
Exclusive Interview: PRETTY LITTLE LIARS star Troian Bellisario keeps secrets

Troian Bellisario in PRETTY LITTLE LIARS - Season 1 - "The New Normal" | ©2011 ABC Family/Randy Holmes

On ABC Family’s hit PRETTY LITTLE LIARS, which has its first-season finale Monday night, Troian Bellisario plays Spencer Hastings, one of a group of four high-school friends keeping secrets. Spencer is the perfectionist of the quartet, who is under a lot of stress from both outside forces and her own personal drives. Although Bellisario has had a recurring role on NCIS as the sister of the character Tim McGee, played by her real-life stepbrother Sean Murray, and her parents are television industry veterans – her father is producer Donald Bellisario (NCIS, JAG, QUANTUM LEAP) and her mother is actress/producer Deborah […]Read On »


Kevin Costner to star in SUPERMAN: MAN OF STEEL as Clark Kent’s dad

Kevin Costner in SWING VOTE | ©2008 Walt Disney Pictures

The Zack Snyder directed SUPERMAN: MAN OF STEEL movie added another person to its cast according to THE HOLLYWOOD REPORTER – Kevin Costner. The actor will play Jonathan Kent, Clark Kent’s adoptive father. Costner will play opposite Henry Cavill as the Man of Steel himself while Diane Lane will be Martha Kent. In a press release from Warner Bros., Snyder says, “Jonathan Kent is the only father figure Clark has ever had, the man who was there to help Clark understand what he was meant to do in the world as Superman. Kevin will be able to communicate the quiet strength […]Read On »


TV Review: BONES – Season 6 – “The Blackout in the Blizzard”

Emily Deschanel and David Boreanaz in BONES - Season 6 - "The Blackout in the Blizzard" | ©2011 Fox/Richard Foreman

Stars: David Boreanaz, Emily Deschanel, Michaela Conlin, T.J. Thyne, Tamara Taylor, John Francis Daley, Michael Grant Terry Writer: Karine Rosenthal Director: David Boreanaz Network: Fox, Thursdays @ 9 PM Airdate: March 17, 2011 BONES often goes back and forth between humor and drama, crime-solving and personal issues, and relationship progress and reversals. In “The Blackout in the Blizzard,” which is almost a bottle episode – there is one scene in an alley – couples get a little closer while everybody has to figure out how to get things done in the middle of a blizzard-induced power outage. While Booth (David […]Read On »


The visual evolution of TANGLED baddie Mother Gothel

TANGLED - DVD and Blu-ray

The excellent Disney animated film TANGLED arrives on DVD and Blu-ray on Tuesday, and in anticipation of that release, Disney has created a very cool slideshow showing the evolution of the film’s Big Bad – Mother Gothel. Check out the slideshow below, and also read ASSIGNMENT X‘s exclusive interview with Mother Gothel voice actress Donna Murphy by CLICKING HERE.


CD Review: STAR TREK V: THE FINAL FRONTIER – Limited Edition

STAR TREK V soundtrack | ©2010 La La Land Records

La La Land continues to show long-needed love to great soundtracks from undeservedly maligned sequels, in this case the one where William Shatner assumed both the com, and the director’s chair to have the Enterprise find the all-mighty. Though a lot of this EST-centric probing ended up having its share of goofy moments, the film more often than not did a powerful job of returning the series to its metaphoric sci-fi roots. So it only seemed right for Shatner to have composer Jerry Goldsmith come back to the series for the first time since THE MOTION PICTURE, making this FINAL […]Read On »



PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: ON STRANGER TIDES Jack Sparrow (Johnny Depp) bus shelter poster | ©2011 Walt Disney Pictures

It’s clear, Johnny Depp is indeed the star of the PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN franchise and now the new film ON STRANGER TIDES has made him the dominant star. The movie opens May 20, and in the interim, check out the brand new poster from the movie and the special bus shelter one-sheets as well.


Exclusive Interview: BONES star Michaela Conlin deals with remains of the day

Michaela Conlin in BONES - Season 6 | ©2010 Fox/Brian Bowen

Michaela Conlin is in her sixth season of playing Angela Montenegro, the artist who reconstructs what corpses looked like as living humans, on Fox’s hit BONES (Thirsdays at 9 PM). While Angela works with forensic evidence, she’s not a pathologist like her good friend Temperance “Bones” Brennan (Emily Deschanel), nor law enforcement like FBI Agent Seeley Booth (David Boreanaz). However, this week, audiences will get to see a whole different side of Conlin as she plays LAPD Detective Sobel in THE LINCOLN LAWYER, based on Michael Connelly’s novel, which opens Friday. Conlin is very excited about both gigs, as she […]Read On »


The Dork Side: Come On, Get Happy

Donald Trump in THE CELEBRITY APPRENTICE | ©NBC/Virginia Sherwood

There is a lot of bad news right now. I think we could all use a little cheering up, so I’ve composed a list of things that we can be all be happy about: There’s no law that forces us to watch CELEBRITY APPRENTICE … yet. Celebrities will always film themselves doin’ it and take naked photos of themselves, and act shocked and embarrassed when they are “leaked” to the media, giving us things to stealthily look at and read about while we pretend to work in our cubicles. Carson Daly’s LAST CALL has been renewed for an 11th season, […]Read On »


Exclusive Interview: FACE OFF host McKenzie Westmore makes up

McKenzie Westmore hosts FACE OFF | ©2011 Syfy/Evans Vestal Ward

McKenzie Westmore seems the perfect choice to host Syfy’s special effects makeup competition series FACE OFF, which has its season finale tonight at 10 PM (the show was just renewed for a second season). As an actress, Westmore has the personality to keep things lively on the air – besides FACE OFF, she can currently be seen on the online soap opera THE BAY – and she actually has makeup effects heritage. Her father is legendary makeup effects artist Michael Westmore, of the famed Westmore makeup dynasty. She talks past, present and future with ASSIGNMENT X in this exclusive interview. […]Read On »


Exclusive Photos: BATTLE: LOS ANGELES World Premiere

Aaron Eckhart at the premiere of Battle:Los Angeles | ©2011 Sue Schneider

Columbia Pictures held the premiere of BATTLE: LOS ANGELES in Westwood on March 8th, at the Regency Village Theatre. Fans lined the streets of Westwood to get a glimpse of the stars. Walking the black carpet were the stars of the film, which included: Aaron Eckhart (Sgt. Nantz), Michelle Rodriguez (Cpl. Santos), Bridget Moynahan (Michele), Michael Pena (Rincon), Ramon Rodriguez (2nd Lt. Martinez), Jim Parrack (Pvt. Kerns), Ne-Yo (Cpl. Harris), Adetokumboh M’Cormack (Adukwu), Lucas Till (Grayston), Noel Fisher (Pfc. Lenihan), Will Rothhaar (Pvt. Imlay), Neil Brown (Guerrero), Cory Hardrict (Lockett), Taylor Handley (Simmons), Gino Pesi (Stavrou), Bryce Cass (Hector), Susie […]Read On »

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