Joss Whedon

Olivia Williams takes MANHATTAN – Exclusive Interview

Olivia Williams in MANHATTAN - Season 1 | ©2014 WGN

WGN America’s new series MANHATTAN, airing Sunday nights, is a dramatized look at the then-ultra-secret World War II-era Manhattan Project. The United States hid away a group of scientists and their families in Los Alamos, New Mexico, so that the atomic bomb could be developed without prying eyes. Olivia Williams plays Liza Winter, another scientist who finds herself professionally ignored while her husband Frank, portrayed by John Benjamin Hickey, toils with the other physicists on the practical applications of nuclear fusion. Williams, a native of London, England, is no stranger to historical stories or characters with big secrets. Regarding the […]Read On »


Exclusive Interview: FINDING CARTER star Alexis Denisof on MTV’s new drama series

Alexis Denisof in FINDING CARTER - Season 1 | ©2014 MTV

In MTV’s new Tuesday night drama FINDING CARTER, the Wilson family has undergone two huge jolts. One was twelve years ago, when then-three-year-old daughter Lyndon was kidnapped. The other is in the present, when Lyndon, who has reached the age of fifteen in the identity of Carter Stevens (Kathryn Prescott), is returned to her actual parents, sister and brother. Since Carter has grown up believing the woman who raised her was her real mother, it’s quite a shock to her – and having her back is a jolt to her biological kin as well. Alexis Denisof, who plays Carter/Lyndon’s father […]Read On »


Exclusive Interview: Fran Kranz on THE LORD OF CATAN – PART 1

Fran Kranz in THE LORD OF CATAN | ©2014 Stuart C. Paul

It isn’t that actor Fran Kranz only works with people he’s met on the projects he’s acted in for Joss Whedon – the TV series DOLLHOUSE and the films CABIN IN THE WOODS and MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING. In the past year, Kranz has had a recurring role on DALLAS and made several features (more about them later) that have nothing to do with those connections. Then again, he does often work with his fellow DOLLHOUSE alumni. One case in point is the short film THE LORD OF CATAN, which has its Los Angeles public premiere Saturday, May 31 at […]Read On »


Exclusive Interview: J. August Richards on MARVEL’S AGENTS OF SHIELD season finale and more – Part 2

Brett Dalton and J. August Richards in MARVEL'S AGENTS OF SHIELD - Season 1 - "The Bridge" | © 2014 ABC/Kelsey McNeal

In Part 2 of Assignment X’s exclusive interview with J. August Richards, the actor talks more about his work on MARVEL’S AGENTS OF SHIELD (ABC, Tuesdays at 8 PM) as the character Mike Peterson/Deathlok, plus his writing/directing project THE HYPNOTIST. ASSIGNMENT X: When you were on ANGEL, the producers were worried about spoilers, but it seems you’ve achieved a whole new level of security clearance working for Marvel. What is it like dealing with that kind of secrecy? J. AUGUST RICHARDS: Having to deal with Marvel security has introduced a phrase into my vocabulary that I now overuse. For example, […]Read On »


Exclusive Interview: J. August Richards on MARVEL’S AGENTS OF SHIELD – Part 1

J. August Richards in MARVEL'S AGENTS OF SHIELD - Season 1 - "End of the Beginning" | © 2014 ABC/Kelsey McNeal

Viewers of ABC’s MARVEL’S AGENTS OF SHIELD, in its first season Tuesdays at 8 PM, were dealt a huge shock with the episode “Turn, Turn, Turn.” Airing just after the theatrical release of CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE WINTER SOLDIER, it dealt (like SOLDIER) with the revelation that S.H.I.E.L.D. had from its inception been infiltrated by the proto-Nazi organization HYDRA, which has now revealed itself and is wreaking havoc. This is terrible for the series regulars – team leader Agent Phil Coulson (Clark Gregg), Melinda May (Ming-Na Wen), Leo Fitz (Iain De Caestecker), Jemma Simmons (Elizabeth Henstridge) and Skye (Chloe Bennet), who’ve […]Read On »


Exclusive Interview with MARVEL’S AGENTS OF SHIELD star Elizabeth Henstridge

Elizabeth Henstridge as Simmons in MARVELS AGENTS OF SHIELD | © 2014 ABC/Justin Lubin

In MARVEL’S AGENTS OF SHIELD, on ABC Tuesdays at 8 PM, Elizabeth Henstridge plays brilliant bio-scientist Jemma Simmons, who works so closely with fellow scientist and technological whiz Leo Fitz (Iain De Caestecker) that they’re often jointly referred to as “FitzSimmons.” While everyone has had big moments on the show created by Joss Whedon & Jed Whedon & Maurissa Tancharoen, so far the episode “F.Z.Z.T.” has provided the most drama for Henstridge’s Simmons. Infected with a lethal alien virus, Simmons jumps off the team’s plane while it’s in flight, preferring to die alone than risk her comrades becoming ill and/or […]Read On »


Exclusive Interview: Clark Gregg on AGENTS OF SHIELD and AVENGERS 2

Clark Gregg in MARVEL'S AGENTS OF SHIELD | ©2013 ABC/Bob D'Amico

Clark Gregg’s character S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Phil Coulson was first introduced to audiences in the original IRON MAN film. Coulson has subsequently helped superheroes and director Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) in IRON MAN 2, THOR and in the animated ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN series. Coulson was tragically killed by Loki (Tom Hiddleston) in writer/director Joss Whedon’s THE AVENGERS, but he’s back as the team leader on ABC’s AGENTS OF SHIELD, Tuesdays at 8 PM. As viewers of the TV show, created by Joss Whedon, Jed Whedon and Maurissa Tancharoen, learned in the episode “The Magical Place,” Coulson’s resurrection was agonizing, with consequences […]Read On »


Interview: The scoop on GRIMM Season 3 from co-creators David Greenwalt and Jim Kouf – Part 1

GRIMM Season 3 key art | ©2013 NBC

In Season 3 of GRIMM, NBC on Fridays at 9 PM, quite a lot is going on with all the characters. Our hero, Portland, Oregon police detective Nick Burkhardt (David Giuntoli) is a Grimm who can recognize and, when need be, fight Wesen, supernatural beings who conceal their true identities behind a human appearance. Nick started the season as a zombie and killed a man in a bar fight before being restored to normal. Nick’s girlfriend Juliette (Bitsie Tulloch) and his police partner Hank (Russell Hornsby) now know Nick is a Grimm. Nick’s wolflike Wesen friend Monroe (Silas Weir Mitchell) […]Read On »


Exclusive Interview: Chloe Bennet hacks into MARVEL’S AGENTS OF SHIELD

Chloe Bennet in MARVEL'S AGENTS OF SHIELD - Season 1 | ©2013 ABC/Bob D'Amico

On MARVEL’S AGENTS OF SHIELD, ABC Tuesdays at 8 PM, the team members working under Agent Phil Coulson (Clark Gregg) are still getting used to each other. The newest recruit is brilliant, rebellious young computer hacker Skye, played by Chloe Bennet. Bennet is herself somewhat new to film and television work. Previously, she had an arc on NASHVILLE last season and appeared in the telefilm INTERCEPT. Before that, the Chicago native had a singing career, including the pop single “Uh Oh,” released simultaneously in English and Mandarin editions. At a party thrown by ABC for the Television Critics Association, Bennet […]Read On »


Exclusive Interview: MARVEL’S AGENTS OF SHIELD producers Jeffrey Bell and Jeph Loeb speak

Clark Gregg as Agent Coulson in AGENTS OF SHIELD | (c) 2013 ABC/Justin Lubin

MARVEL’S AGENTS OF SHIELD, ABC Tuesday nights at 8 PM, deals with the team of non-superpowered folks who assist, investigate and otherwise deal with things pertaining to superheroes in the universe of THE AVENGERS. The series, created by Joss Whedon, Jed Whedon and Maurissa Tancharoen, brings back Agent Phil Coulson (Clark Gregg), somehow resurrected – we don’t know quite how yet, but it’s clear Coulson himself has been misled – after his death in AVENGERS as the team leader. Melinda May (Ming-Na Wen) is the most experienced agent after Coulson, Ward (Brett Dalton) is muscle, Fitz (Iain De Caestecker) and […]Read On »

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