

Peter Mensah in SPARTACUS: GODS OF THE ARENA - "Mission" | ©2011 Starz

With first episode of SPARTACUS: GODS OF THE ARENA viewers were transported back five years before the events of SPARTACUS: BLOOD AND SAND. The beginnings of the House of Batiatus seemed shaky at best with the head of the house lacking some of that snake-like quickness to seize on any opportunity with ruthlessness and viciousness. Likewise his wife Lucretia seems to have milk-teeth compared to the shark-sized mouth of razors she ends up using in the original series.


Breaking News: David Lyons gives the scoop on THE CAPE

David Lyons in THE CAPE - Season 1 - "Scales on a Train" | &Copy 2011 NBC/Jordan Althaus

NBC’s new superhero drama THE CAPE (airing Monday nights) features David Lyons as Vince Faraday as cop who is framed for a crime he didn’t commit, fakes his own death and ends up hooking up with a bunch of circus performers who teach him to become a superhero known as “The Cape.” Now he must clean up the city, while trying to get back to his wife and young child (whose favorite comic book character is called The Cape) who believe that he’s dead. While speaking today with the press, Lyons spoke about his challenging new role and where the […]Read On »


The X List: Bane of THE DARK KNIGHT RISES – 5 Things You Need To Know

Bane barrels toward movie stardom. | ©2011 DC Comics.

Well, now we know: The two villains that will square off against Christian Bale’s gravelly-voiced Gotham City crusader in the third Christopher Nolan-helmed Batman film DARK KNIGHT RISES will be Catwoman (purrfect) and Bane (snap!) played by Anne Hathaway and Tom Hardy, respectively. With a fan base not only devoutly dedicated to the many years of continuity in the Bat-comics, but impressed by Nolan’s unique, some might even say pseudo-realistic take on the surreal shenanigans of the cowled one and his extensive rogues’ gallery, how exactly do you handle reintroducing both of these antagonists in a way sure to please […]Read On »


Breaking News: Season 2 of HUMAN TARGET will not end on a cliffhanger

Mark Valley in HUMAN TARGET - Season Two - "The Trouble with Harry" | ©2011 Fox Broadcasting Co./ Liane Hentscher

HUMAN TARGET (which airs a special episode tonight at 8:00 pm at Fox) is gearing up for the season two finale in a couple of weeks (in its regular time slot on Wednesday nights), and Mark Valley spoke today about what to expect. The most important nugget of information – there won’t be a major cliffhanger ending Season Two. “It won’t be a cliffhanger in terms of last season was,” says Valley. “It does sort of complete the second season, while leaving a lot of uncertainties and relationships. Nobody is in physical peril as much, we don’t know where some […]Read On »


Exclusive Interview: Summer Glau protects THE CAPE

Summer Glau in THE CAPE | ©2011 NBC

On NBC’s new series THE CAPE, hero Vince Faraday (David Lyons) can do amazing things with the title object, but he’d still be unlikely to survive without the guidance and assistance of Summer Glau’s Orwell, a mysterious young woman whose martial arts abilities are as impressive as her considerable computer skills. Glau is no stranger to the world of genre television and film. After playing the trapped spirit of a Russian ballerina in an episode of ANGEL, she was cast as the troubled, but super-powered River Tam on Joss Whedon’s FIREFLY, a role she reprised in the feature SERENITY. Glau […]Read On »


Breaking News: Henry Cavill is the new Superman in Zack Snyder’s MAN OF STEEL

Henry Cavill in THE TUDORS - Season 4 | ©Showtime/Jonathan Hession

Looks like Brandon Routh will be shedding some Kryptonian tears – the actor is no longer the Man of Steel in the new SUPERMAN movie currently dubbed SUPERMAN: MAN OF STEEL. The new Zack Snyder directed reboot (which will be produced by THE DARK KNIGHT’s Christopher Nolan) has picked a new Clark Kent/Superman and his name is Henry Cavill (best known for Showtime’s THE TUDORS). Following on the heels of British actor Andrew Garfield playing Spider-Man in Sony’s superhero reboot, Cavill also happens to be a Brit. Cavill was on the short list to play Superman many years ago when […]Read On »


Interview: William H. Macy is SHAMELESS in new Showtime series

William H. Macy in SHAMELESS | ©2011 Showtime

Arguably one of the best character actors of his time, William H. Macy still isn’t the name you would think of when casting a drunk and disorderly father in the new Showtime drama SHAMELESS (airing Sunday nights). Yet, the 60-year-old Macy pulls it off and, as always, makes it look so easy. Whether he is playing a shady car salesman or a porno director or just a plain drunk, Macy adores the characters he embodies, always finding something appealing and redeemable about each one. TAKE 1 On whether playing the relentless Frank Gallagher is exhausting… “No, it’s a relief,” he […]Read On »


Exclusive Interview: Luke Perry says GOODNIGHT FOR JUSTICE

Luke Perry in GOODNIGHT FOR JUSTICE | ©2011 Hallmark Channel

In Hallmark Channel’s telefilm GOODNIGHT FOR JUSTICE, airing tonight, Luke Perry plays John Goodnight, a circuit judge in the Old West who rides from town to town, administering the law as he sees fit. Although Perry is still pretty well-known for playing Dylan McKay on BEVERLY HILLS 90210 – spending ten seasons (1990-2000) on a television series will do that – he has lots of other projects to his credit, including the title role in Showtime’s futuristic Western series JEREMIAH, which he also produced, the romantic lead in the original BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER feature film and Linc Stark in […]Read On »


Profile: Jason Statham rebuilds THE MECHANIC

Jason Statham in THE MECHANIC | ©2011 CBS Films

Action star Jason Statham, 38, kicks ass on screen again in his new movie THE MECHANIC where he plays Arthur Bishop, an elite hitman who, believe it or not, has a code of conduct he sticks by religiously. With the film opening today in theaters, Statham takes five to talk about the making of the film and playing bad guys with inner turmoil. TAKE 1 About taking on a remake and a role made famous by Charles Bronson in 1972… “Obviously trying to do anything that’s been done before well has a certain amount of expectation and you’re always going […]Read On »


Profile: Father Gary Thomas is the REAL exorcist priest behind THE RITE

Colin O'Donoghue in THE RITE | ©2011 Warner Bros.

Father Gary Thomas might find doing press for the film THE RITE, something of an odd occurrence. The Catholic priest is the basis for the book THE RITE: THE MAKING OF A MODERN EXORCIST , which is of course now a movie starring Anthony Hopkins and hits theaters today. Thomas the pastor at Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Saratoga, has his normal daily duties involving his parish and his parishioners, but when called to it, he also is one of the areas few practicing exorcist priests. Facing the Hollywood press has to be far easier than what Father Thomas deals […]Read On »

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