
Paul Reiser reveals his new series THE PAUL REISER SHOW came about in a sane way

Paul Reiser in THE PAUL REISER SHOW - Season 1 | ©2011 NBC/Chris Haston

Former MAD ABOUT YOU star Paul Reiser debuted his new comedy series THE PAUL REISER SHOW on NBC last night and this morning he was at NBC’s Summer Press Day to talk about the show’s evolution and returning to television. “I wasn’t thinking of doing a show and they said, ‘why don’t you come up with a show’  and this came to me,” he says. The reason for the long delay in between TV projects wasn’t due to the lack of opportunities, he just was ready to “sit down.” “We had a wonderfully long run after MAD ABOUT YOU,” says […]Read On »


Paris Hilton reveals details on her new Oxygen show THE WORLD ACCORDING TO PARIS

Paris Hilton in THE WORLD ACCORDING TO PARIS - Season 1 | ©Oxygen Media/Sheryl Nields

Is the world ready to get inside the head of the REAL Paris Hilton? Be prepared, the rich blonde has decided enough with tabloid TV chronicling her life, she’s going to do it herself. At today’s NBC Summer Press Day, Paris Hilton spoke to the press about her new Oxygen reality series THE WORLD ACCORDING TO PARIS (premiering June 1) which opens her life to cameras in a completely different way including a prominent appearance by her heiress mom Kathy Hilton. “This show is not like anything I’ve ever done,” says Hilton who is also a producer on the show. […]Read On »


Exclusive Interview: CAMELOT star Joseph Fiennes finds the magic in Merlin

Joseph Fiennes in CAMELOT - Season 1 | ©2010 KA PRODUCTIONS LTD / T5 Camelot Productions Inc.

It’s safe to say that Starz’s new series CAMELOT, premiering Friday night at 10 PM, is much less like the musical and more like the 1981 John Boorman feature film EXCALIBUR, or indeed like Starz’s blood-and-sex-drenched series SPARTACUS. Show runner/executive producer Chris Chibnall has brought forth a take on the famous British legend with plenty of darkness and detail. The wizard Merlin is played by Joseph Fiennes, famous to film audiences as the Bard in SHAKESPEARE IN LOVE and most recently on television as the lead in FLASHFORWARD. Fiennes gives us his take on his new series and his role […]Read On »


TV Review: WAREHOUSE 13 – Season 2 – “Secret Santa”

Eddie McClintock, Joanne Kelly in WAREHOUSE 13 - Season 2 - "Secret Santa" | ©2010 NBC Universal

When Los Angeles businessman Larry Newley (Paul Blackthorne, erstwhile star of Syfy’s THE DRESDEN FILES) has his home vandalized by an apparition that twinkles and swooshes, it means Pete (Eddie McClintock) and Myka (Joanne Kelly) have to say goodbye to their separate plans to spend Christmas with their respective families.


TV Review: SOUTH PARK – Season 14 – “Crème Fraiche”

© 2010 Comedy Central | SOUTH PARK - Season 14 - "Creme Fraiche"

As Season 14 of SOUTH PARK comes to a close with “Creme Fraiche,” creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone tackle two disparate topics – food porn and the Shake Weights phenomenon. When Stan’s dad Randy begins to obsess about cooking shows (staying up late and masturbating to them), his wife Sharon starts to block the programs on their TV. But Stan is addicted, which soon leads him to the 1-800 hotline for the Food Network (think phone sex, but about food) and eventually he’s the new cafeteria chef at Stan’s school. Suffice to say, his food choices are way too […]Read On »

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