BUTCH CASSIDY AND THE WILD BUNCH: Screenwriter and actor Geoff Meed on new Tubi western – Exclusive Interview

BUTCH CASSIDY AND THE WILD BUNCH, which made its debut this week on Tubi, is a Western that tells a new version of the legend of Butch Cassidy (Ross Jirgl), aka Robert Parker, in the days before he teamed up with the Sundance Kid (Jilon VanOver). The film also stars Bruce Dern and Dee Wallace as Butch’s foster parents, and Jeffrey Combs as lawman Charles Siringo, determined to bring Butch and his gang in by any means necessary. The screenplay for BUTCH CASSIDY AND THE WILD BUNCH was written by Geoff Meed, who also costars as Butch’s surly colleague Kid […]Read On »