
TV Review: BEING HUMAN – Season 1 – “Children Shouldn’t Play With Undead Things”

Meaghan Rath in BEING HUMAN - Season 1 - "Children Shouldn't Play With Undead Things" | ©2011 Syfy/Phillipe Bosse

Stars: Sam Witwer, Meaghan Rath, Sam Huntington, Cindy Sampson, Jason Spevack, Kristen Hager, Sarah Allen Writer: Chris Dingess Director: Jeremiah Chechik Network: Syfy, Mondays @ 9 PM Airdate: March 7, 2011 BEING HUMAN largely returns to copying its British forebear with “Children Shouldn’t Play With Undead Things,” in which vampire Aidan’s (Sam Witwer) befriending of bullied 10-year-old neighbor Bernie (Jason Spevack) leads to unintended consequences and Josh’s (Sam Huntingdon) courtship of nurse Nina (Kristen Hager) results in very wild pre-werewolf transformation sex. The one original bit here concerns Sally (Meaghan Rath), who is not exactly delighted by what she finds […]Read On »


Exclusive: Broadway vet gives take on SPIDER-MAN: TURN OFF THE DARK controversy


This Friday, actor Kevin Cahoon stars in the new Disney CGI animated films MARS NEEDS MOMS as the Martian sidekick Wingnut. However, Cahoon is also known for his Broadway work, including his work with Julie Taymor on THE LION KING musical. Naturally, we couldn’t resist asking him his take on Taymor’s latest Broadway effort SPIDER-MAN: TURN OFF THE DARK, which has had its fair share of controversy, accidents, unhappy actors – and all of this in the preview stage. Here’s what Cahoon had to say … ASSIGNMENT X: You’ve worked with Julie Taymor before on THE LION KING musical, what […]Read On »


Exclusive Interview: V and SMALLVILLE actress Laura Vandervoort is used to being alien-ated

Laura Vandervoort in V - Season 2 | ©2011 ABC/Bob D'Amico

On ABC’s V, the humans may think they have problems with the invading Visitors, but there’s a lot of internal strife going on with the extraterrestrial reptiles as well. Anna, played by Morena Baccarin, is fighting to hold on to her position as supreme leader, while her mother Diana (played by Jane Badler of the original V series) forms an alliance with Anna’s daughter Lisa, played by Laura Vandervoort (pronounced VAN-der-vort). Before she was ever cast as Lisa, the Toronto Vandervoort was already familiar to audiences from her role as Kara, aka Supergirl, on the CW’s SMALLVILLE. The actress talks […]Read On »


Exclusive Interview: MARS NEEDS MOMS actor Kevin Cahoon gets a kick out playing a sidekick

Wingnut (Kevin Cahoon) in MARS NEEDS MOMS | ©2011 ImageMovers Digital LLC.

In the new Disney 3D CGI animated feature MARS NEEDS MOMS (which opens Friday nationwide), the film employed the pain-staking performance capture technique used on such films as POLAR EXPRESS, BEOWULF and A CHRISTMAS CAROL. For actor Kevin Cahoon, it was a process he relished as he plays a Martian character called Wingnut – the sidekick to Gribble (Dan Fogler) who doesn’t quite understand the idea of what being a sidekick is supposed to be. With a performance that’s largely physical, rather than verbal, Cahoon spoke with ASSIGNMENT X about the process and how his Broadway stage work came into […]Read On »


Interview: John Wells travels deep into SOUTHLAND – Part 2

Ben McKenzie and Michael Cudlitz in SOUTHLAND - Season 3| ©2011 TNT/Doug Hyun

SOUTHLAND concludes its third season on TNT tonight and executive producer John Wells (ER, THE WEST WING, THIRD WATCH and CHINA BEACH) chats about the gritty police drama that was unceremoniously dumped by NBC before its second season aired, only to find a home with TNT. Here’s what Wells had to say, in part 2 of our interview. ASSIGNMENT X: You’re also one of the executive producers on SOUTHLAND, which ran six episodes on NBC, then got renewed, then got canceled after you’d shot six episodes of Season Two without any of those episodes airing – and then you got […]Read On »


TV Review: THE CHICAGO CODE – Season 1 – “O’Leary’s Cow”

Jason Clarke and Matt Lauria in THE CHICAGO CODE - Season 1 - "O'Leary's Cow" | ©2011 Fox/Jeffrey Garland

Stars: Delroy Lindo, Billy Lush, Matt Lauria, Jennifer Beals, Jason Clarke, Devin Kelley and Todd Williams Writer: Kevin Townsley Director: Clark Johnson Network: Fox, airs Monday nights Original Telecast: March 7, 2011 Not all episodes of THE CHICAGO CODE have to be action-packed, and “O’Leary’s Cow” proves that it can be just as provocative and intense when it’s dealing with smaller stories that have larger implications for our core characters. Things kick off when Jarek Wysocki (Jason Clarke) and his partner Caleb (Matt Lauria) stumble on a case in Chinatown where a black youth spreading the word of the Lord […]Read On »


Exclusive Interview: Ramon Rodriguez prepares for BATTLE: LA

BATTLE: LA | ©2011 Sony Pictures

Most actors prefer the perks of being a star, but for Ramon Rodriguez he enjoys the hard work that goes into the role. In BATTLE: LA, he had the most strenuous experience to date playing 2nd Lt. William Martinez who finds him and his Marine platoon knee-deep in an alien battle against Earth. He not only had the chance to prepare by going to boot camp prior to filming, but he gained an even bigger respect for the military once the project was through. In this exclusive interview with ASSIGNMENT X, Rodriguez talks about his role, as well as looking […]Read On »


Exclusive Interview MARS NEEDS MOMS and screenwriters like Wendy Wells too

Ki, Milo and Gribble in MARS NEEDS MOMS | ©2011 ImageMovers Digital LLC.

MARS may need moms, but it also needs moms who also happen to be screenwriters. MARS NEEDS MOMS screenwriter Wendy Wells took her child-rearing experiences and along with co-screenwriter/director Simon Wells brought a fresh new take to the standard 3D CGI kid’s film. In adapting Berkeley Breathed’s children’s book, the story took on a whole new life, expanding the universe, aging things up a bit and uncovering even more comedy in the process. The film was also done in the same “performance-capture” technique that’s been previously used by director Robert Zemeckis on THE POLAR EXPRESS, BEOWULF and A CHRISTMAS CAROL […]Read On »


Exclusive Interview: BREAKOUT KINGS captures PRISON BREAK creators Matt Olmstead & Nick Santora

Domenick Lombardozzi, Jimmi Simpson, Malcolm Goodwin & Serinda Swan in BREAKOUT KINGS - Season 1 | ©2011 A&E

In A&E’s new scripted action drama series BREAKOUT KINGS, airing Sundays at 10 PM, two United States Marshals, played by Laz Alonso and Domenick Lombardozzi, enlist/coerce the aid of three convicts (Jimmi Simpson, Malcolm Goodwin, Serinda Ryan) in recapturing prison escapees. Matt Olmstead and Rick Santora, who worked as a team for four years on PRISON BREAK, are the creators/executive producers of BREAKOUT KINGS and talk to us about why they are returning to jail with their storytelling. ASSIGNMENT X: What is the genesis of BREAKOUT KINGS? MATT OLMSTEAD: For me on PRISON BREAK, probably year two or three, Santora […]Read On »


Interview: John Wells gets SHAMELESS when it comes to projects – Part 1

SHAMELESS poster - Season 1 | ©2011 Showtime

Showtime’s new series SHAMELESS, adapted from the long-running British comedy of the same name by the original series creator Paul Abbott, presents us with the dysfunctional Gallagher family. Frank, the patriarch of the large brood played by William H. Macy, is openly alcoholic and not very parental, leaving it to eldest daughter Fiona (Emmy Rossum) to tend to the younger siblings, who include manipulative Lip (Jeremy Allen White), gay Ian (Cameron Monaghan), budding thief Debbie (Emmy Kenney), antisocial Carl (Ethan Cutkosky) and toddler Liam (Blake Alexander Johnson and Brennan Kane Johnson). Meanwhile, over on TNT, the gritty L.A. police drama […]Read On »

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