
Exclusive Interview: Jake Weber channels the end of MEDIUM

MMaria Lark, Jake Weber and Patricia Arquette in MEDIUM - Season 7 - "Will The Real Fred Rovick Please Stand Up?" |©2011 CBS/Michael Yarish

For seven years on MEDIUM, Allison Dubois, played by Patricia Arquette, has seen and heard dead people, an ability she’s used to help the Phoenix, Arizona district attorney’s office. Her three young daughters all share some version of her gift. The only person in the household who doesn’t have psychic qualities is husband and father Joe Dubois, played by Jake Weber. Joe may at times be bewildered, skeptical or even totally exasperated, but he is unshakably loyal and loving, attributes that have had the character rated in multiple polls as one of the best spouses on TV. MEDIUM spent five […]Read On »


The Dork Side: Breaking up with AMERICAN IDOL

Ryan Seacrest, Jennifer Lopez, Steven Tyler and Randy Jackson in AMERICAN IDOL - Season 10 | ©2011 Fox/Tony Duran

I am breaking up with someone. We were together for almost 10 years. The first couple of years were great. They were fun, and I really enjoyed our time together. In later years, I started to look at our relationship more like work than fun. I found myself getting frustrated and bored. Sure, we made changes to try to keep things fresh, but ultimately they fell flat. This is really hard for me to say, but I’m sorry, AMERICAN IDOL. I’m just not that into you. I used to love AMERICAN IDOL. I used to watch every glorious minute of […]Read On »


Exclusive: TORCHWOOD creator Russell T. Davies reflects on the new DOCTOR WHO

Matt Smith in DOCTOR WHO - Season 5 | ©2010 BBC

Russell T. Davies, the man most directly responsible for the resurrection of the DOCTOR WHO franchise in 2005, was on hand at the Television Critic’s Association to promote his upcoming fourth season of TORCHWOOD, also a WHO connected show. And, of course, ASSIGNMENT X couldn’t resist asking his thoughts on the new DOCTOR WHO series post his exit. “Of course I love it! Stephen Moffat’s most important role is to get me a DVD before that Saturday of transmission,” says Davies. “This new season it’s going to go out on BBC America on the same day, but I still want […]Read On »


Exclusive Photos: From THE GREEN HORNET Premiere

Cameron Diaz at the premiere of THE GREEN HORNET | ©2011 Sue Schneider

Columbia Pictures held the premiere of THE GREEN HORNET recently at the Grauman’s Chinese Theatre in Hollywood. The green carpet had the symbol of the GREEN HORNET on it and at my end they had the motorcycle Kato (Jay Chou) rides in the film. Seen walking the carpet were the stars of the film, which included: Seth Rogan (Britt Reid/The Green Hornet/Executive Producer/Writer), Jay Chou, Cameron Diaz (Lenore), Edward James Olmos (Axeford), David Harbour (Scanion), Chad Coleman (Chili), Jamie Harris (Popeye), Edward Furlong (Tupper), Michel Gondry (Director), and Evan Goldberg (Executive Producer/Writer). Joining them were guests, which included: Nicole Dabeau, […]Read On »


Exclusive Interview: Matthew Gray Gubler digs deep into ‘CRIMINAL MINDS’

Matthew Gray Gubler in CRIMINAL MINDS - Season Six - "Devil's Night" | ©2010 CBS

CBS may not be aware of it, but the network’s onscreen nerds tend to flock together at parties. Witness Matthew Gray Gubler and Kristen Vangsness of CRIMINAL MINDS hanging out with Pauley Perrette of NCIS. Gubler plays his show’s resident genius, Dr. Spencer Reid, Vangsness is MINDS’ computer sorceress Penelope Garcia and Perrette is Goth techno-whiz Abby on NCIS. “Did you hear about the crossover with Pauley?” Gubler asks excitedly. “Our characters are best friends from school,” Vangsness adds. “Reid and Abby went to MIT together,” Gubler elaborates. Are NCIS and CRIMINAL MINDS combining forces? Is this a huge crossover […]Read On »


CD Review: BATMAN RETURNS: LIMITED EDITION soundtrack (3500 edition)

Batman Returns soundtrack | ©2010 La La Land Records

Few composers have more fun unleashing their devilishly twisted side like Danny Elfman, especially when longtime collaborator Tim Burton truly lets his creativity go bats**t. But if one film takes that cake in their always-eccentric pairings, then it would be the shining piece of comic book coal called BATMAN RETURNS. Sure their first BATMAN was dark, but no one expected the moral bestiality that would result from the pairing of The Bat, The Cat and The Penguin, a ménage a trois complete with whip-wielding S & M, intended child homicide and a very bloody nose- all prancing about to the […]Read On »


TV Review: BEING HUMAN – Season 1 – “There Goes the Neighborhood Pt. 1” – Series Premiere

Meaghan Rath, Sam Huntington, Sam Witwer in BEING HUMAN - Season 1 - "There Goes the Neighborhood Pt.1" | ©2011 Syfy

Stars: Sam Witwer, Meaghan Rath, Sam Huntington, Sarah Allen, Gianpaolo Venuta, Mark Pellegrino Writers: Jeremy Carver and Anna Fricke based on the U.K. series BEING HUMAN created by Toby Whithouse Director: Adam Kane Network: Syfy, airs Mondays Original Telecast: January 17, 2011 Syfy has taken a considerable risk in developing the popular U.K. genre series BEING HUMAN into an American off-shoot. It’s not that there’s nothing wrong with that, it’s just that the U.K. series is still so fresh in our minds – and about to head into Season Three as we speak. Plus, it’s damn good. You never want […]Read On »


Breaking News: Anne Hathaway leathers down for Catwoman in THE DARK KNIGHT RISES

Anne Hathaway in VALENTINE'S DAY | ©2010 Warner Bros.

Warner Bros. announced today that Anne Hathaway will strap on the leather to play Selena Kyle, aka Catwoman in the Christopher Nolan directed THE DARK KNIGHT RISES. Frankly, it couldn’t be a better fit. She’s got the feline grace and the acting chops to pull it off. Meanwhile, Tom Hardy’s role in the movie has been confirmed too. He’s playing the villainous Bane. You’d think Warner’s would have split the two announcements, but hey, at least we have an idea and a direction of where the new Nolan film is heading. What do you think? Love the choices? Hate them? […]Read On »


TV Review: THE CAPE – SEASON 1 – ‘Kozmo’

Summer Glau and David Lyons in THE CAPE - Season 1 - "Kozmo" | ©2011 NBC

“Kozmo” is a shrewdly constructed episode of THE CAPE, almost as tightly woven as the title object, telling us a lot about several characters and the cape itself, while injecting a note of unexpected mysticism and presenting everybody with immediate threats and moral conundrums.


Exclusive Interview: ‘V’ executive producer Scott Rosenbaum prepares for the end of the world – Part 1

Joel Gretsch in V - Season 2 - "Serpent's Tooth" |©2011 ABC/Sergei Backlakov

If Earth wasn’t in enough trouble in the first season of ABC’s reboot of the Eighties alien invasion series V, now there’s a power struggle among the Visitors, an alien/human baby, deadly red rain, homicidal reptile tails and new cast members to contend with. V show runner Scott Rosenbaum – with some additional thoughts from actor Joel Gretsch, who plays Father Jack Landry (stay tuned for our exclusive interview with the performer) – talks to us about how the war is going, the guest cast and why Gretsch wishes Rosenbaum could visit the set more often in the first part […]Read On »

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