
TV Review: SUPERNATURAL – Season 7 – “Hello, Cruel World”

Jim Beaver in SUPERNATURAL - Season 7 - "Hello, Cruel World" | ©2011 The CW/Jack Rowand

Stars: Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, Jim Beaver, Misha Collins, Mark Pellegrino, Kim Rhodes, Cameron Bancroft, Benito Martinez Writer: Ben Edlund, series created by Eric Kripke Director: Guy Bee Network: The CW Original Telecast: September 30, 2011 The SUPERNATURAL episode “Hello, Cruel World” has a lot to recommend it. For starters, the script by Ben Edlund makes diabolically clever use of recycling Dr. Sexy (remember that character?) as a way of providing a hilarious/horrific misinterpreted mission statement to a monster, and by bringing back grumpy but plucky ally Sheriff Jody Mills (Kim Rhodes), not to mention Mark Pellegrino’s oh-so-relaxed Lucifer. Where […]Read On »


TV Review: SUPERNATURAL – Season 7 – “Meet the New Boss” – Season Premiere

Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles and Jim Beaver in SUPERNATURAL - Season 7 - "Meet the New Boss" | ©2011 The CW/Jack Rowand

Stars: Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, Jim Beaver, Misha Collins, Mark Sheppard, Julian Richings, Mark Pellegrino Writer: Sera Gamble, series created by Eric Kripke Director: Phil Sgriccia Network: The CW, Fridays @ 9 PM Original Telecast: September 30, 2011 There’s nothing like a huge cliffhanger that picks up right where it left off, which is what we thankfully get with SUPERNATURAL’s Season Seven premiere, “Meet the New Boss.” Season Six ended with the angel Castiel (Misha Collins) ascending to godhood after ingesting all the souls in Purgatory. Castiel then demanded that the Winchester brothers, Sam (Jared Padalecki) – who had just […]Read On »


TV Review: BEDLAM – Series 1 Premiere – “Cohabitants”

Theo James in BEDLAM - Series 1 | ©2011 BBC America/Jonathan Ford for Sky Living

Stars: Theo James, Charlotte Salt, Hugo Speer, Will Young, Ashley Madekwe Writer: Neil Jones, David Allison, Chris Parker  Director:  John Strickland Network: BBC America, airs Saturday nights Original Telecast: October 1, 2011 BBCA has added the supernatural thriller BEDLAM to its Saturday night line-up now. The edgy 20-something drama is infused with ghosts, sex, and lots and lots of layered story. “Cohabitants” starts the series off with Jed (Theo James) hitchhiking a ride. In the course of a few minutes you discover that the driver of the car is actually a ghost that has not moved on. This sets the […]Read On »


TV Review: DOCTOR WHO – Series 6 – “The Wedding of River Song” – Review #1 – Season Finale

Matt Smith in DOCTOR WHO - Series 6 - Episode 13 | ©2011 BBC

Stars: Matt Smith, Karen Gillan, Arthur Darvill, Alex Kingston, Frances Barber, Simon Fisher-Becker, Ian McNeice, Richard Hope, Marnix Van Den Broeke, Nicholas Briggs, Simon Callow, Sian Williams, Bill Turnbull, Meredith Viera, Niall Greig Fulton, Sean Buckley, Mark Gatiss, Emma Campbell-Jones, Katharine Burford, Richard Dillane, William Morgan Sheppard Writer: Steven Moffat Director:  Jeremy Webb Network: BBC America, airs Saturday nights Original Telecast: October 1, 2011 In the thirteenth episode of DOCTOR WHO Series 6, “The Wedding of River Song,” the Doctor (Matt Smith) is faced with an unavoidable fate: death on the shores of Lake Silencio, Utah, in 2011 (as seen […]Read On »


Exclusive Interview: Adrian Pasdar on THE LYING GAME, the end of HEROES and CASTLE

Adrian Pasdar THE LYING GAME - Season 1 - "Being Sutton"| ©2011 ABC Family/Bill Records

ABC Family has a runaway hit with PRETTY LITTLE LIARS, the teen drama based on a series of books by Sara Shepard. Happily for all concerned, Shepard has another series of books about a different set of teens called THE LYING GAME, which airs Monday nights on ABC Family. In THE LYING GAME, Alexandra Chando plays dual roles. Emma Becker is a good-hearted adolescent who has spent much of her life in foster homes. This changes when she is contacted by her identical twin Sudden Mercer, who was adopted long ago by the well-to-do couple Kristen (Helen Slater) and Ted […]Read On »


TV Review: HOMELAND – Season 1 – “Pilot” – Series Premiere

Claire Danes in HOMELAND - Season 1 | ©2011 Showtime/Ronen Akerman

Stars: Claire Danes, Damian Lewis, Mandy Patinkin, Morena Baccarin Writers: Howard Gordon & Alex Ganza, developed for American television by Howard Gordon & Alex Ganza, based on the series HATUFIM created by Gideon Raff Director: Michael Cuesta Network: Showtime, Sundays @ 10 PM Original Telecast: October 2, 2011 Based on what can be determined from its pilot episode, Showtime’s new series HOMELAND is exactly the sort of paranoid, tense, twisty serialized thriller that threatened to vanish for good when 24 went off the air. Good news – Howard Gordon & Alex Ganza, both 24 veterans, are at the helm here, […]Read On »


Exclusive Interview: DOCTOR WHO executive producer Steven Moffat on Series 6 and River’s Secrets – Part 2

Matt Smith in DOCTOR WHO - Series 6 - Episode 12 | ©2011 BBC

Steven Moffat, who was already on the DOCTOR WHO writing staff, took the reins as DOCTOR WHO show runner and producer in 2010. He brought in Matt Smith as the 11th Doctor and created the character of Amy Pond played by Karen Gillan. One of Moffat’s most convoluted contributions to WHO has been the character of River Song (Alex Kingston) who is the daughter of a companion and the future lover of The Doctor himself. As the sixth season continues more is uncovered about Rivers’ past and it all ends with a wedding (or at least the finale’s title implies […]Read On »


TV Review: DOCTOR WHO – Series 6 – “Closing Time” – Review #2

James Corden in DOCTOR WHO - Series 6 - Episode 12 | ©2011 BBC

Stars: Matt Smith, James Corden, Karen Gillan, Arthur Darvill, Alex Kingston, Frances Barber, Daisy Haggard, Seroca Davis, Holli Dempsey, Chris Obi, Lynda Baron, Paul Kasey, Nicholas Briggs Writer: Gareth Roberts Director:  Steve Hughes Network: BBC America, airs Saturday nights Original Telecast: September 24, 2011 I will freely admit that I was less than enamored with the latest DOCTOR WHO offering, “Closing Time.” First of all this episode sees the return of Craig (James Corden) from last year’s “The Lodger” which was one of my LEAST favorite episode of that series. I seem to remember that Corden is friends with Matt […]Read On »


TV Review: THE SECRET CIRCLE – Season 1 – “Loner”

Britt Robertson and Thomas Dekker in THE SECRET CIRCLE - Season 1 - "Loner" | ©2011 The CW/Sergei Bachlakov

Stars: Britt Robertson, Thomas Dekker, Shelley Henning, Phoebe Tonkin, Jessica Parker Kennedy, Louis Hunter, Natasha Henstridge, Gale Harold, Ashley Crow Writer: Richard Hatem, Based on the book by L.J. Smith Director: Colin Bucksey Network: The CW, airs Thursday nights Original Telecast: September 29, 2010 What do you do when you’ve been found out, which is bound to happen in a tiny town? On THE SECRET CIRCLE after last week’s decidedly magical grandstanding from Faye (Phoebe Tonkin) involving her irritation at their school’s leading goodie two-shoes, it’s not a huge shocker that more people are becoming aware that strange stuff is […]Read On »


TV Review: THE VAMPIRE DIARIES – Season 3 – “The End of the Affair”

Joseph Morgan in THE VAMPIRE DIARIES - Season 3 - "The End of the Affair" | ©2011 The CW/Bob Mahoney

Stars: Nina Dobrev, Paul Wesley, Ian Somerhalder Writer: Caroline Dries, Based on the book by L.J. Smith Director: Chris Grismer   Network: The CW, airs Thursday nights Original Telecast: September 29, 2010 Once again, THE VAMPIRE DIARIES delivers with another fine episode. “The End of the Affair” is packed with lavish 1920’s flashbacks, and all kinds of cerebral goodies to chew on in the present. Klaus (Joseph Morgan) and Stefan (Paul Wesley) hit Chicago in an effort to find out why Klaus can’t properly create his hybrid army. Of course Stefan knows the real reason, simply that Elena (Nina Dobrev) […]Read On »

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