
Exclusive Breaking News: Linda Hamilton on CHUCK Season 5 renewal

Linda Hamilton in CHUCK - Season 4 | ©2011 NBC/Mitchell Haaseth

CHUCK was just picked up for a fifth and final season and ASSIGNMENT X had the opportunity to interview Linda Hamilton yesterday to ask her about the pick-up. “It got picked up for thirteen apparently,” said Hamilton.  “It was one of those things where I wanted to call my people and ask if it’s true even though they sent it to me.” As to whether or not she’s returning to CHUCK Season 5 next year, Hamilton teases, “I’m looking forward to going back next year. I want even more! It’s hard once you’ve started to sit back and not do […]Read On »


Exclusive Interview: Linda Hamilton talks CHUCK Season 4, the finale & Season 5 – Part 1

Linda Hamilton in CHUCK - Season 4 | &Copy 2011 NBC/Mitchell Haaseth

Linda Hamilton is an actress that needs no introduction. The woman who helped define strong female archetype roles for women in cinema is most famous for her portrayal of Sarah Connor in THE TERMINATOR and TERMINATOR 2: JUDGEMENT DAY. Hamilton is a beautiful, intelligent and strong woman, but most who would expect her to be like her “tough-as-nails” screen heroine are in for a surprise. The actress is actually a free spirit, and a self-proclaimed Hippie with a quick smile and fantastic sense of humor. ASSIGNMENT X was lucky enough to get the chance to talk to Hamilton this week […]Read On »


TV Review: THE VAMPIRE DIARIES – Season 2 – “As I Lay Dying”

Paul Wesley and Nina Dobrev in THE VAMPIRE DIARIES - Season 2 - "As I Lay Dying" | ©2011 The CW/Annette Brown

  Stars: Nina Dobrev, Paul Wesley, Ian Somerhalder Writers: Turi Meyer & Al Septin & Michael Narducci, Developed by Kevin Williamson & Julie Plec, Based on the book by L.J. Smith Director: John Behring Network: The CW, airs Thursday nights Original Telecast: May 12th, 2010 Well, THE VAMPIRE DIARIES season finale was not at all what I expected, in a GOOD way! “As I Lay Dying” I figured would just be a dénouement to the season which had already seen a lot of character death and loss and mayhem, but instead there was a lot to this episode that I […]Read On »


Exclusive: CHUCK star Zachary Levi on the Season 4 finale

Zachary Levi at the World Premiere of TANGLED

While it’s looking really good that NBC’s perennial bubble show CHUCK may be renewed for a 13 episode Season 5 (that’s what the Hollywood rumor mill is speculating today), meanwhile, ASSIGNMENT X spoke with Zachary Levi before an official announcement had been determined and asked about how the finale will wrap up, cancellation or not. “For our finale, we will still tell our finale no matter what,” he admits. “We usually go with the story we want to tell and we tell that story. We don’t want to leave anyone out on a limb, we don’t want to hurt our […]Read On »


Song Reviews: AMERICAN IDOL – TOP 4 SEASON 10 album

AMERICAN IDOL: The Final 4: Haley Reinhart, Scotty McCreery, James Durbin and Lauren Alaina | ©2011 Fox/Michael Becker

After last night’s strange episode of AMERICAN IDOL – Season 10, where the Top 4 contestants sang two songs apiece (one that inspires, the other from the Jerry Leiber/Mike Stoller songbook), it was clear the judges are still all over the map when it comes to criticism and what an IDOL should exactly be (okay, one map, everyone is great EXCEPT Haley). While James Durbin, Lauren Alaina and Scotty McCreery have gotten pretty much a free ride to the Top 4 with nary a critique (especially when they blow hard), Haley Reinhart has had to claw her way into her […]Read On »


TV Review: SOUTH PARK – Season 15 – “Royal Pudding”

SOUTH PARK - Season 15 - "Royal Pudding" | ©2011 Comedy Central

Writer: Trey Parker Director: Trey Parker Network: Comedy Central, airs Wednesday nights Original Telecast: May 11, 2011 I’m all for SOUTH PARK when it likes to mix things up and spotlight secondary characters. However, when it’s done as poorly as “Royal Pudding,” it makes you wonder what creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone were thinking. With last week’s “Funnybot” being a bit of a mess, “Royal Pudding” fully commits to being an outright disaster by essentially being a one-note SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE skit that drags on for thirty minutes. The potential for humor is here – essentially a spoof of […]Read On »


TV Review: AMERICAN IDOL – Season 10 – “The Top 4 Perform”

Haley Reinhart performs on AMERICAN IDOL - Season 10 - The Final Four | ©2011 Fox/Michael Becker

Cast: Ryan Seacrest, Jennifer Lopez, Steven Tyler, Randy Jackson Network: Fox, airs Wednesdays and Thursdays Original Telecast: May 11, 2011 We are down to nearly the home stretch on the world’s greatest karaoke competition, AMERICAN IDOL. And lucky the theme of the night was not Randy Jackson’s “Who is in it to win it” but more about the home stretch and who will either falter or bring home the bacon. Each four contestants sang two songs again tonight: The first, songs that are meaningful to the contestants; the second, songs from the writing combo of Jerry Leiber and Mike Stoller […]Read On »


TV Review: GLEE – Season 2 – “Prom Queen”

Kevin McHale and Heather Morris in GLEE - Season 2 - "Prom Queen" | ©2011 Fox/Adam Rose

Stars: Dianna Agron, Chris Colfer, Jessalyn Gilsig, Jane Lynch, Jayma Mays, Kevin McHale, Lea Michele, Cory Monteith, Matthew Morrison, Amber Riley, Mark Salling, Jenna Ushkowitz Writer: Ian Brennan Director: Eric Stoltz Network: Fox, airs Tuesday nights Original Telecast: May 10, 2011 GLEE seems to have gotten off the preachy wagon and somewhat more on track with this week’s episode “Prom Queen”.  Of course since there are lots of gay themes this week, conservative America led by the sow of the decade Victoria Jackson will consider this episode part of the dreaded “Gay Agenda”. Incidentally, if I could figure out what […]Read On »


DANCING WITH THE STARS Recap: Romeo bids adieu to DWTS

Romeo bids the judges Len Goodman, Bruno Tonioli, Carrie Ann Inaba goodbye after being eliminated on DANCING WITH THE STARS - Season 12 - Week 8 | ©2011 ABC/Adam Taylor

It’s a DANCING WITH THE STARS miracle! Ralph Macchio is saved while Romeo is cut loose from DWTS. In the biggest shocker since Petra Nemcova got the heave ho a few weeks back, Romeo ends his run (with his partner Chelsie Hightower) on Season 12 of DWTS and places fifth in the competition. The fans have spoken and they want Macchio in the semi-finals, along with Kirstie Alley, Chelsea Kane and Hines Ward. The results show week eight brought Alley the encore, which scored her that coveted first “10”. Her encore may actually have been even better than her Monday […]Read On »


Exclusive Interview: GLEE star Kevin McHale gets his funk on

Kevin McHale in GLEE - Season 2 | ©2011 Fox/Miranda Penn Turin

Kevin McHale plays the wheelchair bound Artie on the hit Fox series GLEE, and one of the most surprising things about the character and the actor himself is the eclectic group of songs he gets to sing. And in Season 2, he’s also fallen in love and broken up with the show’s ditzy Brittany (Heather Morris). We briefly spoke to the young actor as he discusses his favorite songs, the show’s success and being a role model. ASSIGNMENT X: Are you surprised at how successful the show has become – especially since the first 13 episodes were done in a […]Read On »

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