
Glen Morgan Uncovers INTRUDERS – Exclusive interview

James Frain in INTRUDERS - Season 1 | ©2014 BBC America

Glen Morgan does have some non-genre credits, including writing and/or producing on the original 21 JUMP STREET, THE COMMISH and WISEGUY. However, the prolific hyphenate is most closely associated with science-fiction and horror. As a writer, producer and/or executive producer, Morgan has been an integral part of the television series THE X-FILES, MILLENNIUM, SPACE: ABOVE AND BEYOND, THE OTHERS and THE RIVER (to name a few), as well as the FINAL DESTINATION film franchise. Now Morgan is executive producer and show runner on BBC America’s new series INTRUDERS, Saturdays at 9 PM. Based on the novels by Michael Marshall Smith, […]Read On »


EXTANT co-star Michael O’Neill is the boss on the CBS series – Exclusive Interview

Michael O'Neill in EXTANT - Season 1 | ©2014 CBS

In CBS’ freshmen series EXTANT (which airs Wednesday nights), Halle Berry stars as astronaut Molly Woods, who discovers that she became pregnant during a thirteen-month solo mission in space – a shock to both her and her husband John (Goran Visnjic). Michael O’Neill plays Molly’s boss Alan Sparks, who becomes extremely interested in Molly’s child. O’Neill, who just finished up a second season on RECTIFY as Senator Roland Foulkes, has a resume that stretches back to 1981’s GHOST STORY, with recent credits including recurring roles on NCIS, NECESSARY ROUGHNESS, VEGAS and BATES MOTEL and features THE DALLAS BUYERS CLUB and […]Read On »


Alfred Molina tames El Rey’s MATADOR – Exclusive Interview

Alfred Molina in MATADOR | ©2014 El Rey

In El Rey Network’s MATADOR, now in its first season Tuesday nights at 9 PM and already renewed for Season 2, DEA agent Tony Bravo (Gabriel Luna) is recruited by the CIA to pose as a soccer player so that he can spy on the operations of L.A. Riot team owner – and international criminal – Andres Galan, played by Alfred Molina. London-born Molina will be familiar to most audiences the world over from his small but indelible role as Satipo, who gets the ball rolling (as it were) at the beginning of RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK. Three decades […]Read On »


TV Review: DOCTOR WHO Series 8 Premiere Cinema Experience – “Deep Breath”

Peter Capaldi in DOCTOR WHO - Series 8 - "Deep Breath" | ©2014 BBC/BBC Worldwide/Ray Burmiston

Stars: Peter Capaldi, Jenna Coleman, Neve McIntosh, Catrin Stewart, Dan Starkey Writer: Steven Moffat Director: Ben Wheatley Original Telecast: August 23, 2014 Network: BBC America & in select cinemas At Christmas time Whovians were given their first look at the 12th (or, erm, maybe 13th or 14th?) Doctor, Peter Capaldi. As the newly regenerated Timelord stumbled around the control room of his TARDIS and asked his companion Clara (Jenna Coleman) if she had any idea how to fly the time and space ship. That was it. That was all. There were a handful of photographs released, and yes there was […]Read On »


Olivia Williams takes MANHATTAN – Exclusive Interview

Olivia Williams in MANHATTAN - Season 1 | ©2014 WGN

WGN America’s new series MANHATTAN, airing Sunday nights, is a dramatized look at the then-ultra-secret World War II-era Manhattan Project. The United States hid away a group of scientists and their families in Los Alamos, New Mexico, so that the atomic bomb could be developed without prying eyes. Olivia Williams plays Liza Winter, another scientist who finds herself professionally ignored while her husband Frank, portrayed by John Benjamin Hickey, toils with the other physicists on the practical applications of nuclear fusion. Williams, a native of London, England, is no stranger to historical stories or characters with big secrets. Regarding the […]Read On »


TV Review: TRUE BLOOD – Season 7 – “Thank You” – Series Finale

Anna Paquin in the series finale of TRUE BLOOD - Season 7 - "Thank You" | © 2014 HBO/John P. Johnson

Stars: Anna Paquin, Stephen Moyer, Ryan Kwanten, Rutina Wesley, Alexander Skarsgard, Chris Bauer, Kristin Bauer van Straten, Lauren Bowles, Anna Camp, Nelsan Ellis, Jim Parrack, Gregg Daniel, Noah Matthews, Bailey Noble, Nathan Parsons,  Adina Porter, Carrie Preston, Deborah Ann Woll, Will Yun Lee, Ashley Hinshaw, Lois Smith, Michael McMillian Writer: Brian Buckner, series created by Alan Ball, based on Charlaine Harris’ Sookie Stackhouse novels Director: Scott Winant Network: HBO, Sundays @ 9 PM Airdate: August 14, 2014 Major spoiler alert, we’re starting with the ending here for the TRUE BLOOD series finale. After seven seasons, it’s fine if Sookie (Anna […]Read On »


DEFIANCE star Jesse Rath talks Season 2 – Exclusive Interview

Jesse Rath as Alak Tarr in DEFIANCE | © 2014 Ben Mark Holzberg/Syfy

In Syfy’s DEFIANCE, now in its second season Thursdays at 8 PM, it’s been thirty-five years since seven different species of aliens crash-landed on Earth and began interacting with the human population. The Castithans, all white with golden eyes, are among the most prominent – and certainly the most class-conscious – of the off-world races. Jesse Rath plays Alak Tarr, son of Datak Tarr, played by Tony Curran, and Stahma Tarr, played by Jaime Murray. With Datak as a lethal, social-climbing gangster and Stahma as an outwardly proper, privately manipulative poisoner, one might expect Alak to be not very nice, […]Read On »


TV Review: TRUE BLOOD – Season 7 – “Love is to Die”

Deborah Ann Woll stars as Jessica in TRUE BLOOD "Love is to Die" | © 2014 John P. Johnson/HBO

Stars: Anna Paquin, Stephen Moyer, Ryan Kwanten, Alexander Skarsgard, Chris Bauer, Kristin Bauer van Straten, Lauren Bowles, Tara Buck, Anna Camp, Nelsan Ellis, Jim Parrack, Noah Matthews, Bailey Noble, Nathan Parsons,  Carrie Preston, Deborah Ann Woll, Jurnee-Smollett Bell, Will Yun Lee, Ashley Hinshaw Writer: Brian Buckner, series created by Alan Ball, based on Charlaine Harris’ Sookie Stackhouse novels Director: Howard Deutsch Network: HBO, Sundays @ 9 PM Airdate: August 17, 2013 To cut to the chase, in “Love is to Die,” TRUE BLOOD’s penultimate episode, Bill (Stephen Moyer) still has Hep-V and still hasn’t met the true death. If someone […]Read On »


MATADOR star Nicky Whelan talks the new El Rey series – Exclusive Interview

Nicky Whelan stars as Annie Mason in MATADOR | © 2014 El Rey Network

El Rey’s action/adventure series MATADOR is in its first season Tuesdays at 9 PM and already renewed for next year. In the show, DEA agent Tony Bravo (Gabriel Luna) is recruited by the CIA to infiltrate the criminal organization run by Andres Galan (Alfred Molina) – by posing as a soccer player and joining the L.A. Riot team owned by Galan. Nicky Whelan plays Tony’s CIA handler Annie Mason. The Australian actress, who was a regular on the last season of SCRUBS and in Season 3 of FRANKLIN & BASH and can currently be seen in Crackle’s Web series CHOSEN, […]Read On »


THE LOTTERY star Michael Graziadei talks his new Lifetime series – Exclusive

Michael Graziadei stars as Kyle Walker in THE LOTTERY | © 2014 Lifetime

In Lifetime’s new series THE LOTTERY, created by CHILDREN OF MEN screenwriter Tim Sexton, women around the globe have become infertile. The last human infants were born six years ago. There are now a hundred embryos that are possibly viable; the U.S. President has declared a lottery to determine who will get to carry the children. Meanwhile, Michael Graziadei’s character Kyle Walker is the father of Elvis (Jesse Filkow), one of the world’s few six-year-old children. The government wants Elvis, but Kyle is determined to keep his son, even if it means being on the run. Graziadei, who went to […]Read On »

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