
TWO SENTENCE HORROR STORIES: Executive producer Liz Levine on Season 2 – Exclusive Interview

TWO SENTENCE HORROR STORIES - Season 2 Key Art | ©2021 The CW

TWO SENTENCE HORROR STORIES began as an online challenge. Creator Vera Miao made a digital anthology series from the concept in 2017. It was developed for television by Stage 13. The first made-for-television season premiered in the U.S. on The CW in 2019. Now, the second season of TWO SENTENCE HORROR STORIES is airing on The CW on Tuesday nights, with two separate segments airing together within an hour timeslot. Meanwhile, the writers’ room is working on Season 3. Creator Miao is still the show runner, but much of the Season 2 production team is new to TWO SENTENCE HORROR […]Read On »


ALEX RIDER: Creator and executive producer Anthony Horowitz on Season 1 – Exclusive Interview

Otto Farrant in ALEX RIDER - Season 2 | ©2020 IMDBbTV

Alex Rider is the name of the hero of writer Anthony Horowitz’s phenomenally successful YA book series, which has sold a combined total of over twenty million copies all over the world. ALEX RIDER is also the title of the new series about the character, currently streaming its first season, and renewed for a second, on Amazon and IMDBtv. Otto Farrant plays Alex, a normal London adolescent being raised by his Uncle Ian (Andrew Buchan). When Ian is murdered, Alex discovers to his shock that his relative wasn’t a banker, but rather a secret agent. The clandestine British government group […]Read On »


LUCIFER: Co-executive producer Mike Costa talks about the growth of Lucifer and Chloe in Season 5 – Exclusive Interview – Part 4

LUCIFER - Season 5 Key Art |©2020 Netflix

In the fourth and final installment of this exclusive interview with Mike Costa, co-executive producer/writer on LUCIFER, which is currently streaming on Netflix, he talks about his love of the character of LAPD detective Dan Espinosa, played by Kevin Alejandro, the growth of the characters of Lucifer (Tom Ellis) and Chloe (Lauren German), and more. AX: It seems like once a season, Dan attempts to either kill Lucifer, or get Lucifer killed, and then feels really bad about it later. Why is that? COSTA: Well, you’re talking to the right person, because of all the writers, I have always loved […]Read On »


PRODIGAL SON: Actor and director Lou Diamond Phillips on Season 2 – Exclusive Interview

Lou Diamond Phillips in PRODIGAL SON - Season 2 - "It's All in the Execution" | ©2020 Fox/Phil Caruso

PRODIGAL SON returns for the premiere of its second season on Tuesday, January 12, on Fox. The show stars Tom Payne as Malcolm Bright, who works as a consultant for a homicide department of the NYPD, headed up by Lou Diamond Phillips’s character, Lieutenant Gil Arroyo. Malcolm has unique insights into serial killers, since his incarcerated father, Dr. Martin Whitly (Michael Sheen), happens to be one. Season 1 ended with Malcolm’s sister, TV journalist Ainsley (Halston Sage), stabbing wealthy murderer Nicholas Endicott (Dermot Mulroney) to death in order to save herself and her brother. Before this happened, Gil had embarked […]Read On »


LUCIFER: Co-executive producer Mike Costa talks Lucifer and Chloe finally getting together in Season 5 – Exclusive Interview – Part 3

Tom Ellis as Lucifer in LUCIFER - Season 5 - "It Never Ends Well For the Chicken" |©2020 Netflix/John P. Fleenor

In Part 3 of this exclusive four-part interview with Mike Costa, co-executive producer/writer on LUCIFER, which is currently streaming on Netflix, he talks about having series regulars play other roles in the black-and-white Season 5 episode, the decision to finally have leads Lucifer (Tom Ellis) and Chloe Decker (Lauren German) get together romantically, and more. AX: With “It Never Ends Well for the Chicken,” the black-and-white Season 5 episode set in the ‘40s, did the story come up first, and then the writers thought, “Oh, we should do this in black-and-white,” or were you looking to do something in black-and-white […]Read On »


RETROGRADE: THE DARKNESS: Author A.O. Godmasch on her new novel – Exclusive Interview

Author A.O. (Alicia) Godmasch

RETROGRADE: THE DARKNESS is the first half of a science-fiction/fantasy/horror duology by author A.O. (Alicia) Godmasch. Set on the planet of Damara, the book pits soldiers about an interdimensional threat, the Retrograde, that comes once a decade and either kills citizens outright or drives them to homicidal madness. Originally from New Jersey and now based in Atlanta, Godmasch has worked as a producer, scriptwriter and casting director in the entertainment industry. She has her own production company, Maswell Films. RETROGRADE: THE DARKNESS is her first novel. Speaking by phone, Godmasch talks about her book, her inspiration for it, and her peripatetic background. […]Read On »


LUCIFER: Co-executive producer Mike Costa talks all things Lucifer for Season 5 – Exclusive Interview – Part 2

Tom Ellis as Lucifer in LUCIFER - Season 5 - "Our Mojo" |©2020 Netflix/John P. Fleenor

In Part 2 of this exclusive four-part interview with Mike Costa, co-executive producer/writer on LUCIFER, which is currently streaming on Netflix, he talks about LUCIFER’s identity as a series, the meta “Diablo” episode, and more.  AX: For a number of years, LUCIFER and SUPERNATURAL as shows were making jokes about each other in the episodes – the Lucifer character on SUPERNATURAL, played by Mark Pellegrino, said at one point, “What am I gonna do, go to L.A. and open a nightclub?” SUPERNATURAL for the last two seasons had God as a character, played by Rob Benedict, although their God was […]Read On »


YOUR HONOR: Michael Stuhlbarg on paying a grieving mob boss – Exclusive Interview

Michael Stuhlbarg as Jimmy Baxter in YOUR HONOR | ©2020 Showtime / Skip Bolen

YOUR HONOR is now in the midst of its ten-episode run Sunday nights on Showtime. Based on the Israeli series KVODO, and developed for U.S. television by Peter Moffat, YOUR HONOR sets up a conflict wherein New Orleans judge Michael Desiato (Bryan Cranston) is desperately trying to cover up the fact that his college-student son Adam (Hunter Doohan) was involved in a fatal hit-and run accident. Michael Stulhbarg plays Jimmy Baxter, the mob boss who is the father of Adam’s accidental victim. While another youth has been framed for the crime, Jimmy rightly suspects he doesn’t know everything about what […]Read On »


LUCIFER: Co-executive producer Mike Costa gives the scoop on Season 5 – Exclusive Interview – Part 1

LUCIFER - Season 5 Key Art |©2020 Netflix

LUCIFER concluded the first half of Season 5 with major events. Lucifer (Tom Ellis) and his destined human love Chloe Decker (Lauren German) finally got together romantically. Lucifer’s evil twin, the archangel Michael (also Ellis) maneuvered Chloe’s ex, detective Dan Espinosa (Kevin Alejandro) into finding out that Lucifer really is the Devil. Lucifer and Michael’s angel brother Amenadiel (DB Woodside) found out that the infant son he’s had with human psychotherapist Linda (Rachael Harris) is mortal. Demon bounty hunter Mazikeen (Lesley-Ann Brandt) is still furious with Lucifer for having gone to Hell without telling her, even though he’s back now. […]Read On »


BEAUS OF HOLLY: Actor Michael Copon plays bad boy beau in new ION TELEVISION holiday movie – Exclusive Interview

Michael Copon in the ION Television Holiday movie BEAUS OF HOLLY | ©2020 ION Television

In the Christmas movie BEAUS OF HOLLY, premiering tonight on Ion Television, Holly (Jennifer Freeman) has a holiday surprise for her beau Phil, played by Michael Copon. In a quaint tourist town (actually, Idaho Springs, Colorado), Holly, per what she thinks is part of their five-year plan, proposes marriage. Trouble is, Phil thought Holly was going to break up with him, and has pre-cushioned the blow by arranging to spend the weekend with his ex, Tiffany (Nikki Leigh). Will Holly leave the door open for Phil’s return, or will she fall for carriage driver Jake (Johnny Pacar)? Copon (rhymes with […]Read On »

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