
Breaking News: The scoop on what makes THE VOICE different than AMERICAN IDOL

Cee Lo Green, Christina Aguilera, Adam Levine, Blake Shelton in THE VOICE - Season 1 | ©2011 NBC/Michael Desmond

While speaking to the press at today’s NBC Summer Press Day 2011 in Pasadena, CA, THE VOICE executive producer Mark Burnett spoke about what makes this singing competition show different than AMERICAN IDOL and other shows of its ilk. The coaches, which include Christina Aguilera, Cee Lo Green, Blake Shelton and Adam Levine (of Maroon 5), are a start. “We have four superstar music performers that are at the top of their game and that was really important to me,” says Burnett. “We wanted people who are at the top of their game currently, worldwide. I think it makes a […]Read On »


Breaking News: THE VOICE coach Cee Lo Green said “Forget You” to THE X FACTOR

Cee Lo Green in THE VOICE - Season 1 | ©2011 NBC/Michael Desmond

Cee Lo Green said “Forget You” to THE X FACTOR and instead chose to be a “Coach” (aka Judge) on NBC’s new reality singing competition THE VOICE premiering April 26. At today’s NBC Summer Press Day 2011 in Pasadena, CA, Green revealed exactly why. “I said ‘no’ to X FACTOR because quite honestly I was unfamiliar with the concept of X FACTOR,” says Green. “I knew the name. I knew the partners involved as an enterprise. I felt too that AMERICAN IDOL and these other entities had run their course. This was a course prior to the new casting [on […]Read On »


Paul Reiser reveals his new series THE PAUL REISER SHOW came about in a sane way

Paul Reiser in THE PAUL REISER SHOW - Season 1 | ©2011 NBC/Chris Haston

Former MAD ABOUT YOU star Paul Reiser debuted his new comedy series THE PAUL REISER SHOW on NBC last night and this morning he was at NBC’s Summer Press Day to talk about the show’s evolution and returning to television. “I wasn’t thinking of doing a show and they said, ‘why don’t you come up with a show’  and this came to me,” he says. The reason for the long delay in between TV projects wasn’t due to the lack of opportunities, he just was ready to “sit down.” “We had a wonderfully long run after MAD ABOUT YOU,” says […]Read On »


Paris Hilton reveals details on her new Oxygen show THE WORLD ACCORDING TO PARIS

Paris Hilton in THE WORLD ACCORDING TO PARIS - Season 1 | ©Oxygen Media/Sheryl Nields

Is the world ready to get inside the head of the REAL Paris Hilton? Be prepared, the rich blonde has decided enough with tabloid TV chronicling her life, she’s going to do it herself. At today’s NBC Summer Press Day, Paris Hilton spoke to the press about her new Oxygen reality series THE WORLD ACCORDING TO PARIS (premiering June 1) which opens her life to cameras in a completely different way including a prominent appearance by her heiress mom Kathy Hilton. “This show is not like anything I’ve ever done,” says Hilton who is also a producer on the show. […]Read On »


Exclusive Interview: BONES showrunner Hart Hanson on Season 6 – Part 1

Emily Deschanel and David Boreanaz in BONES - Season 6 |©2011 Fox/Brian Bowen Smith

On Fox’s Thursday-night series BONES, now in its sixth season, forensic anthropologist Temperance “Bones” Brennan, played by Emily Deschanel, teams up with FBI Special Agent Seeley Booth, played by David Boreanaz, to solve mysterious murder cases. Their contrasting personalities create mutual attraction and bewilderment in almost equal measure. The duo are backed by a support staff at the Jeffersonian Institute, including supervisor Camille “Cam” Saroyan (Tamara Taylor), artist Angela Montenegro (Michaela Conlin) and Angela’s now-husband insect expert Jack Hodgins (T.J. Thyne). While BONES is based on a series of novels by mystery writer and real-life forensic anthropologist Kathy Reichs, the […]Read On »


FRINGE Season 4 will likely remain on Friday nights

©2010 Fox | Anna Torv in FRINGE - Season Three - "The Abducted"

While speaking with FRINGE executive producers Jeff Pinkner and J.H. Wyman this morning, they admitted that Season 4 of the series will likely remain on Friday nights. “Fox has not officially told us we’re on Friday,” says Pinkner. “We’re assuming we’re on Friday and our pick-up implies they’re happy with us there. They will do all their scheduling things and we’ll continue our storytelling regardless of where we are on the schedule.” Follow us on Twitter at ASSIGNMENT X Fan us on Facebook at ASSIGNMENTX CLICK HERE to read about FRINGE – Season 4 plans CLICK HERE to read about […]Read On »


Breaking News: FRINGE producers reveal Season 3 finale plans

Anna Torv in FRINGE - Season 3 - "Immortality" | ©2011 Fox /Liane Hentscher

While speaking with FRINGE executive producers Jeff Pinkner and J.H. Wyman this morning, they revealed a tiny bit about what the Season 3 finale plans will be. “We have sort of approached each end of season to be the end of story for year and also open up the door and imply and be first taste of what next seasons story telling would be,” says Wyman. “We believe this season finale does that. Hopefully it will be wholly unexpected and recontexualize the story of Season 3 in a way and be mind-blowing.” Wyman does confirm an important character will die, […]Read On »


Breaking News: Could FRINGE be looking for a series end game?

Anna Torv, Joshua Jackson and John Noble in FRINGE - Season Three | ©2010 Fox/Smallz and Raskind

Could FRINGE be pulling a LOST and charting its end game now? While speaking with FRINGE executive producers Jeff Pinkner and J.H. Wyman this morning, they won’t be going the LOST route, but they do have plans for where this is all heading. “I think we have an ending in mind,” says Wyman. “And we’ve said this before. We have this  file folder. There are chapters we can tell to round out that ending and we can drop in to get to that ending that aren’t required for the storytelling to work and be satisfying. One of the advantages to […]Read On »


Breaking News: Some FRINGE Season 4 plans revealed by producers

John Noble in FRINGE - Season 3 - "Subject 13" | ©2011 Fox/Liane Hentscher

Now that Fox has greenlit a fourth season of FRINGE, it was time to find out what exactly that means for the venerable Fox science-fiction series and executive producers Jeff Pinkner and J.H. Wyman revealed this morning some more tidbits. “We are always percolating ideas for next season, but haven’t formally sat down to talk about them,” says Pinkner. “We’re finishing this season.” As for what will happen with our world and “Over There,” Wyman confirms that storytelling for “Over There” will not be over next year. “It’s not going to end, our plan is to go forward,” says Wyman. […]Read On »


Exclusive Interview: It’s HAPPY ENDINGS for Elisha Cuthbert

Elisha Cuthbert in HAPPY ENDINGS | ©2011 ABC/Bob D'Amico

In ABC’s new comedy HAPPY ENDINGS,  premiering tonight at the special time of 9:30 PM, with a second episode in the regular 10 PM timeslot, Alex, played by Elisha Cuthbert, is supposed to marry David, played by Zachary Knighton. However, she ditches him GRADUATE-style at the altar for another guy. While Alex’s new romance doesn’t last, the show explores the lasting ramifications of the breakup on both characters and their group of mutual friends. Calgary, Canada-born Cuthbert played Jack Bauer’s peril-prone daughter Kim off and on over the ten-year span of 24 and more recently co-starred in the missing-persons drama […]Read On »

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