
WonderCon 2011: PUSHING DAISES mini-series on Starz? Creator Bryan Fuller would love that! (Exclusive)

PUSHING DAISIES - Season 1 DVD | ©Warner Bros.

Creator and writer Bryan Fuller at WonderCon 2011 | ©2011 Assignment X/Peter Brown Bryan Fuller’s baby PUSHING DAISIES only lasted two seasons on ABC and one could argue at the treatment it received during that second season. However, he isn’t saying goodbye just yet and would love to have it appear on another network at some point. “I am really emboldened by what Starz is doing with TORCHWOOD and I would love to do a PUSHING DAISIES mini-series on Starz,” Fuller says. “This would be a great way to wrap up the show properly. [We could] do six great episodes […]Read On »


WonderCon 2011: DOLLHOUSE comics mini-series coming in July (Exclusive)

DOLLHOUSE: EPITAPHS comics | ©2011 Dark Horse Comics

While speaking with ASSIGNMENT X during an exclusive interview at WonderCon 2011, Dark Horse Senior Managing Editor Scott Allie reveals that DOLLHOUSE: EPITAPHS one shot comic book is just the beginning of the story for the company. Get ready for a five-issue mini-series with hinted plans at more if things go well. Allie also admits that while Dark Horse was on board about doing a DOLLHOUSE comic, Allie says, they were unsure about whether creator Joss Whedon would be down for supporting it. “Joss was unsure about doing a DOLLHOUSE comic and he came up with the EPITAPHS episodes, he said this […]Read On »


WonderCon 2011: BUFFY creator Joss Whedon will be actively involved with Season 9 (Exclusive)

Buffy & Angel from BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER SEASON EIGHT | © 2011 Dark Horse Comics

While speaking with ASSIGNMENT X during an exclusive interview at WonderCon 2011, Dark Horse Senior Managing Editor Scott Allie revealed what role creator Joss Whedon will have in the upcoming BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER – SEASON 9 comic books. “He’s pretty busy, but we were really gearing up for how to do this with as little of his time as possible,” says Allie. “And we had figured out how to do it,” Allie says. “But [Joss] said he really wanted to be involved. So he has been making the time. He is writing the first issue of BUFFY, he’ll be co-writing […]Read On »


WonderCon 2011: ANGEL comic books will become ANGEL AND FAITH (Exclusive)

ANGEL Issue #44 | ©2011 IDW

While speaking with ASSIGNMENT X during an exclusive interview at WonderCon 2011, Dark Horse Senior Managing Editor Scott Allie revealed some major plans in store for the ANGEL comics which are moving from IDW to the Dark Horse family. The first of which is the name of the book, which will change to ANGEL AND FAITH focusing on the vampire and the vampire slayer. “After the traumatic events of Season 8 , Faith sticks with Angel in order to get his act together after everything happens,” Allie says. “The two of them share the spotlight and both have their names […]Read On »


WonderCon 2011: The Scoop on BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER – Season 9 comics (Exclusive)

Buffy & Spike from BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER SEASON EIGHT | © 2011 Dark Horse Comics

While speaking with ASSIGNMENT X during an exclusive interview at WonderCon 2011, Dark Horse Senior Managing Editor Scott Allie revealed some plans for the publisher’s forthcoming BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER – SEASON 9 comics. After Season 8’s long and scattered production schedule amounting to 40 issues for the season, Dark Horse is planning a much scaled back comic for Season 9, but that could be they are also launching concurrently ANGEL AND FAITH – the new ANGEL series from the publishing house. “Everyone felt that it took too long at 40 issues,” Allie says. “So this season is going to […]Read On »


Interview: Actor James Murray stirs up CHAOS on new CBS series

James Murray in CHAOS - Season 1 | ©2011 CBS/Jason Bell

CBS’s new series CHAOS, premiering tonight at 8 PM, is a comedy/drama about a team of CIA spies, fighting both terrorists and bureaucracy. The title refers not only to the general conditions under which the team works, but also to the acronym for their unit, Clandestine Administration and Oversight Services. The group consists of paranoid tactical whiz Michael Dorset (Eric Close), mellow-seeming but deadly Casey Malick (Tim Blake Nelson), newcomer Rick Martinez (Freddy Rodriguez) and U.K. import Billy Collins, played by James Murray, who previously spent two seasons battling dinosaurs as Stephen Hart on the BBC’s PRIMEVAL. Murray talks about […]Read On »


Exclusive: The latest news on Disney’s THE BLACK HOLE remake

THE BLACK HOLE movie poster (1979) | ©1979 Disney Enterprises, Inc.

While speaking to director Joe Kosinski about the Blu-ray/DVD release of TRON: LEGACY (which arrives on April 5), ASSIGNMENT X spoke to the helmer about one of his next projects – the reboot of Disney’s 1979 cult classic THE BLACK HOLE. “THE BLACK HOLE is currently being written by a really talented writer named Travis Beacham who wrote the film PACIFIC RIM that Guillermo Del Toro is directing as we speak,” says Kosinski. “With BLACK HOLE, we’re going to be able to take people on a deep space mission to a black hole and it’s going to be fantastic.” Whereas […]Read On »


Exclusive: The scoop on why OBLIVION was dropped by Disney according to director Joseph Kosinski

OBLIVION graphic novel | ©2010 Radical Books

While speaking with director Joseph Kosinski about the Blu-ray/DVD release (arriving April 5)  of TRON: LEGACY, ASSIGNMENT X asked the helmer about what happened with Disney on his OBLIVION project that Disney recently put into turnaround. This is what he had to say. “It’s a story I wrote five years ago and we developed as a script with Disney,” says Kosinski. “We always knew it was going to be pushing the Disney envelope. Even with TRON we pushed the Disney envelope and with OBLIVION we pushed ourselves right out of the envelope. It was clear it was a square peg […]Read On »


Exclusive: TRON: LEGACY director reveals TRON 3 (TR3N) plans

TRON LEGACY - Blu-ray | ©2011 Walt Disney Home Entertainment

While chatting with TRON: LEGACY director Joseph Kosinski today regarding the TRON: LEGACY DVD and Blu-ray release arriving this Tuesday, April 5, the director spoke to ASSIGNMENT X about the status of the next sequel TRON 3 (aka TR3N). “We’re working on the story right now,” Kosinski tells AX. “Once we get a script we’re all really happy with, we’ll take it to the powers that be and see if we can go back to the grid.” As for the storyline, Kosinski says the film will continue the adventures of Sam Flynn (Garrett Hedlund) “I think we will pick with […]Read On »

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