
SCORPION Executive Producer Roberto Orci talks Tech – Exclusive Interview

Robert Patrick as Cabe Gallo, Jadyn Wong as Happy Quinn,Eddie Kaye Thomas as Toby Curtis, Elyes Gabel as Walter O'Brien, Ari Stidham as Sylvester Dodd, Katharine McPhee as Paige Dineen in SCORPION - Season 1 | ©2014 CBS/Robert Voets

SCORPION, on CBS Mondays at 9 PM, is a fictionalized version of the life and career of the real Walter O’Brien, a consultant who works with the FBI and, according to IQ tests, is one of the five most intelligent living people on the planet at present. In SCORPION, we first meet Walter at age twelve when he’s living in Ireland with his parents. Walter is arrested by the FBI for hacking into NASA’s computers – but they let him go when they find out that he’s telling the truth about just wanting to get the blueprints for the space […]Read On »


2014 Toronto International Film Festival Wrap Up: Part 1 – The Hot List

TIFF 2014 logo

The 2014 edition of the Toronto International Film Festival will go down in history as the year of the actor. With the absence of breakout films like last years mighty duo, GRAVITY and 12 YEARS A SLAVE, critics and audiences dug deeper and ended up focusing on the actors. And I mean the actors, much more so than the usual festival stars, the directors. Several mainstream actors in search of a makeover of sorts, including Richard Gere, Reese Witherspoon, Jennifer Aniston, Chris Evans and Bill Murray appeared in smaller, grittier, character driven fare. The results were decidedly mixed. As in […]Read On »


EXTANT actor Eme Ikwaukor goes on the run – Exclusive Interview

Eme Ikwuakor in EXTANT - Season 1 | ©2014 CBS

In EXTANT, CBS Wednesday nights at 10, Halle Berry stars as astronaut Molly Woods. Molly is astonished to discover that she has somehow become pregnant during a thirteen-month solo space expedition. When her child is born relatively soon after she returns to Earth, Molly and her family flee, with many interested parties in pursuit. Eme Ikwaukor (pronounced Ik-walker) plays the commander of a Black Ops unit sent to track down Molly and her baby. It’s a good year for Ikwaukor – he also scored guest roles on CASTLE and HAIWAII FIVE-0 and is in two upcoming feature films, MY FAVORITE […]Read On »


Exclusive Interview: STARRED UP director David MacKenzie puts himself in the slammer

STARRED UP | ©2014 Tribeca Films

As one of England’s most interesting and diverse filmmakers, Scottish director David MacKenzie has dealt with a eyes-ear-touch-taste end of the world for PERFECT SENSE, turned up the erotic heat inside an ASYLYUM and crashed a rock concert for TONIGHT YOU’RE MINE. But if there’s a particular talent that McKenzie’s eclectic filmmaking vision has, then it’s in detailing a disaffected generation, from a layabout framing a man for murder in YOUNG ADAM, a teen out to avenge his mother’s suicide in MISTER FOE and a Hollywood gigolo aimlessly shooting the breeze in SPREAD. But MacKenzie’s gallery of sometimes angry young […]Read On »


THE CONGRESS composer Max Richter waltzes once again – Interview

THE CONGRESS soundtrack | ©2014 Milan Records

In the world of modern classical-cum-film composers, few musicians are doing more to stretch sonic boundaries than the German-born, London-located musician named Max Richter. Making his way from stage to ballet and concert hall ensembles, Richter’s early work impressed as it often combining beautifully solemn string melodies with an alt. electronic attitude. Concept albums like “Memoryhouse” and “The Blue Notebooks” sung with Richter’s unique admiration for such composers as Philip Glass and John Adams, not to recently mention his wittily hip deconstruction of Vivaldi for “The Four Seasons.” It was this mesmerizing sound that mixed aching melodies with a hip […]Read On »


Robert Hays flies again in SHARKNADO 2: THE SECOND ONE – Exclusive Interview

Ian Ziering as Fin Shepard in SHARKNADO 2: THE SECOND ONE | © 2014 Will Hart/NBC

Actor Robert Hays has a huge amount of film and television credits, including the title role as an alien with a half-human son in the TV series version of STARMAN. However, it’s likely that the Maryland native will always be best-known and loved for his role as disaster-plagued Captain Ted Stryker in the comedy classic film AIRPLANE! and AIRPLANE II: THE SEQUEL. Hays has once again taken to the unfriendly skies as an airplane captain, this one named Bob Wilson, in Syfy’s monster hit SHARKNADO 2: THE SECOND ONE. For those who still don’t know, like last year’s SHARKNADO, the […]Read On »


LEGENDS star Morris Chestnut talks the new thriller series – Exclusive

Morris Chestnut co-stars on LEGENDS | © 2014 TNT

In TNT’s new series LEGENDS, Wednesdays at 9 PM, Sean Bean stars as Martin Odum, an FBI agent whose long-term deep-cover assignments call for complex false identities known as “legends.” Morris Chestnut costars as FBI agent Tony Rice, who is with the division of transportation security. Due to some security camera footage, and because the higher-ups don’t want to “out” Martin, Tony believes Martin may have stabbed a man to death on a train platform and breaks the rules to investigate the truth. Chestnut’s most recent feature film outing, 2013’s THE BEST MAN HOLIDAY, saw the Southern California-born actor reprising […]Read On »


Interview: Robert Rodriguez on El Rey and THE DIRECTOR’S CHAIR

Robert Rodriguez and Guillermo del Toro in The Director's Chair | © 2014 El Rey

Plenty of creative people have their own production companies. Filmmaker Robert Rodriguez, of EL MARIACHI, FROM DUSK TILL DAWN, DESPERADO, GRINDHOUSE, SIN CITY, MACHETE, the SPY KIDS films and more, has been one of the stars of American independent cinema for decades. Rodriguez already has his own Troublemaker Studios in Austin, Texas. Now Rodriguez has branched out to having his own cable television network, El Rey. El Rey continues to showcase the kinds of movies and TV shows Rodriguez loves – martial arts films, action flicks, reruns of the original STARSKY AND HUTCH and DARK ANGEL – but it also […]Read On »


Composer Brian Tyler gets busy with scoring TEENAGE MUTANTS NINJA TURTLES, EXPENDABLES 3 and INTO THE STORM – Interview

TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES soundtrack | ©2014 Atlantic Records

When it comes to musical testosterone, Brian Tyler’s work is the equivalent of a soundtrack Stairmaster playing at top speed. Whether he’s scoring Viking gods, international speed racers or not-so over-the-hill brothers in arms, Tyler’s dynamically percussive rhythms blast multiplex speakers with maximum impact, his mighty cues throttling from one explosive crescendo to the next. But while Tyler’s action-centric scores are all about energetic attitude, he rocks out in a way that shows his old-school understanding for the importance of themes, let alone melody. It’s exactly this dynamic way of incorporating an orchestra with cutting-edge chords that’s made Tyler into […]Read On »


THE ALMIGHTY JOHNSONS star Emmett Skilton is Godly – Exclusive

Emmett Skilton in THE ALMIGHTY JOHNSONS - Season 1 | © 2014 ALL3MEDIA & South Pacific Pictures

THE ALMIGHTY JOHNSONS has already shot and aired three seasons in New Zealand, but its first season just started airing on Syfy Channel in July, Fridays at 10 PM. In the series, contemporary New Zealand native Axl Johnson finds out on his twenty-first birthday that he’s actually the incarnation of Odin, king of the Norse gods. More, Axl’s three brothers are also incarnations of Norse gods. Their powers aren’t all that powerful yet, but they will be if Axl can complete a quest. If he doesn’t complete it, they all die and possibly the world will come to an end. […]Read On »

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