

Cheryl Hines and Jay Harrington in LOVE BITES - "TMI" | ©2011 NBC/Jordin Althaus

  Stars: Becki Newton, Greg Grunberg, Constance Zimmer Writer: Colleen McGuinness Director: John Scott Network: NBC, airs Thursday nights Original Telecast: July 7, 2011 I don’t envy the writers and producers of LOVE BITES – NBC’s summer anthology series about love, romance and other dysfunctional relationship woes. It has to be hard to come up with new characters, situations and scenarios every week and then wrap them around a common theme. With established series, you have regular characters and quirks to carry you through those weeks where nothing is working. Here, outside of three recurring lead (who usually end up […]Read On »


TV Review: FUTURAMA – Season 6B – “Law & Oracle”

Fry in FUTURAMA - Season 6B - "Law & Oracle" | Futurama TM and ©2011 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corp. All Rights Reserved

Stars: Billy West, Katey Sagal, John Di Maggio, Tress MacNeille, Maurice LaMarche Writer: Josh Weinstein Director: Stephen Sandoval Network: Comedy Central, airs Thursdays Original Telecast: July 7, 2011 With its send-up of the POLICE ACADEMY movies, TRON, MINORITY REPORT and AVATAR, FUTURAMA hits a home run with “Law & Oracle” that finds Fry (Billy West) fed-up with being a delivery boy and wanting something more out of life. So, he quits the Planet Express team and enrolls in the police academy where he quickly moves up the ranks and settles in to the Future Crimes division where he discovers Bender […]Read On »



HORRIBLE BOSSES movie poster | ©2011 Warner Bros./New Line

Rating: R Stars: Jason Bateman, Charlie Day, Jason Sudeikis, Kevin Spacey, Jennifer Aniston, Colin Farrell, Jamie Foxx, Julie Bowen, Donald Sutherland Writers: Michael Markowitz and John Francis Daley & Jonathan Goldstein, story by Michael Markowitz Director: Seth Gordon Distributor: Warner Bros./New Line Release Date: July 8, 2011 Just in case you don’t remember STRANGERS ON A TRAIN, the 1951 Alfred Hitchcock movie based on the Patricia Highsmith novel, HORRIBLE BOSSES provides a name check. If you have that confused with the 1987 parody version, THROW MOMMA FROM THE TRAIN, that gets name-checked as well, with a helpful differentiation between the […]Read On »


Breaking News: The scoop on THE NINE LIVES OF CHLOE KING from Skyler Samuels

Skyler Samuels in THE NINE LIVES OF CHLOE KING - Season 1 - "Heartbreaker"| ©2011 ABC Family/Eric McCandless

This week ASSIGNMENT X visited the set of the new hit ABC Family genre series THE NINE LIVES OF CHLOE KING. All kinds of interesting things were hinted at as upcoming events in our young hero’s life, but no one teased  information like Skyler Samuels who plays Chloe herself. When asked about her character’s mysterious absentee father, Samuels made no bones about his involvement in future plotlines. “Dad plays a big role,” explains the actress. “And he may or may not lead Chloe to the biggest fall yet.” There’s other surprises around the corner for viewers in terms of who […]Read On »


Exclusive Interview: The future of FUTURAMA according to David X. Cohen – Part 2

FUTURAMA - Season 6A - "Rebirth" | Futurama TM and ©2010 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corp. All Rights Reserved

With the animated series FUTURAMA cementing its summer foothold on Comedy Central (airing Thursday nights), the series looks like it’s going to be a regular mainstay on the network’s schedule for the next couple of years at least. David X. Cohen, who developed the series with creator Matt Groening and also serves as executive producer spoke with ASSIGNMENT X about what to expect from the future of FUTURAMA as he starts the writing process for the forthcoming Seasons 7A and 7B (set to air in 2012 and 2013 respectively). Here’s what he had to say … ASSIGNMENT X: So now […]Read On »


TV Review: AMERICA’S GOT TALENT – Season 6 – “Vegas Week” – Top 48 Revealed

Avery and the Calico Hearts on AMERICA'S GOT TALENT - "Vegas Week" | ©2011 NBC/Justin Lubin

Just 17 spots remained to complete the 48 AMERICA’S GOT TALENT finalists moving on to Hollywood for the show’s sixth season. The tension was also high as the standbys were ready, well, most of them. There were the usual suspects in attendance: the magicians, the kid acts, the dancers, the dangerous acts and the singers. By the end of the evening over half of them were sent home by Piers Morgan, Howie Mandel and Sharon Osbourne and the rest were ecstatic jumping for joy. Only two of the five magicians made it through. Without a much needed polished touch, the […]Read On »


Exclusive Interview: Bill Pullman antagonizes TORCHWOOD: MIRACLE DAY

Bill Pullman in TORCHWOOD: MIRACLE DAY | ©2011 Starz

TORCHWOOD: MIRACLE DAY, the latest miniseries of the world-saving adventures of Captain Jack Harkness (John Barrowman), premieres Friday on Starz, in a co-production with the BBC. Bill Pullman plays antagonist Oswald Danes. This is far from the New York-born Pullman’s first foray into genre – one of his first film roles was starring in Wes Craven’s voodoo horror movie THE SERPENT AND THE RAINBOW, and he went on to play the U.S. president in INDEPENDENCE DAY – but this is one of the actors few forays into series television. Here’s what the actor had to say about his new gig. […]Read On »


TV Review: AMERICA’S GOT TALENT – Season 6 – “Vegas Week” – Judges’ Favorites

Serge and Alina on AMERICA'S GOT TALENT - Season 6 - "Vegas Week" | ©2011 NBC/Justin Lubin

They weren’t kidding when they prefaced AMERICA’S GOT TALENT tonight with “Now it gets serious.” No kidding around, over 100 acts were summoned to Vegas and then they were categorized by the judges in three unique areas. The first 12 acts immediately picked were told they didn’t need to audition again. They were going straight to Hollywood for the next round. Then came the judges’ favorites – about 50 performers – who were asked to audition again that night in front of only Piers Morgan, Howie Mandel and Sharon Osbourne, no audience. Not even Nick Cannon was allowed his comic […]Read On »


TV Review: THE NINE LIVES OF CHLOE KING – Season 1 – “All Apologies”

Skyler Samuels and Benjamin Stone in THE NINE LIVES OF CHLOE KING - Season 1 - "All Apologies" | ©2011 ABC Family/Phil Bray

Stars: Skyler Samuels, Amy Peitz, Grey Damon, Grace Phipps, Benjamin Stone, Alyssa Diaz, Ki Hong Lee Writer: Mere Smith based on the novels by Liz Braswell Director: Ron Lagomarsino Network: ABC Family, airs Tuesday nights Original Telecast: July 5, 2011 Two weeks ago, Chloe King (Skyler Samuels) fought off drug dealers. This week on THE NINE LIVES OF CHLOE KING, she fends off a violent ex-boyfriend of her clothing store boss. Next week, a bunch of goons looking to extort local business owners shows up and Chloe has to get her claws ready to pounce. Okay, so the last part […]Read On »


TV Review: TEEN WOLF – Season 1 – “Heart Monitor”

Tyler Posey and Tyler Hoechlin in TEEN WOLF - Season 1 - "Heart Monitor" | ©2011 MTV

Stars: Tyler Posey, Crystal Reed, Dylan O’Brien, Tyler Hoechlin, Holland Roden, Colton Haynes, Linden Ashby, JR Bourne Writer: Daniel Sinclair Director: Toby Wilkins Network: MTV, airs Monday nights Original Telecast: July 4, 2011 It’s clear that “Heart Monitor”, the latest episode of MTV’s great new genre series TEEN WOLF is just the set-up for some major badass-ness going into next week. And it’s about time. With the full moon on the horizon, and the Alpha Wolf wanting Scott (Tyler Posey) to become part of his pack, time is of essence for Scott to understand and control being a werewolf. On […]Read On »

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