
AXclusive: LIE TO ME star Tim Roth gives AX the scoop on Season Three

© 2010 Fox/photo: Mathieu Young | Tim Roth in LIE TO ME - Season Three

It’s been a very chaotic week for Fox’s Monday night line-up. First, the network canceled their ambitious and critically acclaimed soap opera LONE STAR from the schedule after two episodes. Next, they called up their excellent procedural LIE TO ME to pinch hit in its old Monday at 9:00 p.m. time slot (which it occupied all summer), resulting in a mad scramble to get the word out of this change. And finally, your brand new pop cultural destination ASSIGNMENT X nabbed our first big scoop – LIE TO ME star Tim Roth wanted to speak with us about the show […]Read On »


Preview: DEXTER will focus on “Atonement” for Season Five

Michael C. Hall in DEXTER - Season 5 - "My Bad" | ©2010 Showtime

What to expect from DEXTER‘s fifth season? How about “atonement,” which is the theme this year  according to executive producer John Goldwyn who says that Dexter (Michael C. Hall) feels that he was involved in some way and feels culpability in Rita’s death. “This scene is of atonement and illuminated and dramatized over the course of the year,” says Goldwyn. Executive producer Sara Colleton adds “the form Dexter takes to achieve atonement, is not in a form that is conventional in any means.” The Showtime series, which airs Sunday nights, will also have “tattoos” playing  an integral part of the […]Read On »


TV Review: HOUSE – Season 7 – “Selfish”

Hugh Laurie in HOUSE - Season 7 | ©2010 Fox

Stars: Hugh Laurie, Lisa Edelstein, Robert Sean Leonard, Omar Epps, Jesse Spencer, Olivia Wilde, Peter Jacobson Writer: Eli Attie Director: Daniel Attias Network: Fox, airs Monday nights Original Telecast: September 27, 2010 Did we get our first real HOUSE episode of the season? Not to knock the season premiere, “Now What?” (which was good but hardly resembled a HOUSE episode), but “Selfish” showed us that Huddy and HOUSE can coexist and in fact make for some darn good television. To be honest, that was what was on the line this week: whether HOUSE can truly pull this off or if, […]Read On »


TV Review: HOUSE – Season 7 – “Now What?” – Season Premiere

Lisa Edelstein and Hugh Laurie in HOUSE - Season 7 - "Now What?" | ©2010 Fox /Adam Taylor

Stars: Hugh Laurie, Lisa Edelstein, Robert Sean Leonard, Omar Epps, Jesse Spencer, Olivia Wilde, Peter Jacobson Writer: Doris Egan Director: Greg Yaitanes Network: Fox, airs Monday nights Original Telecast: September 20, 2010 Well, it was real. Huddy (House + Cuddy for you folks out there not in the know) is happening, and to be honest, I’m not sure how I feel about that as HOUSE enters its seventh season. I suppose it would have been utterly ridiculous to have House (Hugh Laurie) and Cuddy’s (Lisa Edelstein) encounter be another hallucination or a dream or any other DALLAS type ending. At […]Read On »

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