
Interview with GROWING UP FISHER narrator Jason Bateman

Jenna Elfman stars as Joyce on GROWING UP FISHER | © 2014 Colleen Hayes/NBC

It’s a busy time for Jason Bateman. GROWING UP FISHER, the half-hour NBC comedy he executive produces and narrates, is in its third week on Tuesdays at 9:30 PM, and his feature directorial debut, BAD WORDS, which Bateman also stars in and produces, opens this Friday, March 14. In GROWING UP FISHER, young Henry (Eli Baker) is dealing with the friendly divorce of his parents, Mel (J.K. Simmons) and Joyce (Jenna Elfman). Bateman voices the older Henry, looking back at a time in his life complicated not so much by the parental split as by his father’s blindness, which is […]Read On »


TV Review: BEING HUMAN – Season 4 – “Too Far, Fast Forward!”

Sam Huntington as Josh Levison on BEING HUMAN "Too Far, Fast Forward!" | © 2014 Philippe Bosse/Syfy

Stars: Sam Witwer, Meaghan Rath, Sam Huntington, Kristen Hager, Mark Pellegrino, Amy Aquino, Vincent Leclerc, Andreas Apergis Writer: Casey Fisher, adapted for U.S. television by Jeremy Carver & Anna Fricke, created for U.K. television by Toby Whithouse Director: Stefan Pleszcyznski Network: Syfy, Mondays @ 9 PM Airdate: March 10, 2014 Happily, BEING HUMAN doesn’t decide to permanently warp the timeline. Given that we’ve spent three-and-a-half seasons investing in the one already provided, dumping it now would be a cheat of huge proportions. In “Too Far, Fast Forward!” things get set right – though it’s not clear exactly how – and […]Read On »


Exclusive Interview with THE FOLLOWING’s Sam Underwood on a killer Season 2

Mark (Sam Underwood) commits a crime on THE FOLLOWING on Fox | © 2014 Giovanni Rufino/FOX

Sam Underwood seems like decent, level-headed fellow in person. However, the English actor has played a number of highly disturbed Americans. There was Dexter’s would-be apprentice Zach in the final season of DEXTER and Dana Brody’s unstable boyfriend Leo on Season 3 of HOMELAND. Now, in Season 2 of THE FOLLOWING on Fox, Mondays at 9 PM, Underwood portrays twin serial killers Luke and Mark, whose mother Lily (Connie Nielsen) is even more warped than they are. At an event held by Fox for the Television Critics Association, Underwood talks about playing dangerous men. AX: Did you audition for THE […]Read On »


Exclusive Interview: Rachel Boston on A RING BY SPRING and Season 2 of WITCHES OF EAST END

Rachel Boston in WITCHES OF EAST END | ©2014 Lifetime

Actress Rachel Boston’s career is going through an enchanted phase right now. Not only does the Tennessee-born actress play hereditary magic user Ingrid Beauchamp in Lifetime’s THE WITCHES OF EAST END – Season 2 is about to begin production – but she also stars in Hallmark’s A RING BY SPRING, which airs on Hallmark Channel. Boston, whose credits include AMERICAN DREAMS, THE EX LIST, (500) DAYS OF SUMMER and IN PLAIN SIGHT, is present at Hallmark’s banquet for their producers, stars and the Television Critics Association. The actress is seated at a table with her RING cast mate Stefanie Powers.Boston […]Read On »


Exclusive Interview: Actor Matt Craven feels the RESURRECTION

Matt Craven in RESURRECTION | ©2014 ABC

In ABC’s new Sunday night series RESURRECTION, adapted by show runner Aaron Zelman from Jason Mott’s novel THE RETURNED (not to be confused with the French series THE RETURNED that runs in the U.S. on Sundance), eight-year-old American Jacob Langston (Landon Gimenez) wakes up in a field in rural China. When U.S. agent J. Martin Bellamy (Omar Epps) brings Jacob back to the small Southern town the boy calls home, two startling facts emerge. One is that Jacob died thirty-two years ago and the other is that the child here now is identical in appearance, memory and DNA to the […]Read On »


TV Review: BEING HUMAN – Season 4 – “Rewind, Rewind”

Meaghan Rath as Sally Malik, Sam Witwer as Aidan Waite, Kristen Hager as Nora Sergeant in BEING HUMAN | © 2014 Pana Pantazidis/Syfy

Stars: Sam Witwer, Meaghan Rath, Sam Huntington, Kristen Hager, Vincent Leclerc, Sarah Allen, Gianpaolo Venuta, Andreas Apergis, Angela Galuppo Writer: Casey Fisher, adapted for U.S. television by Jeremy Carver & Anna Fricke, created for U.K. television by Toby Whithouse Director: Stefan Pleszcyznski Network: Syfy, Mondays @ 9 PM Airdate: March 3, 2014 You’d think with vampires, werewolves and ghosts already essential features of BEING HUMAN, adding BUTTERFLY EFFECT time travel (actually name-checked here by the characters) might be a bit much, but “Rewind, Rewind” makes it work in a way that is holds our attention. What’s interesting is not how […]Read On »


Interview with ENLISTED star Keith David on the Fox new Sitcom

Cody (Keith David) introduced guest star Mircea Monroe on ENLISTED | © 2014 Adam Taylor/FOX

Keith David is an extraordinarily prolific actor in both onscreen and animated roles, as well as having a singing and stage career. People know him variously for his work in PLATOON, REQUIEM FOR A DREAM, PITCH BLACK, CLOUD ATLAS and NBC’s series THE CAPE (to name just a few) and for his vocal performances in GARGOYLES, THE PRINCESS AND THE FROG and CORALINE. David currently stars as U.S. Army Sergeant Major Donald Cody on Fox’s Friday night half-hour comedy ENLISTED. Cody rides herd over an unruly Stateside squad that includes the three Hill brothers, Pete (Geoff Stults), Derrick (Chris Lowell) […]Read On »


Exclusive Interview with THE RED ROAD’s Tamara Tunie

Tamara Tunie stars in THE RED ROAD | © 2014 Sundance Channel

In Sundance TV’s six-hour drama series THE RED ROAD, created by Aaron Guzikowski, Tamara Tunie plays Marie, a Native American living in a smallNew Jersey town in theRamapoMountains. Marie isn’t thrilled when her grown son Phillip Kopus (Jason Momoa) comes back from prison, even before he gets tangled up in dark doings involving his old schoolmate, sheriff’s deputy Harold Jensen (Martin Henderson) and Harold’s wife Jean (Julianne Nicholson). Marie is busy raising her adopted son Junior (Kiowa Gordon) and wants to keep him away from the kind of trouble that Kopus seems to attract, but that may not be possible. […]Read On »


TV Review: BEING HUMAN – Season 4 – “Gallows Humor”

Meaghan Rath as Sally Malik on BEING HUMAN "Gallows Humor" | © 2104 Philippe Bosse/Syfy

Stars: Sam Witwer, Meaghan Rath, Sam Huntington, Kristen Hager, Amy Aquino, Connor Price, James A. Woods, Katharine Isabelle, Gianpaolo Venuta, Jesse Rath Writer: Lisa Randolph, adapted for U.S. television by Jeremy Carver & Anna Fricke, created for U.K. television by Toby Whithouse Director: Paolo Barzman Network: Syfy, Mondays @ 9 PM Airdate: February 24, 2014 BEING HUMAN is generally at its best when our main characters – vampire Aidan (Sam Witwer), ghost Sally (Meaghan Rath) and werewolves Josh (Sam Huntington) and Nora (Kristen Hager) – are all together. “Gallows Humor” separates them of necessity, as they’ve all got their own […]Read On »


Exclusive Interview with A RING BY SPRING star Stefanie Powers

Stefanie Powers stars in A RING BY SPRING | © 2014 Hallmark Channel

Hallmark Channel holds an annual dinner for its executives, creative staff, movies and series stars and invites the Television Critics Association members to attend as well. This year, it’s atPasadena’s Huntington Library, which houses classic works of painting, sculpture and science, along with a collection of rare books. Actress Stefanie Powers is one of the attending guests, having costarred in Hallmark Channel’s A RING BY SPRING, which premieres Saturday, March 9 at 7 PM. Powers, who starred opposite Robert Wagner in five seasons of the romantic detective series HART TO HART, among many other projects, is by now perhaps as […]Read On »

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