Buffy the Vampire Slayer

The Dork Side: TV Quotables for Everyday Life

THE SIMPSONS - Season 22 - The 21st Annual TREEHOUSE OF HORROR | ©2011 Fox

“D’oh!” I say “D’oh” multiple times a day, every day. I say it when I drop something. I say it when I hurt myself. I say it when I’ve done something stupid. I say it when someone else drops something or tells me a story about something stupid they did. Sometimes I say it when I hear a sad story, saying softly, “Oh, d’oh,” with a sympathetic look. After years of watching THE SIMPSONS, it is burned in my brain. I’m sure the first time I said it, I thought about it and said it to make someone laugh. Now, […]Read On »


The X List: Top 10 Good Things About BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER – SEASON 8 comics

Buffy and the Slayers from BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER SEASON EIGHT | © 2011 Dark Horse Comics

When approaching a list with the title: “The top ten good things about BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER – SEASON 8 comics,”  a person has to stop and really consider the subject matter. A normal season of a television show is just that: one season, or a year, or 23 or so episodes. Well, BUFFY – SEASON EIGHT started in 2007 and just finished in 2011. That’s a long storyline to keep track of with lots of BUFFY alum scribes, and other comic writers coming and going to keep the stories fresh and interesting. For the most part “Season Eight” has […]Read On »

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