie and CASTLE have the same parent company – ASSIGNMENT X caught up with her for some insight on […]Read On »


Movie Review: THE TWILIGHT SAGA: BREAKING DAWN – PART 2 – Twihard Review

THE TWILIGHT SAGA: BREAKING DAWN - PART 2 movie poster | ©2012 Summit Entertainment

Rated: PG-13 Stars: Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, Taylor Lautner, Mackenzie Foy Writer: Melissa Rosenberg based on the novel by Stephenie Meyer Director: Bill Condon Release Date: November 16, 2012 **SPOILER ALERT – If you haven’t read the books you may read things here you didn’t already know** Could OMG! OMG! OMG! suffice for a movie review?  From the moment the credits opened in THE TWILIGHT SAGA: BREAKING DAWN – PART 2 I had goosebumps.  The film opens where Part 1 ended, as we see the world through Bella’s (Kristen Stewart) newborn red, vampiric eyes seeing for the first time floating […]Read On »


TV Review: SUPERNATURAL – Season 8 – “Southern Comfort”

Nathan Dashwood in SUPERNATURAL - Season 8 - "Southern Comfort" | ©2012 The CW/Diyah Pera

Stars: Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, DJ Qualls, Liane Balaban Writer: Adam Glass, series created by Eric Kripke Director: Tim Andrew Network: The CW, Wednesdays @ 9 PM Original Airdate: November 7, 2012 Garth, played by DJ Qualls, is one of SUPERNATURAL’s better recurring characters. He’s true to his own wavelength, he’s a hugger, he’s funny and he brightens up an episode. However, it’s pushing it, as “Southern Comfort” does, to insist that he’s the new Bobby, primarily because there was no good reason to get rid of the original Bobby. It was said in interviews that Sam (Jared Padalecki) and […]Read On »


Exclusive Photos from THE TWILIGHT SAGA: BREAKING DAWN – PART 2 World Premiere – Sneak Preview

Robert Pattinson at the World Premiere of THE TWILIGHT SAGA: BREAKING DAWN - PART 2 | ©2012 Sue Schneider

Last night, November 12th, Summit Entertainment held the World Premiere of THE TWILIGHT SAGA: BREAKING DAWN – PART 2 at the Nokia Theater at L.A. Live in Downtown Los Angeles. Here is a sneak preview of the three main stars: Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner. In the next few days the rest of the stars, the guests and of course, the fans you will be able to view on our site and the excitement that happen for the last movie in this worldwide phenomena. Stay tuned. Related: Comic-Con News: TWILIGHT actor Robert Pattinson talks about his famous vampire […]Read On »


Exclusive Interview: Eugene Byrd on BONES, DAYBREAK and WILFRED

Eugene Byrd is honoroed with other BONES cast members at a City of Los Angeles event particularly the episode "The Patriot in Purgatory" that hat calls attention to the many issues facing American military personnel once they return from service | ©2012 Fox/Michael Underwood/Picture Group for Fox

BONES, which runs Mondays at 8 PM on Fox, is now in its eighth season. The series chronicles the personal and professional relationship of FBI agent Seeley Booth (David Boreanaz) and forensic pathologist Dr. Temperance “Bones” Brennan (Emily Deschanel) as they solve murders. In third season, Brennan’s lab assistant Zack Addy (Eric Milligan) was committed to a mental institution. Since then, Brennan has had a rotating roster of lab assistants, or “squinterns” (Booth calls the lab people squints and they serve as Brennan’s interns, hence “squinterns”). Eugene Byrd’s character Dr. Clark Edison is one of the primary squinterns.Clark started out […]Read On »


Movie Review: SKYFALL

SKYFALL movie poster | ©2012 Sony Pictures/MGM

Rating: PG-13 Stars: Daniel Craig, Javier Bardem, Judi Dench, Ralph Fiennes, Naomie Harris, Ben Whishaw, Albert Finney Writers: Neal Purvis & Robert Wade and John Logan, based on the character created by Ian Fleming Director: Sam Mendes Distributor: Columbia Pictures/Sony/M-G-M Release Date: November 9, 2012 If pressed to define exactly what makes a James Bond movie a James Bond movie, as opposed to some other sort of spy thriller, not too many people would be able to give a specific response. SKYFALL, the newest installment in the chronicles of British secret agent 007, provides an answer. It may not be […]Read On »


Exclusive Interview: DJ Qualls returns to SUPERNATURAL with a little Southern comfort

DJ Qualls in SUPERNATURAL - Season 7 - "Southern Comfort" | ©2012 The CW/Diyah Pera

On SUPERNATURAL, Wednesdays at 9 PM on the CW and now in its eighth season, the Winchester brothers, Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean (Jensen Ackles), are demon hunters, part of a secret society who take their world-saving duties very seriously. However, their buddy Garth Fitzgerald IV, played by DJ Qualls, is a little more easygoing. Garth drinks, he picks up monster-hunter groupies, he likes to have a good time. And now he’s back in tonight’s episode, “Southern Comfort.” Qualls is about to appear on FX’s dark comedy series LEGIT at the start of the new year. At six-foot-two and approximately […]Read On »


TV Review: SUPERNATURAL – Season 8 – “Blood Brother”

Ty Olsson in SUPERNATURAL -Season 7 - "Blood Brothers" | ©2012 The CW/Diyah Pera

Stars: Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, Misha Collins, Ty Olsson, Liane Balaban, Athena Karkaris, Patrick Stafford Writer: Ben Edlund, series created by Eric Kripke Director: Guy Bee Network: The CW, Wednesdays @ 9 PM Original Airdate: October 31, 2012 Given Dean’s (Jensen Ackles) history of a take-no-prisoners attitude toward creatures – he still doesn’t get why absent Prophet of the Lord Kevin is upset that Dean tried to kill Kevin’s mom while she was possessed – there’s a lot of potential in exploring the older Winchester brother’s friendship with a vampire. In fact, the SUPERNATURAL episode “Blood Brother” starts out promisingly […]Read On »


Exclusive Interview: TWILIGHT SAGA star Billy Burke joins the REVOLUTION

Billy Burke in REVOLUTION - Season 1 - "Sex and Drugs" | ©2012 NBC/Brownie Harris

In NBC’s freshman series REVOLUTION, Monday nights at 10 PM, all electricity is gone from the world. Created by Eric Kripke, who executive-produces with J.J. Abrams, with a pilot directed by fellow executive producer Jon Favreau, REVOLUTION takes place fifteen years after “the lights went out.” Much of the former United States is ruled by militias. However, a small band of people are trying to find out what really happened and restore power – both electronic and personal – to the populace. Two of the main characters are the uncle and niece team of Miles Matheson, played by Billy Burke, […]Read On »


TV Review: SUPERNATURAL – Season 8 – “Bitten”

Jared Padalecki in SUPERNATURAL - Season 7 - "Bitten" | ©2012 The CW/James Dittiger

Stars: Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, Leigh Parker, Brit Sheridan, Brandon W. Jones, David Lewis Writer: Robbie Thompson, series created by Eric Kripke Director: Thomas J. Wright Network: The CW, Wednesdays @ 9 PM Original Airdate: October 24, 2012 As someone pointed out, video isn’t “footage,” which refers to actual film. With “Bitten,” SUPERNATURAL takes a bite out of the found-video genre, which is so-so. On the one hand, episode writer Robbie Thompson and director Thomas J. Wright seem to want to make a little horror movie of their own, going so far as to hold all credits (even those for […]Read On »

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