
THE GOOD FIGHT: Actor Michael Sheen on THE GOOD WIFE spin-off and GOOD OMENS – Interview

Michael Sheen as Roland Blum in THE GOOD FIGHT - Season 1 | ©2018 CBS Interactive, Inc. All Rights Reserved/Justin Stephens

Actor Michael Sheen is having a GOOD time right now. On CBS All-Access, Sheen joins the cast of the legal drama THE GOOD FIGHT as the (figuratively) devilish lawyer Roland Blum; on Amazon, Sheen stars as the (literally) angelic Aziraphale opposite David Tennant in the six-part adaptation of Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett’s celestial doomsday comedy GOOD OMENS. Sheen, originally from Wales, has a wide-ranging career. He made his Broadway debut in the title role of AMADEUS. Onscreen, Sheen has portrayed real-life figures British Prime Minister Tony Blair (in THE DEAL, THE QUEEN, and THE SPECIAL RELATIONSHIP), sex researcher Bill […]Read On »


WHEDONCON 2019 convention preview plus tales from the 2018 WhedonCon

WHEDONCON 2019 | ©2019 WhedonCon 2019

WhedonCon 2019, celebrating all of the works of Joss Whedon while raising funds for charity, is coming up this weekend, June 7-9, at the LAX Hilton Hotel. Guests include Julie Benz (Darla on BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER and ANGEL, as well as Rita on DEXTER), Summer Glau (River Tam on FIREFLY and SERENITY, the ballerina in ANGEL, Bennet Halverson in DOLLHOUSE), comic book artist Georges Jeanty, Dagney Kerr (Kathy on BUFFY), Juliet Landau (Drusilla on BUFFY and ANGEL), Miracle Laurie (Mellie on DOLLHOUSE), James C. Leary (Clem on BUFFY), Julia Lee (Sister Sunshine/Chantarelle/Anne on BUFFY and ANGEL), James Marsters (Spike […]Read On »


Movie Review: TOLKIEN

TOLKIEN movie poster | ©2019 Fox Searchlight

Rating: PG-13 Stars: Nicholas Hoult, Lily Collins, Harry Gilby, Craig Roberts, Patrick Gibson, Anthony Boyle, Tom Glynn-Carney, Adam Bregman, Albie Marber, Ty Tennant, Colm Meaney, Derek Jacobi, Laura Donnelly Writers: David Gleeson and Stephen Beresford Director: Dome Karukoski Distributor: Fox Searchlight Release Date: May 10, 2019 On a number of occasions in TOLKIEN, characters get excited about words. Not words put together into stories or poems (although there’s enthusiasm for that as well), but how sounds fit together, and where they came from, and how they might be put together into new languages. These are conversations that a lot of […]Read On »


Movie Review: AVENGERS: ENDGAME (Spoiler Free review)

AVENGERS: ENDGAME poster | ©2019 Marvel Studios

Rating: PG-13 Stars: Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, Brie Larson, Scarlett Johansson, Mark Ruffalo, Jeremy Renner, Don Cheadle, Karen Gillan, Josh Brolin, Paul Rudd Writers: Christopher Markus & Stephen McFeely, based on characters created by Stan Lee & Jack Kirby and Jim Starlin Directors: Anthony Russo & Joe Russo Distributor: Walt Disney Pictures Release Date: April 26, 2019 AVENGERS: ENDGAME raises several profound questions. These questions touch only tangentially on anything to do with life, death, love, friendship, sacrifice, purpose, power, and time, although all of these issues are raised and explored during the film’s three-hour running time. […]Read On »


SUPERSTORE: Nico Santos on Season 4 of the NBC comedy – Interview

Nico Santos as Mateo in SUPERSTORE - Season 4 |©2019 NBCUniversal/Justine Lubin

NBC’s half-hour comedy SUPERSTORE, now in its fourth season on Thursday nights, follows the employees of the big-box retailer Cloud 9. Nico Santos plays Mateo Fernando Aquino Liwanag, a sales associate who is gay and Filipino. SUPERSTORE’s portrayal of the character and other LGBTQ people has earned the series a GLAAD Media Award nomination for Comedy Series. Santos, who was born in Manila, came to big-screen attention last year as Oliver T’sien in the hit romantic comedy CRAZY RICH ASIANS. He says that when he auditioned for the role of Mateo, the character was neither gay nor Filipino. ASSIGNMENT X: […]Read On »


KILLING EVE: Fiona Shaw on Season 2 of the dark assassin thriller – Exclusive Interview

Fiona Shaw as Carolyn Martens in KILLING EVE - Season 2 |©2019 BBCAmerica/ Parisa Taghizadeh

KILLING EVE begins its second season Sunday, April 7, on both BBC America, where it first aired in the U.S., and AMC. Phoebe Waller-Bridge adapted Villanelle novels by Luke Jennings for television. KILLING EVE received a Television Critics Association Award for Outstanding New Program. Sandra Oh won a Golden Globe Award for her portrayal of harried, determined MI-6 agent Eve Polastri; Jodie Comer plays Villanelle, a young assassin who engages in a mutual fascination with her pursuer. Fiona Shaw portrays Eve’s boss, the mysterious, hard to startle Carolyn Martens. Shaw, who works in all mediums – she was a Tony […]Read On »



ALIEN 40TH ANNIVERSARY SHORTS | ©2019 20th Century Fox

Rating: Unrated Stars: James Paxton Writers: Noah Miller, Chris Reading, Aidan Brezonick, Kailey Spear, Sam Spear Directors: Aidan Brezonick, Benjamin Howdeshell, Noah Miller, Chris Reading, Kailey Spear, Sam Spear, Kelsey Taylor Distributor: 20th Century Fox Release Date: streaming, March 29, 2019; home video (with ALIEN 40th ANNIVERSARY release), April 23, 2019 The landmark science-fiction/horror film ALIEN is turning forty this year. Directed by Ridley Scott and scripted by Dan O’Bannon from a story he wrote with Ron Shusett, ALIEN introduced us to the working-class crew of the spaceship Nostromo, doing the futuristic equivalent of laboring on a cargo ship. A […]Read On »


FLACK: Anna Paquin chats about her acting and producing on her new dark comedy series – Exclusive Interview

Anna Paquin in FLACK - Season 1 | ©2018 Pop TV

In FLACK, on Pop TV Thursday nights, Anna Paquin stars as Robyn. Robyn is an American publicist who has moved to London with her sister. Robyn is much better at handling her clients’ crises than her own life. Paquin, on the other hand, seems to excel in both work and life. She is also an executive producer on FLACK through CASM Films, the company she is partnered in with her husband Stephen Moyer, as well as Cerise Hallam Larkin and Mark Larkin. Born in Canada and raised in New Zealand, Paquin became a Supporting Actress Oscar winner at the ripe […]Read On »


MIRACLE WORKERS: Daniel Radcliffe and Geraldine Viswanathan chat about new heavenly comedy – Interview

Geraldine Viswanathan and Daniel Radcliffe in MIRACLE WORKERS - Season 1 - "13 Days"| ©2019 TBS/Curtis Baker

In MIRACLE WORKERS, Tuesdays on TBS, Daniel Radcliffe and Geraldine Viswanathan star as angels Craig and Eliza. Craig and Eliza have two weeks to persuade a depressed God, played by Steve Buscemi, not to destroy the Earth. Radcliffe, who is also one of MIRACLE WORKERS’ executive producers, is known for starring as the title character in the HARRY POTTER franchise. Since then, the English actor has done a wide range of projects, including starring in several Broadway plays, and starred in the films THE WOMAN IN BLACK, KILL YOUR DARLINGS (as real-life poet Allen Ginsberg), HORNS, WHAT IF, SWISS ARMY […]Read On »



Pat Vegas and members of the Native American rock group are featured in RUMBLE | Photo Credit: Joseph Dominguez

In part two of our exclusive interview with Stevie Salas and the Black Eyed Peas’ Taboo, both discuss what they learned during their work on the documentary RUMBLE: THE INDIANS WHO ROCKED THE WORLD, making its PBS debut Monday, January 21. ASSIGNMENT X: Has anything you’ve learned in the course of making this film affected your own music, the way you make music, your attitude toward your music, what you want to do with the music? TABOO: It has. It inspired me to be, I say, like the P. Diddy of Native artists. Because I have such a huge platform, […]Read On »

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