
Exclusive Interview: Bonita Friedericy on CHUCK & the Season 5 renewal – Part 2

Bonita Friedericy | photo courtesy of Bonita Friedericy

In Part Two of our exclusive interview with actress Bonita Friedericy, she tells us more about playing General Beckman on CHUCK, plus when she realized the show had a cult following and her other recent projects. ASSIGNMENT X: Beckman does show up in person occasionally, but most of the time, she interacts with Chuck et al over a computer monitor … BONITA FRIEDERICY: I’m playing a part that actually is pretty much on a monitor. I’m always either on a video camera or it’s floating away from me onto the reactions of others, which I find extremely amusing. This is […]Read On »


CD Review: The Cars – MOVE LIKE THIS

The Cars - MOVE LIKE THIS | ©2011 Hear Music

Distributor: Hear Music Suggested Retail Price: $11.88 The music The Cars produced in their late ‘70s and 1980s run was unparalleled. From the New Wave textures of “Shake It Up” and “My Best Friend’s Girl” to the non-stop hit-palooza of 1984’s HEARTBEAT CITY that featured a long string of hits including “Magic,” “You Might Think,” and “Drive.” However, after 1987’s incredibly disappointing DOOR TO DOOR album, the band decided to call it quits and leave its legacy at six studio albums. Over the years, frontman Ric Ocasek released a steady stream of solo records, with most of them containing at […]Read On »


TV Review: GAME OF THRONES – Season 1 – “A Golden Crown”

Harry Lloyd in GAME OF THRONES - Season 1 | ©2011 HBO/Helen Sloan

Stars: Mark Addy, Alfie Allen, Sean Bean, Emilia Clarke, Nikolaj Coster-Waldau, Peter Dinklage, Michelle Fairley, Aiden Gillen, Jack Gleeson, Iain Glen, Kit Harington, Lena Headey, Isaac Hempstead-Wright, Harry Lloyd, Richard Madden, Rory McCann, Sophie Turner, Maisie Williams, Jason Momoa Writers: Jane Espenson and David Benioff & D.B. Weiss, based on George R.R. Martin’s novel “A Song of Ice and Fire” Director: Dan Minahan Network: HBO, Sundays @ 9 PM Airdate: May 22, 2011 World-building is a slow and tough process, but GAME OF THRONES is doing the work adroitly, balancing information about the Seven Kingdoms with the engrossing character drama. […]Read On »


TV Review: SUPERNATURAL – Season 6 – “The Man Who Knew Too Much” – Season Finale

Misha Collins in SUPERNATURAL - Season 6 finale - "The Man Who Knew Too Much" | ©2011 The CW/Jack Rowand

Cast: Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, Jim Beaver, Misha Collins, Mark Sheppard Writer: Eric Kripke Director: Robert Singer Network: The CW, Airs Fridays Original Telecast:  May 20, 2011 I wonder if next season we’ll get a Rapture-based episode of SUPERNATURAL – it seems like exactly the type of fare that would fit perfectly with the show. It seems like Season 6 of SUPERNATURAL has been a number of seasons put into one. First, it was Sam (Jared Padalecki) returning from Hell with no soul and working with Samuel, who was in turn working with Crowley (Mark Sheppard), to hunt and gather […]Read On »


TV Review: SUPERNATURAL – Season 6 – “Let It Bleed”

Jensen Ackles and Cindy Sampson in SUPERNATURAL - Season 6 - "Let It Bleed" | ©2011 The CW/Michael Courtney

Cast: Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, Jim Beaver, Misha Collins, Mark Sheppard Writer: Sera Gamble Director: John F. Showalter Network: The CW, Airs Fridays Original Telecast:  May 20, 2011 The two-hour season finale of SUPERNATURAL is actually two single serving episodes that they decided to air back-to-back. The penultimate episode to Season 6, “Let it Bleed,” gives us the run-up to the final showdown – at least presumably – between the Winchesters boys and the partnership between Crowley (Mark Sheppard), king of Hades, and Castiel (Misha Collins), the boys’ favorite angel that has gone rogue in his quest to win the […]Read On »


TV Review: DOCTOR WHO – Series 6 – “The Rebel Flesh”

Sarah Smart in DOCTOR WHO - Series 6 - Episode 5 | ©2011 BBC

Stars: Matt Smith, Karen Gillan, Arthur Darvill, Mark Bonnar, Marshall Lancaster, Sarah Smart, Raquel Cassidy, Leon Vickers Writer: Matthew Graham Director:  Julian Simpson Network: BBC America, airs Saturday nights Original Telecast: May 21, 2011 Cross a Second Doctor “base under siege” story with a dash of Seventh Doctor chess playing and some excellent atmospheric set and makeup design and you have the fifth episode of DOCTOR WHO’s Series 6, “The Rebel Flesh.” After a slightly creepy, slightly goofy pre-credits teaser and a wonderful opening TARDIS scene that shows the crew relaxing with music and darts, our heroes are drawn into […]Read On »


CD Review: SUPERMAN / SHAZAM! THE RETURN OF BLACK ADAM original soundtrack

SUPERMAN/SHAZAM! THE RETURN OF BLACK ADAM original soundtrack | ©2011 La La Land Records

Forget The Wonder Twins and that stupid blue monkey. DC Comics’ animation certainly isn’t kids’ stuff anymore, especially given the musical sophistication that’s put into this direct-to-video DC Showcase edition (half of whose four chapters would gleefully get a reject stamp by The Comics Code Authority). Tying the disparate sounds of its stories together are Jeremy Zuckerman and Benjamin Wynn, whose musical wonder powers ignite under the emblem of Track Team. Getting the muscle of a real orchestra through samples, and above all good writing, Zuckerman and Wynn bring superhero majesty, and mythic enchantment to the Showcase’s best entry that […]Read On »


CD Review: FIRST KNIGHT original soundtrack (5,000 edition)

FIRST KNIGHT Original Soundtrack | ©2011 La La Land Records

By 1995, Jerry Goldsmith was nearing the winter of his years, age which meant nothing when it came to the youthful passion he’d invest in his work for almost another decade. Yet it was precisely Goldsmith’s mature, melodic energy that made this king of Hollywood composers a natural to sit on the throne alongside Sean Connery in FIRST KNIGHT, a sweeping re-telling of the Arthurian legend that deserved a more noble reception. Now the regal, resounding brass is here to announce a two-CD set of Goldsmith’s complete score, the magnificence of his accomplishment soaring with symphonic heroism worthy of the […]Read On »


TV Review: THE OFFICE – Season 7 – “Search Committee”

Ray Romano, Paul Lieberstein, John Krasinski and Zach Woods in THE OFFICE - Season 7 - "Search Committee" | ©2011 NBC/Chris Haston

Stars: Rainn Wilson, John Krasinski, Jenna Fischer, B.J. Novak, Ed Helms Writer: Paul Lieberstein Director: Jeffrey Blitz Network: NBC, airs Thursday nights Original Telecast: May 19. 2011 I can understand NBC’s need to hype the fact that big stars like Ray Romano, James Spader and Jim Carrey were going to drop by THE OFFICE to vie for the job of new Dunder-Mifflin manager after Steve Carell said his goodbyes a couple of weeks ago as Michael Scott. However, it almost torpedoes this one-hour season finale “Search Committee” because we already know all the surprises. We even know that THE OFFICE […]Read On »


Movie Review: DO NOT DISTURB

DO NOT DISTURB movie poster | ©2011 Warner Bros.

Rating: Unrated Stars: Diva Zappa, Eric Balfour, Troy Garity, Lindsay Pulsipher, Jason Alan Smith, Mali Elfman, Harris Goldberg, Maureen Flannigan Writers: Mali Elfman (“Maids Sequence”), Laura Henry (“Prom”), Christie Ko (“Duccios Madonna”), Jon Mann-Krieger (“Intrinsic”), Brandon Nicholas (“Death Takes a Holiday Inn”), Petro Papahadjopoulos (“Rocketman”), created by Mali Elfman Directors: Eric Balfour (“Duccios Madonna”), Laura Henry (“Prom”), Jon Mann-Krieger (“Intrinsic”), Brandon Nicholas (“Death Takes a Holiday Inn” and “Maids Sequence”), Petro Papahadjopoulos (“Rocketman”) Distributor: Warner Bros./Gravitas Ventures Release Date: May 1, 2011 Hotels lend themselves to anthologies of both the literary and cinematic varieties. Back in 1995, Quentin Tarantino, Robert […]Read On »

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