
Exclusive Interview: Emily Deschanel has BONES to pick

Emily Deschanel in BONES - Season 6 | ©2010 Fox /Brian Bowen

Now in its sixth season, BONES (which airs Thursday nights) has proved a reliable hit for Fox. Based on books by Kathy Reichs, the show is a combination of detective procedural and romantic comedy/drama. Emily Deschanel plays Temperance “Bones” Brennan, an internationally revered forensic anthropologist who could give Mr. Spock lessons in logical detachment. Her interactions with her crime-solving partner, David Boreanaz’s emotion-based Seeley Booth, form the backbone of the show. Lately, Brennan has been getting more in touch with her feelings. Although she rejected Booth’s suggestion that they pair up personally at the end of Season Five, this year, […]Read On »


The Dork Side: TV Quotables for Everyday Life

THE SIMPSONS - Season 22 - The 21st Annual TREEHOUSE OF HORROR | ©2011 Fox

“D’oh!” I say “D’oh” multiple times a day, every day. I say it when I drop something. I say it when I hurt myself. I say it when I’ve done something stupid. I say it when someone else drops something or tells me a story about something stupid they did. Sometimes I say it when I hear a sad story, saying softly, “Oh, d’oh,” with a sympathetic look. After years of watching THE SIMPSONS, it is burned in my brain. I’m sure the first time I said it, I thought about it and said it to make someone laugh. Now, […]Read On »


The X List: Top 10 Things We Were Disappointed About BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER – SEASON 8 comics

Dawn from BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER SEASON EIGHT | © 2011 Dark Horse Comics

It’s easy to criticize other people’s work. Hell, it’s a lot more simple than praising it sometimes, but in the case of BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER SEASON EIGHT I really had to struggle to come up with a legitimate list of ten things that could have either been handled better, or been left out of the forty issue story arc all together (CLICK HERE to read our Top 10 Good Things about BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER – SEASON 8). SEASON EIGHT was an enjoyable return of much loved characters both heroes and villains, and it was nice to see the […]Read On »


Interview: Timothy Olyphant is JUSTIFIED on his FX series

Timothy Olyphant in JUSTIFIED - Season 2 | ©2011 FX

JUSTIFIED,  based on the work of Elmore Leonard and follows the travails of U.S. Marshal Raylan Givens, played by Timothy Olyphant. After a, well, justified shooting in Miami, Raylan is transferred (against his wishes) back to the place where he grew up, Harlan County, Kentucky. It’s not the big city, but to say life isn’t dull would be putting it mildly. The FX series begins its second season tonight at 10 and star Olyphant is unmistakably happy about the series’ success and his work on it. ASSIGNMENT X: Would you say you’re going through a law enforcement phase in your […]Read On »


Profile: Actor David Denman makes TRAFFIC LIGHT go

David Denman in TRAFFIC LIGHT - Season 1" | ©2010 Fox /Joseph Cultice

Actor David Denman may have played small parts in very successful shows like THE OFFICE and ANGEL, but he is no shrinking violet. Denman is a bulky 6’4 and finally stretching his acting muscles in the new comedy TRAFFIC LIGHT premiering tonight on Fox. In Hollywood’s trend of late, the show focuses on three friends at different romantic stages in their lives. Denman, 37, plays the married and content one who struggles to balance his family life, friendships and career. But don’t look for a copy cat version of RULES OF ENGAGEMENT or PERFECT COUPLES. Denman says TRAFFIC LIGHT is […]Read On »


TV Review: BEING HUMAN – SEASON 1 – “Wouldn’t It Be Nice (If We Were Human)”

Sam Huntington in BEING HUMAN - Season 1 - “Wouldn’t It Be Nice (If We Were Human)” | ©2011 Syfy

Stars: Sam Witwer, Meaghan Rath, Sam Huntington, Sarah Allen, Gianpaolo Venuta, Andreas Apergis Writer: Chris Dingess Director: Jerry Ciccoritti Network: Syfy, Airs Monday nights Airdate: February 7, 2011 So far, the U.S. BEING HUMAN is following the broad strokes of the U.K. original. “Wouldn’t It Be Nice (If We Were Human)” expands a bit on the werewolf education subplot by having the mentor figure, here called Ray (Andreas Apergis), turn out to be violently anti-vampire, which provides a bit of extra suspense here. Of course, werewolf Josh (Sam Huntington) doesn’t know this about Ray when Ray introduces himself – in […]Read On »


Exclusive Interview: V star Joel Gretsch doesn’t let those lizards get under his collar

Joel Gretsch in V - Season 2 - "Unholy Alliance" | ©2011 ABC/Jack Rowand

In Season Two of V, it’s become pretty clear that the alien Visitors, lead by Morena Baccarin’s stern Anna, do not have the best interests of humanity at heart. What the Vs do have is an enormous amount of high-tech weaponry. Standing against them are a small group of mixed humans and Vs known as the Fifth Column. Joel Gretsch plays Father Jack Landry, a key member of the Fifth Column whose faith is powerfully tested by both the existence and actions of the Visitors. Gretsch is something of a genre veteran – he was in the extraterrestrial miniseries TAKEN […]Read On »


TV Review: THE CAPE – Season 1 – “Goggles and Hicks”

David Lyons in THE CAPE - Season 1 | ©2011 NBC

Stars: David Lyons, Keith David, Summer Glau, James Frain, Jennifer Ferrin, Ryan Wynott, Vinnie Jones, Pruitt Taylor Vince, Chad Lindberg, Izabella Miko Writer: Craig Titley Director: Deran Serafian Network: NBC, Mondays @ 9 PM Airdate: February 7, 2011 THE CAPE usually has well-structured episodes that have multiple levels and good payoffs, but while “Goggles and Hicks” has a fine guest actor in Pruitt Taylor Vince – and a nicely scary turn from Chad Lindberg as his partner/brother – it feels a bit haphazard overall. A prologue shows us how adept hit men Goggles (Vince) and Hicks (Lindberg) are at their […]Read On »


TV Review: THE CHICAGO CODE – Season 1 – “Pilot” – Series Premiere

Delroy Lindo, Billy Lush, Matt Lauria, Jennifer Beals, Jason Clarke, Devin Kelley and Todd Williams in THE CHICAGO CODE - Season 1 | ©2010 Fox/Karen Hill

Stars: Delroy Lindo, Billy Lush, Matt Lauria, Jennifer Beals, Jason Clarke, Devin Kelley and Todd Williams Writer: Shawn Ryan Director: Charles McDougall Network: Fox, airs Monday nights Original Telecast: February 7, 2011 It’s been some time since a network drama has stormed out of the gates and made you sit up and take notice. Fox’s new drama THE CHICAGO CODE created by THE SHIELD’s Shawn Ryan is that show. THE CHICAGO CODE is without a doubt one of the best new shows of the new season – and it’s a shame it’s taken five months for it to rear its […]Read On »


Exclusive Interview: Delroy Lindo cracks THE CHICAGO CODE

Delroy Lindo in THE CHICAGO CODE - Season 1 | ©2011 Fox/Justin Stephens

THE CHICAGO CODE, created by Shawn Ryan and premiering tonight at 9 PM on Fox, is a police drama shot on location in the title city. While the series has its procedural elements, there is also an ongoing story about the efforts of the police superintendent, played by Jennifer Beals, and one of her officers, played by Jason Clarke, to bring down the intimidating yet charismatic corrupt alderman Patrick Gibbons, played by Delroy Lindo. Lindo is no stranger to portraying antagonists – he was a memorable criminal boss in Spike Lee’s CLOCKERS and essayed Clarence Thomas in the telefilm STRANGE […]Read On »

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