The Good Fight

MR. MERCEDES: Gabriel Ebert talks Season 3 – Exclusive Interview

Gabriel Ebert in MR. MERCEDES | ©2019 AT&T Audience Network

In Season 3 of MR. MERCEDES, Tuesday nights on AT&T’s Audience Network, Brady Hartsfield may be dead, but he’s still wreaking havoc by appearing to Lou Linklatter (Breeda Wool), who’s on trial for Brady’s murder. However, this isn’t the only problem faced by Lou’s friends at the Finders Keepers detective agency, ex-police detective Bill Hodges (Brendan Gleeson), Holly Gibney (Justine Lupe) and Jerome Robinson (Jharrel Jerome). The third season of MR. MERCEDES is largely based on FINDERS KEEPERS, the second book in Stephen King’s trilogy of novels with this group of characters (as the season proceeds, we see elements of […]Read On »


THE GOOD FIGHT: Actor Michael Sheen on THE GOOD WIFE spin-off and GOOD OMENS – Interview

Michael Sheen as Roland Blum in THE GOOD FIGHT - Season 1 | ©2018 CBS Interactive, Inc. All Rights Reserved/Justin Stephens

Actor Michael Sheen is having a GOOD time right now. On CBS All-Access, Sheen joins the cast of the legal drama THE GOOD FIGHT as the (figuratively) devilish lawyer Roland Blum; on Amazon, Sheen stars as the (literally) angelic Aziraphale opposite David Tennant in the six-part adaptation of Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett’s celestial doomsday comedy GOOD OMENS. Sheen, originally from Wales, has a wide-ranging career. He made his Broadway debut in the title role of AMADEUS. Onscreen, Sheen has portrayed real-life figures British Prime Minister Tony Blair (in THE DEAL, THE QUEEN, and THE SPECIAL RELATIONSHIP), sex researcher Bill […]Read On »

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