
TV Review: CASTLE – Season 4 – “Till Death Do Us Part”

Stana Katic and Tamal Jones in CASTLE - Season 4 - "Till Death Do Us Part" | ©2012 ABC/Adam Larkey

Stars: Nathan Fillion, Stana Katic, Susan Sullivan, Molly Quinn, Tamala Jones, Seamus Deaver, Jon Huertas, Penny Johnson Jerald Writer: David Grae Director: Jeff Bleckner Network: ABC, Monday nights, 10 p.m. Original Telecast: January 9, 2011 For those who bemoaned the darker turn CASTLE had taken earlier this season, they have nought to complain about in “Till Death Do Us Part.” It is the final few days before Det. Kevin Ryan’s (Seamus Dever) wedding to Jenny Duffy-O’Malley (played by Seamus Dever’s real-life wife Juliana Dever) and a body has dropped out of a hotel window onto a fruit stand. Turns out the stiff has two names […]Read On »


TCA News: Creator says DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES feature film will not happen after the show ends

Vanessa Williams, Marcia Cross, Felicity Huffman, Teri Hatcher and Eva Longoria in DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES - Season 8 | ©2012 ABC/Matthew Rolston

At today’s ABC TCA session for the eighth and final season of the hit series DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES, creator Marc Cherry says that there will be no DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES feature film in offing after the show ends its run unlike what happened with SEX AND THE CITY after it ended its HBO run. “SEX IN THE CITY did something like 69 episodes and I always thought the advantage for them was they hadn’t plumed the depths of those characters,” says Cherry. “After eight years [on DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES], I think we’re done and I’m happy about it. I feel very satisfied with […]Read On »


TV Review: THE VAMPIRE DIARIES – Season 3 – “The New Deal”

Steven R. McQueen and Michael Trevino in THE VAMPIRE DIARIES - Season 3 - "The New Deal" | ©2012 The CW/Bob Mahoney

Stars: Nina Dobrev, Paul Wesley, Ian Somerhalder Writer: Michael Narducci, Based on the book by L.J. Smith Director: John Behring    Network: The CW, airs Thursday nights Original Telecast: January 5, 2012 Well, THE VAMPIRE DIARIES is back from hiatus finally, and once again the clever writers of the series have found ways to change relationships, and flip a lot of things on their ears with “The New Deal” Before the break the big plan to kill Klaus (Joseph Morgan) was kiboshed by Stefan (Paul Wesley) who was trying to save Damon (Ian Somerhalder) and Elena (Nina Dobrev) and really pretty […]Read On »


TV Review: ONCE UPON A TIME – Season 1 – “Desperate Souls”

Robert Carlyle in ONCE UPON A TIME - Season 1 - "Desperate Souls" | ©2012 ABC/Jack Rowand

Stars: Ginnifer Goodwin, Jennifer Morrison, Robert Carlyle, Lana Parrilla, Jared Gilmore, Josh Dallas, Raphael Sbarge Writer: Jane Espenson Director: Michael Waxman Network: ABC, Sunday nights, 8 p.m. Original Telecast: December 11, 2011 One of the things that takes ONCE UPON A TIME well past the cartoony single-dimension of its fairy tale characters into something even more frightening and real is that the bad guys have real reasons for being bad. With most fairly tale characters, they’re bad because that’s who they are. In this episode, “Desperate Souls” we find out how Rumpelstiltskin (Robert Carlyle) got to be the scary wheeler dealer that he is. Which makes the way he utterly manipulates […]Read On »


TCA News: DON’T TRUST THE B IN APT. 23 lets James Van Der Beek be James Van Der Beek

James Van Der Beek in DON'T TRUST THE B---- IN APT. 23 - Season 1 | ©2012 ABC/Bob D'Amico

In the new ABC comedy DON’T TRUST THE B IN APT.23, James Van Der Beek plays a character named James Van Der Beek, although it’s a character that’s pretty far from himself. “I auditioned against six other James Van Der Beeks for this role,” Van Der Beek says with a laugh, while speaking at today’s ABC TCA press conference. “I was lucky that four of them were not actors, and two of them didn’t speak English.” While Van Der Beek still carries his first TV role DAWSON’S CREEK with him, he also enjoys getting the chance of making fun of […]Read On »


TCA News: ABC says DANCING WITH THE STARS will be on the air for years to come

Karina Smirnoff and J.R. Martinez win the mirror ball on DANCING WITH THE STARS - Season 13 finale | ©2011 ABC/Adam Taylor

While reality show hits seem to wane and wax over the years, ABC Entertainment Group President Paul Lee says he expects DANCING WITH THE STARS to remain on the schedule for years to come. “Obviously each year the casting sometimes tells you where it’s going to come out. Although, I have to say we started with a weaker cast this year, and with J.R. [Martinez] winning it, it was a wonderful storyline,” says Lee. “Look how much THE BACHELOR has lasted and done so strongly for us. It’s romantic. It’s right in the heart of our brand, so I personally […]Read On »


TCA News: ABC talks about the eight episode THE RIVER order and its future beyond Season 1

Bruce Greenwood in THE RIVER - Season 1 | ©2012 ABC/Bob D'Amico

One of the most ambitious (and utterly different) series to air this season is the new ABC thriller THE RIVER which comes from PARANORMAL ACTIVITY creator Oren Peli and executive producer Steven Spielberg. The series follows a documentary crew going down the Amazon River to search for a missing in action TV personality adventurer. What they find could very well be not of this earth. At today’s ABC TCA panel, ABC Entertainment Group President Paul Lee says the faux documentary series works perfectly as an eight episode first season. “Early on when we were about to pick it up, I […]Read On »


TCA News: The future of GREY’S ANATOMY is secure says ABC

Patrick Dempsey in GREY'S ANATOMY | ©ABC/Bob D'Amico

While GREY’S ANATOMY continues to be a strong player on Thursday nights on ABC, it’s future looks bright this season and beyond according to ABC Entertainment Group President Paul Lee. “GREY’S came roaring back and it’s creatively still at the top of its form,” says Lee. “[Creator] Shondra [Rhimes] has a vision like no one else. She knows what she’s doing and where she’s going. We’ve heard her vision, not just for the end of the this season, but for beyond and it’s really, really strong. I’m feeling very good about the show.” (additional reporting by A.C. Ferrante) LET YOUR […]Read On »


TCA News: ABC talks about the success of ONCE UPON A TIME

Jamie Dornan, Lana Parrilla, Ginnifer Goodwin, Josh Dallas, Robert Carlyle, Jared Gilmore, Jennifer Morrison in ONCE UPON A TIME - Season 1 | ©2011 ABC/Craig Sjodin

One of the biggest surprises of the fall season has been ABC’s fairy tale series ONCE UPON A TIME – a show that was very ambitious, but started with an uncertainty as to whether fans would stick with its rich mythology week after week. The series has proven to be a phenomenal success and at ABC’s TCA press conference today, ABC Entertainment Group President Paul Lee says its success rests on the quality of the show, the marketing push and delaying its premiere to October so it wouldn’t get lost in the clutter of the other fall shows. “In terms […]Read On »


TCA News: ABC says COUGAR TOWN will return for Season 3 as early as March

Busy Philipps, Josh Hopkins, Courteney Cox, Brian Van Holt, Ian Gomez, Christa Miller and Dan Byrd in COUGAR TOWN - Season 3 | ©2012 ABC/Bob D'Amico

The ABC series comedy series COUGAR TOWN starring Courteney Cox may feel as if it’s been eternally benched this entire year, yet at today’s ABC TCA press session, ABC Entertainment Group President Paul Lee says that they already have a plan of where it will land on its schedule. “We have an idea where it is, but not quite ready to announce it,” says Lee, though he does confirm it is tentatively scheduled for March. “We didn’t have a place early on for it and when it comes back we hope it will do extremely well,” says Lee. “COUGAR is […]Read On »

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