

POP SHOW PODCAST | © 2016 AssignmentX

Welcome to another edition of the POP SHOW PODCAST starring Anthony C. Ferrante. This week chat about a whole host of topics such the Pokemon Go craze, GHOSTBUSTERS movie, Donald Trump, Scott Baio and the Republican National Convention and of course Anthony’s upcoming SyFy movie SHARKNADO: THE FOURTH AWAKENS, which debuts on July 31. This week Anthony (@acferrante) is joined by Ryan Mitchelle, Chris Smith (@JettJergens) and myself (@PeterBrownAX), although I’m late because of a near drug overdose or something. At least that’s what I’m saying so deal with it. So sit back and have a listen to the fun. Listen and Subscribe […]Read On »


DORKING OUT SHOW – Episode 3: The Captain Kirk vs. Jesus Christ Edition

Dorking Out Show | © 2016 Chris Smith/Sonia Mansfield

Hey there, dorks! Welcome to episode 3 of “Dorking Out With Chris and Sonia,” a podcast for people who like to dork out about stories and the stories in pop culture that we love – including movies and TV, books and podcasts and pretty much everything else. This week we are talking about the state of prestige TV plus a review of HBO’s “The Night Of.” In our returning segment, “You’re Dead To Me,” Chris directs his rage at 1997’s “Batman & Robin.” Plus, we want to know why filmmakers and film studios feel the need to spoil their own movies with trailers that reveal […]Read On »


POP SHOW PODCAST – Episode 26: Interview with SHARKNADO 4 star Caroline Williams

POP SHOW PODCAST | © 2016 AssignmentX

Welcome back to the POP SHOW PODCAST starring Anthony C. Ferrante. This week we are joined by Caroline Williams star of THE TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE 2 and who makes a cameo appearance in the upcoming SyFy movie SHARKNADO: THE FOURTH AWAKENS, debuting on July 31. Not only do we get great insight into CHAINSAW but we also get a behind-the-scenes perspective on SHARKNADO 4 as well as the lingering impact of CHAINSAW 2 on horror films. Eventually we also get around to chatting about the initial reviews of the new GHOSTBUSTERS movie, a gay Sulu in STAR TREK: BEYOND and […]Read On »


DORKING OUT SHOW – Episode 2: The ‘America Fock Yeah’ Edition

Dorking Out Show | © 2016 Chris Smith/Sonia Mansfield

Hey there, dorks. Welcome to episode 2 of Dorking Out With Chris and Sonia. This week, inspired by the Fourth of July, we share their favorite movies about America. We don’t want to spoil the podcast by revealing our picks here, buuuuut … “Independence Day” is not on the list. Plus, in honor of director Steven Spielberg’s new movie, “The BFG,” we share our favorite and least favorite Spielberg movies. Chris also has a short review “The BFG.” We introduce our new segment, “You’re Dead To Me,” in which we talk about a movie, TV show, book or anything else that we really hate. This […]Read On »


Composer Nathan Whitehead continues to take THE PURGE in ELECTION YEAR – Interview

THE PURGE ELECTION YEAR soundtrack | ©2016 Back Lot Music

The past few years have been a field day for dark, rhythm-driven suspense scores. But when many of these pulsating killing fields have a tendency to merge into one big murder dome, how does one keep the mayhem playing with a sense of fresh musical blood? Just ask Nathan Whitehead, a composer who’s consistently been playing his brutally cool way of surviving one Purge after the other with his action-horror identity intact. In creating what’s easily the most interesting Blumhouse franchise (or at least until they turn WHIPLASH into one), director-writer James DeMonaco took the idea of Classic Trek’s “Red Hour” […]Read On »


DORKING OUT SHOW – Episode 1: The ‘Boom Goes The Wildfire’ Edition

Dorking Out Show | © 2016 Chris Smith/Sonia Mansfield

Welcome to the first episode of the DORKING OUT SHOW! This is the new podcast starring Chris Smith and Sonia Mansfield where two dorks talk in-depth about all things in entertainment. We have a lot to unpack with this epic conclusion of the sixth season, so to help us out we bought in some super “Game Of Throne” dorks, including Harrison L. Smith and Peter Brown, associate editor of Assignment X. We talk about what we think about this explosive episode, plus some fun fan theories and what we think will happen in the final two seasons. In a world […]Read On »


Robert McDowell and Andy Hull vocally unleash the SWISS ARMY MAN – Interview

SWISS ARMY MAN soundtrack | ©2016 Lakeshore Records

When you’re marooned on an ocean-lost island, many things come to mind in the madness of utter isolation. For the increasingly suicidal Hank (Paul Dano), it’s the Greek chorus (by way of Polynesian chant) of American composers Andy Hull and Robert McDowell. Their harmonies are full of tuneful lament and poetic irony, vocalese that turns to self-accusing song, all telling Hank to take The Big Dive. But just before he steps over the edge, Hank’s isolation is interrupted by the appearance of the very Manny (Daniel Radcliffe), whose very dead condition doesn’t mean that this can’t become the beginning of […]Read On »


Highlights from the 2016 LA FILM FESTIVAL

1) The new venue. Once upon a time the LAFF was in Hollywood. The it was in Westwood next to the UCLA campus. Then it was in the LA LIVE center downtown. All three areas managed to dwarf what was going on around it. In Hollywood it didn’t stick out enough from usual Hollywood goings on. At UCLA film goers were over run by campus dwellers (even though it was during Summer break). At LA LIVE it looked like it had been dropped into some Blade Runner-esque hybrid of LA and Tokyo with some sports championship or pop concert running […]Read On »


THE CONJURING 2: Screenwriter Carey W. Hayes talks new sequel – Exclusive Interview

THE CONJURING 2 movie poster | ©2016 Warner Bros./New Line Cinema

The 2013 horror film THE CONJURING was an account of married paranormal investigators Ed and Lorraine Warren, played respectively by Patrick Wilson and Vera Farmiga, looking into a case of demonic possession tormenting the Perron family. The film, directed by James Wan and written by brothers Chad and Carey W. Hayes, was based on the real-life Warrens’ and Perrons’ account of those events. The Warrens were also the first researchers on the scene in the notorious Amityville case, and they later went to England to look into what is known as the Enfield Haunting. This is the subject of THE […]Read On »



POP SHOW PODCAST | © 2016 AssignmentX

Welcome to Episode 24 of the POP SHOW PODCAST starring Anthony C. Ferrante. This week we discuss the latest comic book movie hit X-MEN: APOCALYPSE and what’s next for the franchise as well as what went wrong in this movie. We also have a lively discussion about the recent James Bond news that it will need a new director and possibly a new star. We give our take on our favorite Bonds and what we would like to see in a new Bond. We also discuss some random items such as gas station TV content and why they are even […]Read On »

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