
Exclusive Interview: 24’s Howard Gordon gives the scoop on the end of the explosive Fox series – Part 1

Kiefer Sutherland in 24 - Season Eight | ©2010 Fox

It took eight seasons (and one made-for-TV movie) for time to run out for Fox’s venerable and ground-breaking action series 24 which starred Kiefer Sutherland as the tragic anti-hero Jack Bauer. Each season, the series took one day in the life of the sometimes counter-terrorist agent Bauer and dealt with the ups and downs of a major attack on U.S. soil like clockwork. The real time conceit was the hook, but it was Sutherland and crackerjack storytelling that kept viewers glued to their screens year after year. With 24 – Season Eight and The Complete Series hitting DVD this week, […]Read On »


Exclusive Interview: Bradley Whitford is one of THE GOOD GUYS

Colin Hanks and Bradley Whitford in THE GOOD GUYS - Season 1 | ©2010 Fox

On Fox’s great but under-appreciated THE GOOD GUYS, Bradley Whitford plays Dan Stark, a cop who was hot in the ‘70s and ‘80s and is still caught up in the look and mores of those decades. His new partner Jack, played by Colin Hanks, is a scrupulous young officer who can’t believe Dan’s tactics. Whitford, immortalized as White House staffer Josh Lyman for seven years on THE WEST WING talks about his very different role in THE GOOD GUYS – and about working with Joss Whedon and Drew Goddard on their forthcoming horror movie THE CABIN IN THE WOODS without […]Read On »


Exclusive Interview: DEXTER actor Desmond Harrington sees blood

Desmond Harrington in DEXTER - Season 5 - "Take It!" | ©2010 Showtime/Randy Tepper

On DEXTER (which airs its season finale on Sunday night), Michael C. Hall’s serial killer protagonist has lots of problems. One of these would be Miami police detective Joey Quinn, played by Desmond Harrington. Quinn is the partner and sometimes lover of Dexter’s sister Debra (Jennifer Carpenter) – and he’s also the one person at the station who thinks there’s something not quite right about the newly-widowed blood spatter expert. Harrington takes five with ASSIGNMENT X regarding his suspicious character, his appearance on GOSSIP GIRL and playing a cop. TAKE 1: Season Four of DEXTER was pretty traumatic for a […]Read On »


Exclusive Interview: THE DUKES OF HAZZARD star James Best gets animated about the 1980s cartoon spin-off THE DUKES

THE DUKES DVD | ©2010 Warner Bros.

THE DUKES OF HAZZARD was one of the most popular prime-time series on CBS in the late ‘70s and early ‘80s, but many people forget that there was a short-lived Hanna-Barbera spin-off called THE DUKES featuring the same characters, same voices, but animated instead of live action. Instead of being set in Hazzard county, the animated series followed Bo, Luke and Daisy in a race around the world with Boss Hogg and Rosco in an attempt to save their family farm. James Best, who played the dim-witted (and somewhat corrupt) Rosco P. Coltrane reprised his role with this off-shoot and […]Read On »


The Dork Side: A FESTIVUS for the rest of us


I don’t really celebrate Christmas. I’m not a Grinch or anything. I’m just more a Festivus girl. If you don’t know what Festivus is then … wait, really? You don’t know what Festivus is? If you don’t know then you probably don’t have Internet and you are probably not reading this so I will move along. I have put up my Festivus pole, and I plan to wrestle with the head of the household for the feats of strength. The head of our household is our wiener dog, Homer, so that shouldn’t be too hard. But my favorite part of […]Read On »


Exclusive Interview: KIDS IN THE HALL member Dave Foley gets his Christmas jollies on LEVERAGE


Is it the winter season or the extra special Christmas bonus to Season Three? That’s the question surrounding the last three episodes of LEVERAGE, which begin airing this Sunday night (December 12) on TNT. First up is the official Christmas-themed episode “The Ho, Ho, Ho Job” where the Leverage team spearheaded by mastermind Nate Ford (Timothy Hutton) take down a shady department store Santa operation followed by the two-hour season finale airing December 19 that finally reveals the season’s Big Bad Damien Moreau (played by ER’s Goran Visnjic). To kick off the holiday spirit with a comedic chaser, ASSIGNMENT X […]Read On »


Preview: Matt LeBlanc returns to series TV with Showtime’s EPISODES

With his new Showtime series EPISODES set to premiere January 9, former FRIENDS and JOEY star Matt LeBlanc explains why it took so long for him to return to series television and he admits it wasn’t because the offers weren’t coming in. “There was a few network shows that came and went that crossed my desk and I said ‘no’ to them,” says LeBlanc. “Working twelve years every day was a lot. I wanted to take some time off and spend time with my daughter and take some time with my daughter.” EPISODES follows LeBlanc playing a semi-fictional version of […]Read On »


Breaking News: Why was the FX series TERRIERS cancelled? FX President John Landgraf reveals why it was put to sleep

Donal Logue and Michael Raymond-James in TERRIERS - Season 1 | ©2010 FX/Patrick McElhenney

TERRIERS is one of those great shows that few people watched, but those who did, were passionate about it. The FX series concerned ex-cop Hank Dolworth (Donal Logue) and his best friend ex-thief Brit Morgan (Michael Raymond-James) who teamed up as unlicensed private eyes in San Diego and stumbled across a CHINATOWN-like scheme. The series finale aired Wednesday. Usually, when a TV series is canceled, the network lets it slip away as quietly as possible. However, when FX decided not to renew freshman series TERRIERS on Friday, network president John Landgraf took the rare step of organizing a conference call […]Read On »


Exclusive Interview: CASTLE Executive Producer LAURIE ZAKS talks about the hit ABC series

Nathan Fillion, Stana Katic and Tamala Jones in CASTLE - Season 3 - "Murder Most Fowl" | © 2010 ABC/Adam Larkey

For those that haven’t caught up with the pleasures of ABC’s Monday night crime drama CASTLE, you’re missing out on one of the freshest procedurals currently on network TV. Nathan Fillion stars as best-selling mystery writer Richard Castle on the series, who met NYPD homicide detective Kate Beckett (Stana Katic) when he was wrongly suspected of committing murders based on his books. By the time that was cleared up, Castle decided Beckett would make a great basis for his next fictional series and has been tagging along with her to crime scenes ever since. The friction between his fictional musings […]Read On »


Exclusive Interview: DOUG LIMAN talks about ‘FAIR GAME’ and ‘COVERT AFFAIRS’

FAIR GAME movie poster | © 2010 Summit

Doug Liman could be dubbed the “spy guy” of producer/directors. True, his first feature film as a director was SWINGERS and he’s delved into other genres with GO and JUMPER, but his helming of THE BOURNE IDENTITY and MR. AND MRS. SMITH indicate a predilection for the world of people pretending to be what they’re not. Currently, Liman’s latest feature as director/ producer is in theatres. FAIR GAME tells the story of real-life CIA agent Valerie Plame, played by Naomi Watts, whose cover was blown by American government officials to punish her diplomat husband Joseph Wilson, played by Sean Penn, […]Read On »

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