
SCRE4M actor David Arquette loves the generational shift in new movie

David Arquette and Courteney Cox in SCREAM 4 (aka SCRE4M) | &Copy 2011 Dimension Films

While promoting his return to the SCREAM franchise with SCRE4M, actor David Arquette is thrilled with the latest incarnation and how the time in between the films has really given director Wes Craven and writer Kevin Williamson a whole new horror playground. “There have been ten years in between with horror films and technology changes and it’s really exciting,” says Arquette. “With the new cast coming into this, it’s interesting to see too. They are reflections of us when we first got there. It brings an electricity like we had on the first film and with this and now a […]Read On »


SCRE4M actress Courteney Cox calls Wes Craven a “great director”

Courteney Cox in SCRE4M | ©2011 Dimension Films

While speaking to the press about the new SCRE4M film, Courteney Cox talks about reuniting with director Wes Craven who helmed the previous three films in the franchise. “He’s an amazing filmmaker,” says Cox. “He’s so current on everything. I don’t even know what MySpace is. He’s watching things and learning. He’s constantly bettering his mind and the way he directs Ghost Face and makes him turn his head. It’s eerie. Wes is like a choreographer when it comes to Ghost Face. He’s a great director.” CLICK HERE to hear what WES CRAVEN has to say about SCRE4M CLICK HERE […]Read On »


SCRE4M star Neve Campbell talks about returning to the franchise

Neve Campbell in SCRE4M | ©2011 Dimension Films

While promoting her new film SCRE4M, actress Neve Campbell explains that it was like old times doing this horror film reboot – particularly looking back on the three films they did before. “I had fun watching the films again before we started this to get a sense of it,” says Campbell. “They held up well.” And as many horror films throughout the 2000s went through the darker, torture fun phase, Campbell relished the fun she had working on this kind of horror film. “We were having fun during filming,” says Campbell. “You’re not feeling it’s a dark experience. There’s humor […]Read On »


Director Wes Craven talks about SCRE4M rewrites

SCREAM 4 teaser poster | ©2011 Dimension Films

While speaking to the press today, SCRE4M director Wes Craven dispelled rumors that he was displeased with the heavy rewrites supposedly done to the Kevin Williamson script by Ehren Kruger (who penned SCREAM 3). “I’m very pleased with the movie and how the script turned out,” says Craven. “It was a result of Kevin’s master script and Ehren did a decent amount of work on specific scenes. I wrote sections of the film myself, but it’s very much Kevin’s concept and over-arching framework of the film.” SCRE4M opens April 15, 2011 CLICK HERE to hear about COURTENEY COX talking about […]Read On »


TORCHWOOD: MIRACLE DAY teaser poster and synopsis revealed

TORCHWOOD - Miracle Day teaser poster | ©2011 Starz

Starz has been making some noise with SPARTACUS and the forthcoming CAMELOT TV series, but geeks are even more excited about seeing their new TORCHWOOD: MIRACLE DAY series which brings the BBC series to the U.S. and they just released a brand new poster for the series (check it below). John Barrowman as Capt. Jack Harkness) and Eve Myles as Gwen Cooper return from the BBC series by Bill Pullman, Mekhi Phifer and Lauren Ambrose (in an extended guest role). The press release reveals new cast members as well. Alexa Havins will play Esther Drummond, a deskbound CIA employee who […]Read On »


Exclusive Interview: PRETTY LITTLE LIARS Showrunner Marlene King talks Season 2 and beyond

Ashley Benson, Shay Mitchell, Lucy Hale and Troian Bellisario in PRETTY LITTLE LIARS - Season 1 - | ©2011 ABC/Andrew Eccles

PRETTY LITTLE LIARS wrapped up its first season on ABC Family last night and with the show committed to a Season 2 (and possibly more), we caught up with showrunner and executive producer Marlene King to get the scoop on what to expect from Season 2 and beyond. Here’s what she had to say in this exclusive interview: ASSIGNMENT X: When a show gets an early renewal like PRETTY LITTLE LIARS, does that help in building to a more satisfying end of the current season? MARLENE KING: We planned in our minds for the show to run four or five […]Read On »


TV Review: BEING HUMAN – Season 1 – “Dog Eat Dog”

Meaghan Rath and Sam Huntington in BEING HUMAN - Season 1 - "Dog Eat Dog" | ©2011 Syfy/Philippe Bosse

Stars: Sam Witwer, Meaghan Rath, Sam Huntington, Mark Pellegrino, Sarah Allen, Terry Kinney, Vlasta Vrana Writers: Jeremy Carver & Anna Fricke Director: Paolo Barzman Network: Syfy, Mondays @ 9 PM Airdate: March 21, 2011 In “Dog Eat Dog,” the U.S. BEING HUMAN again enters new territory and is again the better for it. Show runners Jeremy Carver & Anna Fricke have crafted an episode with good suspense, surprises and no dead spots. As a bonus, director Paolo Barzman is a veteran of HIGHLANDER: THE SERIES, which means he’s an old, deft hand at the 1940s flashbacks that show a very […]Read On »


TV Review: THE CHICAGO CODE – Season 1 – “Black Hand and the Shotgun Man”

Billy Lush and Delroy Lindo in THE CHICAGO CODE - Season 1 - "Black Hand and the Shotgun Man" | ©2011 Fox/Jeffrey Garland

Stars: Delroy Lindo, Billy Lush, Matt Lauria, Jennifer Beals, Jason Clarke, Devin Kelley and Todd Williams Writers:  Davey Holmes Director:  Billy Gierhart Network: Fox, airs Monday nights Original Telecast: March 21, 2011 Grade: B+ Whereas last week’s episode of THE CHICAGO CODE felt a little too conventional for its own good, this week’s “Black Hand and the Shotgun Man” finds the show back on solid footing. A drug kingpin is caught by the police who soon discover the reason he had a bag full of cash was to pay a ransom on his 7-year old son who was kidnapped. From […]Read On »


New photos from THE HOBBIT set courtesy of Peter Jackson

Director Peter Jackson on set THE HOBBIT | ©2011 Peter Jackson

With the back-t0-back LORD OF THE RINGS prequels of  THE HOBBIT based on the J.R.R. Tolkien novel (and set 60 years before RINGS)  just starting production in Wellington, New Zealand, co-writer and director Peter Jackson gave fans a gift with two photos from the set. You can check them out below. Very cool. With Facebook and Twitter making communication super-easy, expect more Jackson updates this way in the future.


Exclusive Interview: PRETTY LITTLE LIARS star Shay Mitchell is to die for

Shay Mitchell in PRETTY LITTLE LIARS - Season 1 | ©2011 ABC Family/Andrew Eccles

ABC Family’s freshman series PRETTY LITTLE LIARS, based on Sara Shepard’s novels about four high school friends sharing a variety of dangerous secrets, has been a breakout hit this season. With the season finale tonight, we talk with Shay Mitchell, who plays Emily Fields, about the show and her character. ASSIGNMENT X: PRETTY LITTLE LIARS has gone beyond being a hit TV show and actually turned into sort of a cult phenomenon. When you first were cast as Emily, did you ever think it was going to turn into something this big? SHAY MITCHELL: From reading the breakdown and [knowing […]Read On »

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