
Exclusive Interview with THE RED ROAD’s Tamara Tunie

Tamara Tunie stars in THE RED ROAD | © 2014 Sundance Channel

In Sundance TV’s six-hour drama series THE RED ROAD, created by Aaron Guzikowski, Tamara Tunie plays Marie, a Native American living in a smallNew Jersey town in theRamapoMountains. Marie isn’t thrilled when her grown son Phillip Kopus (Jason Momoa) comes back from prison, even before he gets tangled up in dark doings involving his old schoolmate, sheriff’s deputy Harold Jensen (Martin Henderson) and Harold’s wife Jean (Julianne Nicholson). Marie is busy raising her adopted son Junior (Kiowa Gordon) and wants to keep him away from the kind of trouble that Kopus seems to attract, but that may not be possible. […]Read On »


TV Review: BEING HUMAN – Season 4 – “Gallows Humor”

Meaghan Rath as Sally Malik on BEING HUMAN "Gallows Humor" | © 2104 Philippe Bosse/Syfy

Stars: Sam Witwer, Meaghan Rath, Sam Huntington, Kristen Hager, Amy Aquino, Connor Price, James A. Woods, Katharine Isabelle, Gianpaolo Venuta, Jesse Rath Writer: Lisa Randolph, adapted for U.S. television by Jeremy Carver & Anna Fricke, created for U.K. television by Toby Whithouse Director: Paolo Barzman Network: Syfy, Mondays @ 9 PM Airdate: February 24, 2014 BEING HUMAN is generally at its best when our main characters – vampire Aidan (Sam Witwer), ghost Sally (Meaghan Rath) and werewolves Josh (Sam Huntington) and Nora (Kristen Hager) – are all together. “Gallows Humor” separates them of necessity, as they’ve all got their own […]Read On »


Exclusive Interview with A RING BY SPRING star Stefanie Powers

Stefanie Powers stars in A RING BY SPRING | © 2014 Hallmark Channel

Hallmark Channel holds an annual dinner for its executives, creative staff, movies and series stars and invites the Television Critics Association members to attend as well. This year, it’s atPasadena’s Huntington Library, which houses classic works of painting, sculpture and science, along with a collection of rare books. Actress Stefanie Powers is one of the attending guests, having costarred in Hallmark Channel’s A RING BY SPRING, which premieres Saturday, March 9 at 7 PM. Powers, who starred opposite Robert Wagner in five seasons of the romantic detective series HART TO HART, among many other projects, is by now perhaps as […]Read On »


Exclusive Interview with MEN AT WORK stars Breckin Meyer & Danny Masterson

Danny Masterson stars in MEN AT WORK on TBS | © 2014 Darren Michaels/TBS

Actor Breckin Meyer, currently starring in TNT’s lawyer buddy comedy FRANKLIN & BASH, created MEN AT WORK based on himself and his friends. The half-hour series is now in its third season on TBS, Wednesdays at 10 PM. Danny Masterson (of THAT ‘70S SHOW), who plays Milo, Meyer’s fictionalized alter ego in the series, happens to be a real-life friend of Meyer’s, so he came into WORK with an idea of the tone and the pace. Both Meyer and Masterson are present during a MEN AT WORK set visit sponsored by TBS for the Television Critics Association. They stand in […]Read On »


Exclusive Interview with MARVEL’S AGENTS OF SHIELD star Elizabeth Henstridge

Elizabeth Henstridge as Simmons in MARVELS AGENTS OF SHIELD | © 2014 ABC/Justin Lubin

In MARVEL’S AGENTS OF SHIELD, on ABC Tuesdays at 8 PM, Elizabeth Henstridge plays brilliant bio-scientist Jemma Simmons, who works so closely with fellow scientist and technological whiz Leo Fitz (Iain De Caestecker) that they’re often jointly referred to as “FitzSimmons.” While everyone has had big moments on the show created by Joss Whedon & Jed Whedon & Maurissa Tancharoen, so far the episode “F.Z.Z.T.” has provided the most drama for Henstridge’s Simmons. Infected with a lethal alien virus, Simmons jumps off the team’s plane while it’s in flight, preferring to die alone than risk her comrades becoming ill and/or […]Read On »


Exclusive Interview with INTELLIGENCE creators Michael Seitzman & Barry Schindel

Gabriel (Josh Holloway) heads to San Francisco when he learns the Witness Protection database has been hacked on INTELLIGENCE | © 2014 Neil Jacobs/CBS

In CBS’s new series INTELLIGENCE, Mondays at 10 PM, Josh Holloway playsU.S. government agent Gabriel Vaughn, who has a computer chip in his head that allows him to both access computers all over the world and virtually walk through “computer render” scenes of events that have happened. Because of this, Gabriel is a valuable asset requiring protection, much to his annoyance. His bodyguard is agent Riley Neal (Meghan Ory), while the scientist responsible for the tech in Gabriel’s head is Dr. Shenandoah Cassidy (John Billingsley). All of them report to project director Lillian Strand (Marg Helgenberger). INTELLIGENCE creator Michael Seitzman, […]Read On »


Interview: James D’Arcy analyzes THOSE WHO KILL

James D'Arcy in THOSE WHO KILL | ©2014 A&E

In A&E’s new drama THOSE WHO KILL, Mondays at 10 PM, James D’Arcy plays troubled (and sometimes troubling) forensic psychologist Dr. Thomas Schaeffer. Schaeffer hasn’t worked with the police for awhile, for reasons that are hinted at in the pilot, but he’s drawn back in when newly-promoted homicide detective Catherine Jensen (Chloe Sevigny) demands that he help her out with a serial killer case. THOSE WHO KILL is adapted by prolific writer/producer Glen Morgan from the Danish TV series DEN SOM DRAEBER, which was in turn adapted from a series of books by Elsebeth Egholm. THOSE WHO KILL is filmed […]Read On »


Exclusive Interview: Luke Arnold on BLACK SAILS seven seas

Luke Ryan in BLACK SAILS | ©2014 Starz

Starz’s pirate series, BLACK SAILS, Saturdays at 9 PM, was created by Robert Levine & Jonathan E. Steinberg. The storyline, set on Nassau Island and its surrounding waters in the early eighteenth century, combines historical figures like Charles Vane (Zach McGowan) and Anne Bonny (Clara Paget) with fictional people (Mark Ryan as Mr. Gates, quartermaster of the pirate ship The Walrus) with characters first introduced in Robert Louis Stevenson’s classic adventure novel Treasure Island. Chief among the Treasure Island crew is veteran pirate Long John Silver. John Silver – not “Long” yet – is played in BLACK SAILS by Australian […]Read On »


Interview with HANNIBAL star Hugh Dancy gives the scoop on Season 2

Hugh Dancy stars as Will Graham on HANNIBAL | © 2014 Michael Muller/NBC

Poor Will Graham. When last we saw the FBI profiler played by Hugh Dancy, he’d been framed for multiple murders and cannibalism by his psychiatrist, Dr. Hannibal Lecter (Mads Mikkelsen), who Will has recently realized is the real killer. When NBC’s HANNIBAL, adapted from Thomas Harris’ novel RED DRAGON by show creator Bryan Fuller, comes back for its second season on Friday, Feb.28 at 10 PM, Will is fighting to prove his innocence. Will is also coping with his own actual mental issues, as well as recovering from encephalitis, which Hannibal allowed to go untreated. The character of Will may […]Read On »


Exclusive Interview with THE RED ROAD’s Aaron Guzikowski and Bridget Carpenter

Jason Momoa stars in THE RED ROAD | © 2014 Sundance

In Sundance Channel’s new six-episode series THE RED ROAD, premiering Thursday Feb. 27 at 9 PM, a contemporary Native American tribe (fictional, albeit based on the Ramapaugh tribe) in the Ramapo Mountains on the New York/New Jersey border dwell in sometimes touchy but generally peaceful coexistence with the mostly white inhabitants of the town down the road. Détente is threatened by two events – Jean Jensen (played by Julianne Nicholson), wife of sheriff’s deputy Harold Jensen (played by Martin Henderson) is involved in an accident, and their former high-school classmate, the dangerous Phillip Kopus (Jason Momoa) returns to the area […]Read On »

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