

POP SHOW PODCAST | © 2016 AssignmentX

After a week off, the POP SHOW PODCAST starring Anthony C. Ferrante is back and so is Anthony after wrapping up his work on SHARKNADO: THE 4TH AWAKENS. Anthony was nice enough to discuss some of the behind-the-scenes of the film. We also have a review of SUPERMAN V. BATMAN: DAWN OF JUSTICE and how it polarized basically the world and if critics still matter considering its wild success at the box office. Sit back and enjoy. Listen and Subscribe to the POP SHOW PODCAST on iTunes! POP SHOW PODCAST on other podcast outlets (coming soon)! Related: POP SHOW PODCAST – Episode […]Read On »


EMPIRE: Danny Strong gives the Scoop on Season 2 – exclusive interview

Terrence Howard stars in the Fox drama EMPIRE | © 2016 Chuck Hodes/FOX

At Fox Network’s party for the Television Critics Association, Danny Strong is mulling over the dessert options. Strong is at a place in his life where most of the choices are sweet. The California native co-created Fox’s epic musical drama hit EMPIRE. Strong got an Emmy nomination for his first produced script, HBO’s RECOUNT, about the 2000 U.S. presidential election, and won an Emmy for his second, HBO’s GAME CHANGE, which starred Julianne Moore as Sarah Palin. Strong wrote LEE DANIELS’ THE BUTLER, about the intersection of civil rights and the U.S. presidency, which Daniels directed. That collaboration led to […]Read On »


THE PEOPLE V. O.J. SIMPSON: Sarah Paulson on playing Marcia Clark – exclusive interview

Sarah Paulson as Marcia Clark in THE PEOPLE V. O.J. SIMPSON | © 2016 Fx

In FX Network’s THE PEOPLE V. O.J. SIMPSON: AMERICAN CRIME STORY, Sarah Paulson plays prosecutor Marcia Clark, who is both horrified and astonished to see what seems at first to be a slam-dunk murder conviction mutate into a media circus and a referendum on gender, race and class. At more or less the same time that Paulson was working on AMERICAN CRIME STORY, she was also working on her fifth season of FX’s AMERICAN HORROR STORY – playing a different character each year, she’s gleaned three Emmy nominations for the series. Both series come from executive producer Ryan Murphy. Florida […]Read On »


BILLIONS: Toby Leonard Moore on practicing law on the Showtime series – exclusive interview

Toby Leonard Moore as Bryan Connerty in BILLIONS | © 2016 Showtime

In Showtime Network’s BILLIONS, now on Sunday nights at 10 PM in its first season and renewed for a second, it’s the Wild East of Wall Street vs. the law. Self-made billionaire Bobby Axelrod, played by Damian Lewis, is in the crosshairs of U.S. Attorney Chuck Rhoades (Paul Giamatti). Everyone’s lives are greatly complicated by the fact that Chuck’s wife Wendy (Maggie Siff) happens to be the chief psychological advisor at Bobby’s firm. Good thing for Chuck that his right-hand man is the diligent Bryan Connerty, played by Toby Leonard Moore. Moore, an Australian who often plays Americans, can currently […]Read On »


SUPERGIRL: David Harewood on playing a Martian superhero – exclusive interview

David Harewood stars as Hank Henshaw/J'onn J'onzz in SUPERGIRL | © 2016 Matthias Clamer/Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc

In SUPERGIRL, on CBS Mondays at 8 PM, our heroine in her alter ego of newspaper executive assistant Kara Danvers, played by Melissa Benoist, works in a pretty swanky-looking high-rise. However, Kara’s adoptive sister Alex Danvers, played by Chyler Leigh, has a much cooler workplace, the literally underground headquarters of the Department of Extranormal Operations, aka D.E.O. When CBS allows the Television Critics Association press tour to visit the SUPERGIRL sets, the huge soundstage, with faux cave walls and intricate technology stations, is thrilling to see. It may be make-believe, but it still looks pretty impressive. In the SUPERGIRL universe, […]Read On »



THE LEGEND OF TARZAN | © 2016 Warner Bros.

It’s springtime, so you know what that means, right? It’s time for summer blockbuster trailers. I’ve got a couple of the big summer movie trailers below, plus an actual spring release. Madness I tell ya. The big movie this weekend is BATMAN V SUPERMAN: DAWN OF JUSTICE. I wonder who will win. Probably Wonder Woman. I’m super curious to see what trailers they show before BATMAN V SUPERMAN starts. If you see it this weekend, let me know what trailers you saw in the comments. In the meantime, let’s review some movie trailers. BEN-HUR (August 12) Remember GLADIATOR? This remake […]Read On »


POP SHOW PODCAST – Episode 16: Indiana Jones 5 breakdown

POP SHOW PODCAST | © 2016 AssignmentX

The POP SHOW PODCAST with Anthony C. Ferrante is back. Unfortunately, Anthony is not back because he is still off shooting SHARKNADO 4. So once again it is Sonia Mansfield (@TheSoniaShow), Chris Smith (@JettJergens), Ryan Mitchelle and myself (@PeterBrownAX) that man the store again to talk all about the issues in pop culture on the entertainment front. This week we breakdown the news of a new INDIANA JONES 5 movie coming starring Harrison Ford and directed by Steven Spielberg. We also discuss if franchises, such as INDIANA JONES (among others including THE X-FILES, Middle Earth, STAR WARS, STAR TREK), should be […]Read On »



POP SHOW PODCAST | © 2016 AssignmentX

Welcome again to another edition of the POP SHOW PODCAST starring Anthony C. Ferrante, once again missing Anthony C. Ferrante because he’s off shooting something that has to do with sharks and tornadoes. A likely story. Apparently it’s something called SHARKNADO 4. Whatever. So instead we have Sonia Mansfield (@TheSoniaShow), Chris Smith (@JettJergens), Ryan Mitchelle and myself (@peterbrownAX) discussing the pop culture events of the week including the latest CAPTAIN AMERICA CIVIL WAR, the rumors of a LEGEND OF ZELDA Netflix television series, the latest rumors regarding a whopping number of STAR WARS movies and our comments on THE PEOPLE […]Read On »


RAMS: Icelander Atli Örvarsson shepherds the score – Interview

RAMS soundtrack | ©2016 Lakeshore Records

There’s a muscular, solitary spirit that hails from The Great White Nord, as well as a natural eccentricity. Perhaps that might explain the individualistic, off-kilter spirit running through even the most bombastic multiplex movies that Icelander Atli Örvarsson has scored in Hollywood. Drawn to Hans Zimmer’s orbit like so many talented western European composers (if geographically located on a mostly frozen volcanic land mass), Örvarsson rose through such American TV shows as DRAGNET and LAW AND ORDER: CRIMINAL INTENT to impress with his surreal film scores for BABYLON A.D. and THE FOURTH KIND. With Viking blood no doubt in his […]Read On »


THE WITCH: Mark Korven is in a musical thrall – Exclusive Interview

THE WITCH | ©2016 A24 Films

There are horror films and scores that do a good job of scaring you, and then there are others like THE EXORCIST, THE SHINING and A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET that truly hit a nerve by making one feel that they’ve taken part in something unholy – or at least that’s if you believe The Satanic Temple’s big thumbs up that THE WITCH is a “transformative Satanic experience.” Whether one feels encouraged to strip naked in the woods and call upon the powers of darkness remains to be seen after a viewing of THE WITCH But one thing that that […]Read On »

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