
Exclusive Photos: TRUE BLOOD at PaleyFest2011

Anna Paquin and Stephen Moyer at the William S. Paley Television Festival (PaleyFest2011) featuring TRUE BLOOD | ©2011 Sue Schneider

Fans were everywhere …waiting for hours to see the cast and creator of TRUE BLOOD on March 5th at the William S. Paley Television Festival (PaleyFest2011). Walking into the press tent was:  Alan Ball (Creator/Executive Producer), Anna Paquin (Sookie Stackhouse), Stephen Moyer (Bill Compton), Alexander Skarsgard (Eric Northman), Rutina Wesley (Tara Thornton), Sam Trammel (Sam Merlotte), Marshall Allman (Tommy Mickens), Ryan Kwanten (Jason Stackhouse), Chris Bauer (Andy Bellefleur), Carrie Preston (Arlene Fowler), Todd Lowe (Terry Bellefleur), Jim Parrack (Hoyt Fortenberry), Deborah Ann Woll (Jessica Hamby), Nelsan Ellis (Lafayette Reynolds), Kevin Alejandro (Jesus Velasquez), Kristin Bauer (Pam De Beaufort), and Joe […]Read On »


Exclusive Interview: V producer Steve Pearlman join the Resistance

Morena Baccarin and Christopher Shyer in V - Season 2 - "Mother's Day" | ©2011 ABC/Jack Rowand

In ABC’s series V, which has its season finale this Tuesday at 9 PM, the alien Visitors trying to take over Earth are challenged on screen in their rampage by the heroic Fifth Column. Behind the scenes, executive producer Steve Pearlman, the production team member who supervises filming in Vancouver, stands up for the forces of budget, schedule and special effects. He talks to us about some of the complications of making the otherworldly aspects of the show look good, and also hints at what’s to come. ASSIGNMENT X: What do the Visitors do when they reach a new planet? […]Read On »


Exclusive Interview: Ryan McPartlin is Awesome on CHUCK

Ryan McPartlin in CHUCK - Season 2 - "Vs. The Sensei" | ©NBC/Greg Gayne

On NBC’s CHUCK, now in its fourth season on Mondays at 8 PM, Zachary Levi may play the title spy with Intersect-given superpowers, but it’s Chuck’s brother-in-law Devon Woodcomb, played by Ryan McPartlin, who is nicknamed – without irony – Captain Awesome. There’s good reason for this: Devon is the perfect doctor, friend, boyfriend-turned-husband and now dad to baby Clara (Chuck’s niece). He’s also pretty awesome in appearance, which the other characters remark upon with regularity. Chicago native McPartlin seems to take everything in stride as easily as Devon does, sounding happy and relaxed as he talks about the character […]Read On »


Event: The Scoop (and news) on SUPERNATURAL at PaleyFest2011

Jared Padalecki at the William S. Paley Television Festival (PALEYFEST2011) presents SUPERNATURAL | ©2011 Sue Schneider

The SUPERNATURAL panel held Sunday, March 13, 2011 as part of the 28th William S. Paley Television Festival (aka PaleyFest2011) in Beverly Hills had just about everything fans could want: a music video, outtakes from the surreal “French Mistake” episode from a few weeks ago, a trailer for the upcoming episode “Frontierland” where the Winchester brothers, Dean and Sam, must go to the Old West in search of the demon-killing Colt gun, and the panel itself. The hour-long question-and-answer session on stage in a packed auditorium featured stars Jared Padalecki (Sam) and Jensen Ackles (Dean), recurring actors Jim Beaver (Bobby) […]Read On »


TV Review: BONES – Season 6 – “The Killer in the Crosshairs”

Emily Deschanel in BONES - Season 6 - "The Killer in the Crosshairs" | ©2011 Fox/Ray Mickshaw

Stars: David Boreanaz, Emily Deschanel, Michaela Conlin, T.J. Thyne, John Francis Daley, Arnold Vosloo, Billy Gibbons Writer: Michael Peterson Director: Milan Cheylov Network: Fox, Thursdays @ 9 PM Airdate: March 10, 2011 Most BONES episodes hew to a fairly specific and usually agreeable formula. This is the case with “The Killer in the Crosshairs,” which has as its serious A plot Booth’s (David Boreanaz) continued search for former military sniper colleague-turned-vigilante Jake Brodsky (Arnold Vosloo). Booth is consciously worried that his literal-minded partner Brennan (Emily Deschanel) seems to equate the two men and doesn’t understand that Booth in fact does […]Read On »


Exclusive Interview: David Boreanaz digs BONES

David Boreanaz in BONES - Season 6 | ©2010 Fox/Brian Bowen Smith

Poor Seeley Booth. Sure, the BONES FBI special agent and former military sharpshooter played by David Boreanaz is at the top of his game as a lawman, but when it comes to love, he faces one setback after another. At the end of Season Five, he wanted to make a go of it with Dr. Temperance “Bones” Brennan, played by Emily Deschanel, but the thought of that kind of intimacy with her good friend and partner frightened her. Between seasons, Booth fell for globe-trotting ace journalist Hannah Burley (Katheryn Winnick), and this season, the two moved in together, but the […]Read On »


Exclusive Interview Kurt Fuller chats BETTER WITH YOU and SUPERNATURAL

Kurt Fuller in BETTER WITH YOU | ©2010 ABC/Bob D'Amico

BETTER WITH YOU is one of ABC’s freshman comedies lighting up its Wednesday lineup. Kurt Fuller, one of those actors who seems to work constantly, dividing his time between being funny and being scary, talks about getting to play romantic – and a few of his other recent gigs, like playing the malicious angel Zachariah on SUPERNATURAL. Here’s what he had to say … KURT FULLER: I play the father, Joel Putney, on BETTER WITH YOU. it’s basically a family comedy with three generations of couples, who’ve been together for three very distinct periods of time – my wife and […]Read On »


TV Review: BEING HUMAN – Season 1 – “Children Shouldn’t Play With Undead Things”

Meaghan Rath in BEING HUMAN - Season 1 - "Children Shouldn't Play With Undead Things" | ©2011 Syfy/Phillipe Bosse

Stars: Sam Witwer, Meaghan Rath, Sam Huntington, Cindy Sampson, Jason Spevack, Kristen Hager, Sarah Allen Writer: Chris Dingess Director: Jeremiah Chechik Network: Syfy, Mondays @ 9 PM Airdate: March 7, 2011 BEING HUMAN largely returns to copying its British forebear with “Children Shouldn’t Play With Undead Things,” in which vampire Aidan’s (Sam Witwer) befriending of bullied 10-year-old neighbor Bernie (Jason Spevack) leads to unintended consequences and Josh’s (Sam Huntingdon) courtship of nurse Nina (Kristen Hager) results in very wild pre-werewolf transformation sex. The one original bit here concerns Sally (Meaghan Rath), who is not exactly delighted by what she finds […]Read On »


Exclusive Interview: V and SMALLVILLE actress Laura Vandervoort is used to being alien-ated

Laura Vandervoort in V - Season 2 | ©2011 ABC/Bob D'Amico

On ABC’s V, the humans may think they have problems with the invading Visitors, but there’s a lot of internal strife going on with the extraterrestrial reptiles as well. Anna, played by Morena Baccarin, is fighting to hold on to her position as supreme leader, while her mother Diana (played by Jane Badler of the original V series) forms an alliance with Anna’s daughter Lisa, played by Laura Vandervoort (pronounced VAN-der-vort). Before she was ever cast as Lisa, the Toronto Vandervoort was already familiar to audiences from her role as Kara, aka Supergirl, on the CW’s SMALLVILLE. The actress talks […]Read On »


Interview: John Wells travels deep into SOUTHLAND – Part 2

Ben McKenzie and Michael Cudlitz in SOUTHLAND - Season 3| ©2011 TNT/Doug Hyun

SOUTHLAND concludes its third season on TNT tonight and executive producer John Wells (ER, THE WEST WING, THIRD WATCH and CHINA BEACH) chats about the gritty police drama that was unceremoniously dumped by NBC before its second season aired, only to find a home with TNT. Here’s what Wells had to say, in part 2 of our interview. ASSIGNMENT X: You’re also one of the executive producers on SOUTHLAND, which ran six episodes on NBC, then got renewed, then got canceled after you’d shot six episodes of Season Two without any of those episodes airing – and then you got […]Read On »

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