
TV Review: DOCTOR WHO – Series 6 – “The Rebel Flesh”

Sarah Smart in DOCTOR WHO - Series 6 - Episode 5 | ©2011 BBC

Stars: Matt Smith, Karen Gillan, Arthur Darvill, Mark Bonnar, Marshall Lancaster, Sarah Smart, Raquel Cassidy, Leon Vickers Writer: Matthew Graham Director:  Julian Simpson Network: BBC America, airs Saturday nights Original Telecast: May 21, 2011 Cross a Second Doctor “base under siege” story with a dash of Seventh Doctor chess playing and some excellent atmospheric set and makeup design and you have the fifth episode of DOCTOR WHO’s Series 6, “The Rebel Flesh.” After a slightly creepy, slightly goofy pre-credits teaser and a wonderful opening TARDIS scene that shows the crew relaxing with music and darts, our heroes are drawn into […]Read On »


CD Review: SUPERMAN / SHAZAM! THE RETURN OF BLACK ADAM original soundtrack

SUPERMAN/SHAZAM! THE RETURN OF BLACK ADAM original soundtrack | ©2011 La La Land Records

Forget The Wonder Twins and that stupid blue monkey. DC Comics’ animation certainly isn’t kids’ stuff anymore, especially given the musical sophistication that’s put into this direct-to-video DC Showcase edition (half of whose four chapters would gleefully get a reject stamp by The Comics Code Authority). Tying the disparate sounds of its stories together are Jeremy Zuckerman and Benjamin Wynn, whose musical wonder powers ignite under the emblem of Track Team. Getting the muscle of a real orchestra through samples, and above all good writing, Zuckerman and Wynn bring superhero majesty, and mythic enchantment to the Showcase’s best entry that […]Read On »


The X List: Five Best DOCTOR WHO Stories About the TARDIS

Janet Fielding, Sarah Sutton and Peter Davison in DOCTOR WHO - Season Nineteen - "Castrovalva" | ©1982 BBC

She’s the most consistent star in the history of the series, appearing alongside her beloved Doctor even when dozens of other companions have come and gone. She’s the blue box with the infinite universe of rooms and corridors within, the last child of Gallifrey, the dimensionally transcendental Type 40 time-and-space machine known as the TARDIS – and she’s sexy too. From the SIDRATS of “The War Games” to the solo flying of the console in “Inferno” and “Day of the Daleks;” from glimpses of control rooms and wardrobes in “The Masque of Mandragora,” “The Twin Dilemma,” “Time and the Rani,” […]Read On »


First Photo from THE DARK KNIGHT RISES of Tom Hardy as Bane

Tom Hardy as Bane in THE DARK KNIGHT RISES | ©2011 Warner Bros.

THE DARK KNIGHT RISES, the conclusion of  the Christopher Nolan directed BATMAN series, kicked off shooting this week. And Warner Bros. just released the first official image from the production featuring Tom Hardy as the villainous Bane (you can check it out below). Could the anticipation for this new movie be any cooler? The film brings back Christian Bale as Bruce Wayne aka Batman and will hit theaters on July 20, 2012. So what does everyone think? Leave your feedback below. CLICK HERE for more DARK KNIGHT RISES news, interviews and more CLICK HERE for 5 THINGS YOU NEED TO […]Read On »



PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: ON STRANGER TIDES final poster | ©2011 Walt Disney Studios

Rating: PG-13 Stars: Johnny Depp, Peneolpe Cruz, Geoffrey Rush, Ian McShane Writer: Screenplay by Ted Elliott & Terry Rossio, Characters by Ted Elliott, Terry Rossio, Stuart Beattie,Jay Wolpert Director: Rob Marshall Distributor: Walt Disney Pictures Release Date: May 20, 2011 PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN is a film series that I think could probably just keep going like the Energizer Bunny. People didn’t react as kind to the last couple of PIRATES sequels as well as they did the first film though. Complaints concerning films two and three (DEAD MAN’S CHEST and AT WORLD’S END)were that there were too many storylines […]Read On »


TV Review: BONES – Season 6 – “The Change in the Game” – Season Finale

David Boreanaz and Emily Deschanel in BONES - Season 6 - "The Change in the Game" | ©2011 Fox/Ray Mickshaw

Stars: David Boreanaz, Emily Deschanel, Michaela Conlin, T.J. Thyne, Tamara Taylor, John Francis Daley, Michael Grant Terry, Ryan O’Neal, Kevin Alejandro Writers: Hart Hanson & Stephen Nathan Director: Ian Toynton Network: Fox, Thursdays @ 9 PM Airdate: May 19, 2011 Let’s cut to the chase here. When a TV series has a star who becomes pregnant in real life, the options are to write her out of several episodes, stash her behind desks and potted plants while she is “showing,” or just write the pregnancy into the series. As Emily Deschanel is the title character on BONES, writing her out […]Read On »


Interview: Actor Jesse Williams on GREY’S ANATOMY & CABIN IN THE WOODS

Jesse Williams in GREY'S ANATOMY - Season 7 - "With You I'm Born Again" | ©2011 ABC/Peter "Hopper" Stone

Dr. Jackson Avery arrived at Seattle Grace Hospital when it merged with Mercy West Hospital last season on GREY’S ANATOMY. The surgical resident survived the shootout in the season finale and has been making waves all through this past season. It may tell you something about the appeal of Jesse Williams, the actor who portrays Jackson, that on GREEK, he played a character known as “the Hotness Monster.” Williams is adept at playing nonchalant, too – when someone comments that he’s created quite a stir on GREY’S ANATOMY, Williams responds innocently, “Oh, have I?” The former high school teacher was […]Read On »


Exclusive Interview: Actor Bret Harrison on BREAKING IN, REAPER & V

Bret Harrison in BREAKING IN - Season 1 | ©2011 Fox/David Johnson

Fox’s half-hour comedy BREAKING IN, trying out a Tuesday slot tonight after a run Wednesdays at 9:30 PM (even though it was canceled last week by Fox), concerns a high-tech security firm that is hired by various companies to evaluate weak points by, per the title, breaking in wherever it can be done. Bret Harrison plays Cameron Price, the firm’s newest hire, who has been more or less blackmailed into taking the gig by the firm’s mysterious boss Oz, played by Christian Slater. In some ways, Cameron and his situation don’t appear too far removed from Portland, Oregon native Harrison’s […]Read On »


TV Review: THE CHICAGO CODE – Season 1 – “Greylord and Gambat”

Billy Lush in THE CHICAGO CODE - Season 1 - "Greylord and Gambat" | ©2011 Fox/Jeffrey Garland

Stars: Delroy Lindo, Billy Lush, Matt Lauria, Jennifer Beals, Jason Clarke, Devin Kelley and Todd Williams Writer: Virgil Williams Director: Paris Barclay Network: Fox, airs Monday nights Original Telecast: May 16, 2011 As much as the networks are loath (or maybe that’s terrified) to embrace serialized TV series (preferring the more repeatable standalone procedurals), there’s something to be said for shows with ongoing arcs. Case is in point is the recently canceled THE CHICAGO CODE and its penultimate episode “Greylord and Gambat.” Unlike many of the episodes that followed a specific crime which usually had some peripheral tie to our […]Read On »


Exclusive Interview: CHUCK actress Bonita Friedericy on Season 4 and beyond – Part 1

Bonita Friedericy in CHUCK - Season 3 | ©NBC

On CHUCK, the Josh Schwartz/Chris Fedak-created NBC series that has its Season Four finale tonight at 8 PM and will be back for Season Five, the title character (Zachary Levi) is an electronics store employee turned super-spy, thanks to a ton of arcane information downloaded into his brain. His team consists of actual super-spies Sara (Yvonne Strahovski), who is now also Chuck’s love, and John Casey (Adam Baldwin), plus Chuck’s nerdy best friend Morgan (Joshua Gomez). They all take their orders from General Diane Beckman, played by Bonita Friedericy, the exceedingly stern but often compassionate authority figure who gives them […]Read On »

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