
TV Review: SOUTH PARK – Season 16 – “Cartman Finds Love”

Nichole and Cartman in SOUTH PARK - Season 16 - "Cartman Finds Love" | ©2012 Comedy Central

Writer: Trey Parker Director: Trey Parker Network: Comedy Central, airs Wednesday nights Original Telecast: April 25, 2012 The mid-season finale of SOUTH PARK is here, and while last year set the bar high for a mid-season closer (the brilliant “You’re Getting Old”), this year ends on a soft note with an okay, but unspectacular Cartman-centric episode “Cartman Finds Love.” First off, when you hear the title, you think, finally, someone is going to tame Cartman – but that’s not the case. It’s just another episode where Cartman falls in love with himself. When the new black girl Nichole arrives in […]Read On »


Exclusive Interview: Daniel Gillies talks THE VAMPIRE DIARIES and new series SAVING HOPE

Daniel Gillies at the NBC Universal Summer Press Day | ©2012 Sue Schneider

ASSIGNMENT X got a chance to catch up with THE VAMPIRE DIARIES star Daniel Gillies recently at the NBC SUMMER PRESS DAY at the Langham Huntington Hotel & Spa in Pasadena. Daniel was there to promote his new NBC series  SAVING HOPE (debuting this summer), and although his storyline on THE VAMPIRES DIARIES is not over yet. In SAVING HOPE Daniel stars as Dr. Joel Goran, along with Erica Durance (SMALLVILLE) and Michael Shanks (STARGATE ATLANTIS). ASSIGNMENT X: Your character, Elijah on THE VAMPIRE DIARIES is considered the ultimate gentleman and while you have brotherly love for Klaus (Joseph Morgan), […]Read On »


TV Review: MAD MEN – Season 5 – “Faraway Places”

Jon Hamm as Don Draper on MAD MEN "Faraway Places" | © 2012 Michael Yarish/AMC

Stars: John Hamm, Elisabeth Moss, Vincent Kartheiser, Christina Hendricks, Jared Harris, John Slattery, January Jones, Jessica Pare, Robert Morse, Aaron Staton, Rich Sommer, Kiernan Shipka Writer: Matthew Wiener & Semi Chellas, Series created by Matthew Wiener Director: Scott Hornbacher      Network: AMC, airs Sunday nights Original Telecast: April 22, 2012 “Far Away Places” is a unique episode in MAD MEN’s history. I love the storytelling device of showing the same day through the eyes of Peggy (Elisabeth Moss), Don (John Hamm), and Roger (John Slattery). I like the sort of GROUNDHOG DAY feel that we keep looping back on the […]Read On »


TV Review: THE VAMPIRE DIARIES – Season 3 – “Heart of Darkness”

Nina Dobrev as Elena Gilbert in THE VAMPIRE DIARIES Heart of Darkness | © 2012 The CW/Quantrell D. Colber

Stars: Nina Dobrev, Paul Wesley, Ian Somerhalder Writer: Brian Young & Evan Bleiweiss, Based on the book by L.J. Smith Director: Chris Grismer     Network: The CW, airs Thursday nights Original Telecast: April 19, 2012 With “Heart of Darkness”, THE VAMPIRE DIARIES returns from yet another break. Anyone remember them taking this many breaks in past seasons? Anywho, this episode saw not just the return of one of my favorite guilty pleasures, but also the return of two of my favorite boys on the show, Tyler (Michael Trevino) and Jeremy (Steven R. McQueen). Not that Mystic Falls has had a […]Read On »


TV Review: SMASH – Season 1 – “Publicity”

Katherine McPhee stars in SMASH Publicity on NBC | © 2012/Will Hart

Stars: Debra Messing, Christian Borle, Megan Hilty, Katharine McPhee, Jack Davenport, Angelica Houston Writers: Theresa Rebeck Director: Michael Mayer Network: NBC, airs Mondays Original Telecast: April 23, 2012 You can’t help wondering, sometimes, if SMASH creator Theresa Rebeck, who is also a playwright, has had more than one run-in with a movie actor. In “Publicity,” an episode she wrote, she’s got more fun and games going with Rebecca Duvall (Uma Thurman), the movie actress brought in to play Marilyn in order to attract investors and an audience. But once again, the story line moves away from the show and more into the […]Read On »


Interview: Eva Longoria on the end of DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES

Eva Longoria in the upcoming episode of DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES entitled "Lost My Power" | © 2012 ABC/Danny Feld

Eva Longoria shot to fame in the first year of what’s turned out to be her eight-season run as well-to-do Gabrielle Solis on ABC’s DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES, which airs Sundays at 9 PM. The Texas-born Longoria, who has a Bachelor’s degree in science from A&M University, has a healthy film career outside of DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES – she’s in four features scheduled for release, including FOR GREATER GLORY with Peter O’Toole and Andy Garcia, THE BAYTOWN DISCO with VAMPIRE DIARIES’ Paul Wesley, THE TRUTH with Forest Whitaker and LONG TIME GONE – she also wrote a cookbook with Marah Slets entitled EVA’S […]Read On »


TV Review: ONCE UPON A TIME – Season 1 – “The Return”

Robert Carlyle in ONCE UPON A TIME - Season 1 - "The Return" | ©2012 ABC/Jack Rowand

Stars: Ginnifer Goodwin, Jennifer Morrison, Robert Carlyle, Lana Parrilla, Jared Gilmore, Josh Dallas, Raphael Sbarge, Eion Bailey Writer: Jane Espenson Director: Paul Edwards Network: ABC, Sunday nights, 8 p.m. Original Telecast: April 22, 2012 For all the teasing ABC has been doing, it looks like we’re going to get some answers about the dual worlds of ONCE UPON A TIME. The problem is, in “The Return,” we’re getting more questions. We’ve often noted that August (Eion Bailey) does not appear to have a fairy tale world counterpart, but that he does seem to be in on what’s going on in Storybrooke, Maine. And the episode leads us along to believe […]Read On »


TV Review: SUPERNATURAL – Season 7 – “Of Grave Importance”

Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki in SUPERNATURAL - Season 7 - "Of Grave Importance" | ©2012 The CW/Jack Rowand

Stars: Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, Jim Beaver, Jamie Luner, Anthony Cupo, Elysia Rotaru Writer: Brad Buckner & Eugenie Ross-Leming, series created by Eric Kripke Director: Tim Andrew Network: The CW, Fridays @ 9 PM Original Airdate: April 20, 2012 SUPERNATURAL has its conventions (i.e., plot devices, though it also has fan gatherings, but that’s another story). Some of these are good, some of these are bad, and some make many of us want to smack the TV screen. Among these last is the tendency among main characters to overlook everything that’s happened in the past seven seasons so they can […]Read On »


Interview: Marcia Cross chats about the end of DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES

Marcia Cross in DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES - Season 8 | ©2012 ABC/Matthew Rolston

If a take on the set of DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES is interrupted by a ringing cell phone, you may be sure that the offending sound will not be the fault of actress Marcia Cross. Not that she won’t pick up – you just won’t hear it first. “Mine’s on silent and I answer it,” the actress laughs. “It doesn’t have time to ring.” This may be because in real life, Cross is the mother of two young children and, like most working parents, wants to be no more than a phone call away should they need her. Cross, a native of […]Read On »


Exclusive Interview: Romany Malco gets to THINK LIKE A MAN

Romany Malco in THINK LIKE A MAN | ©2012 Screen Gems

Actor/comic Romany Malco is actually in the middle of moving from Los Angeles to Brooklyn during this phone conversation – workers periodically ask him questions and his American bulldog Doodles occasionally gives a contented-sounding “Woof” in the background. Despite this, Malco seems remarkably focused and friendly as he discusses his new romantic comedy movie THINK LIKE A MAN, the animated FX comedy UNSUPERVISED, his new social network/TV project ROMANY MEETS HIS FRIENDS and more. ASSIGNMENT X: What is THINK LIKE A MAN about? ROMANY MALCO: It’s really about women trying to think about how to think like a man, and […]Read On »

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