
CD Review: 48 HRS. soundtrack

48 HRS. soundtrack | © 2011 Intrada Records

While James Horner showed he could go where no Enterprise scorer had gone before with his breakthrough, nautical-styled space adventure for 1982’s STAR TREK II, it would be that year’s 48 HRS. which truly showed him off as being far from a one-note composer. If audiences hadn’t seen this kind of hilariously foul-mouthed, squib-filled “buddy cop” movie before, then they certainly hadn’t heard the vibrant, ethnic spin that Horner put on the genre – a ferociously energetic approach that made KHAN’s musical wrath sound positively sedate by comparison. Horner likely keyed off of the manic urban energy that filled Eddie […]Read On »


The X List: LET ME IN one of the DVD Highlights This Week

Chloe Grace Moretz in LET ME IN | ©2011 Anchor Bay

Your time is short. We know this. So in order to expedite your buying and Netflix decision making, we provide you with a list of the cool and not-so-cool titles coming out for movies, television and everything in-between. So put your feet up, grab some popcorn and check out this week’s selections. MOVIES LET ME IN – I’m sure any horror fan has already seen the original version of this film, the Norwegian-centered LET THE RIGHT ONE IN, and you were also pretty skeptical about this U.S.-version given how awesomely kick-ass the Norwegian version is. But for once, they didn’t […]Read On »


TV Review: V – Season 2 – “Unholy Alliance”

Joel Gretsch, Elizabeth Mitchell, Jay Karnes in V - Season 2 - "Unholy Alliance" | ©2011 ABC/Jack Rowand

Something strange and wonderful happened with V last night taking its regular story about aliens and the human resistance fighters trying to take them down and mixing it with the hot button issue of “religion.”

Religion in science-fiction is a no brainer (not without its own controversy), and to find such an intelligence, smart and still entertaining way of integrating it into a network show takes balance and tact which writer Rockne S. O’Bannon handles effortlessly.


TV Review: THE CAPE – Season 1- “Dice”

David Lyons and Mena Suvari in THE CAPE - "Dice" | ©2011 NBC/Justin Lubin

Given that THE CAPE’s hero Vince Faraday (David Lyons) is heartily upset about being separated from his wife (Jennifer Ferrin) and young son (Ryan Wynott) – whose sulks about Dad’s absence are driving Mom to tears – and he’s stuck helping his carnival protectors with their crimes, it stands to reason he isn’t exactly crazy about the man who got him into this mess: our main villain Peter Fleming, aka Chess (James Frain). In the episode “Dice,” Vince is unsurprisingly unhappy when his advisor Orwell (Summer Glau) points out that Vince will never get home if Fleming dies, since Vince’s only hope of redemption is proving that Fleming, not Vince, is really Chess. When gorgeous Tracy, aka Dice (Mena Suvari) appears on the scene, Vince is put in the truly aggravating position of having to protect Fleming from the vengeful, brilliant young woman.


TV Review: LIE TO ME – Season 3 – “Killer App” – Season Finale

Tim Roth and Ashton Holmes in LIE TO ME - Season 3 - "Killer App" | ©2011 Fox/Greg Gayne

Yes, this is the season finale of LIE TO ME, and I know the rumor mill has this being LIE TO ME’s series finale (and trust me, it is). So with that knowledge, it’s pretty insulting that the best they could do is shamelessly ride the coattails of THE SOCIAL NETWORK by giving us “Killer App.”


In Remembrance: The 10 Best Scores of Composer John Barry

John Barry - THE CONCERT

If the theme’s the thing in film scoring, then the passing of  composer John Barry Sunday at age 77  represents the true end of unabashed, symphonic lyricism. There were few composers who had his way with melody. Even the most explosive action of Barry’s Bond scores had a slow, hypnotically seductive rhythm. It was a lyricism that made generations fall in love, not only with their dates in the darkened theater, but with the lush possibility of film music itself. And that was just fine for Barry, who like so many of us, spent the better part of his youth […]Read On »


TV Review: BEING HUMAN – Season 1- “Some Thing to Watch Over Me”

Sarah Allen in BEING HUMAN - Season 1 | ©2011 NBC/Phillipe Bosse

The BEING HUMAN episode “Some Thing to Watch Over Me” gets its title from vampire Aidan’s (Sam Witwer) decision to enroll himself and werewolf roommate Josh (Sam Huntington) in the local neighborhood watch. After all, what better way to seem normal than to be good neighbors? Despite Josh’s nervous objections – and ghost Sally’s (Meaghan Rath) complaint that Aidan has managed to invite everybody who irked her in life, it seems like a good idea. Josh succeeds in becoming a local hero by tracking down the local spray-paint vandal (his keener than human sense of smile alerts him to the paint), even though he alarms himself with the amount of aggression he uses in the takedown.


TV Review: CHUCK – Season 4 – “Vs. The Push Mix”

Zachary Levi in CHUCK - Season 4 - "Vs. The Push Mix" | ©2011 NBC/Jordin Althaus

It’s no surprise to CHUCK fans that “Vs. The Push Mix” would have served as some sort of series finale if the show didn’t get picked up for its back nine episodes for Season Four.

Of course, the show did get its full season pick-up, so now “Vs. The Push Mix” serves as an excellent half season finale – wrapping up tons of subplots and setting the stage for the second part of this season which looks like it might be about, “we need a Big Bad.”



Peter Mensah in SPARTACUS: GODS OF THE ARENA - "Mission" | ©2011 Starz

With first episode of SPARTACUS: GODS OF THE ARENA viewers were transported back five years before the events of SPARTACUS: BLOOD AND SAND. The beginnings of the House of Batiatus seemed shaky at best with the head of the house lacking some of that snake-like quickness to seize on any opportunity with ruthlessness and viciousness. Likewise his wife Lucretia seems to have milk-teeth compared to the shark-sized mouth of razors she ends up using in the original series.


Breaking News: Season 2 of HUMAN TARGET will not end on a cliffhanger

Mark Valley in HUMAN TARGET - Season Two - "The Trouble with Harry" | ©2011 Fox Broadcasting Co./ Liane Hentscher

HUMAN TARGET (which airs a special episode tonight at 8:00 pm at Fox) is gearing up for the season two finale in a couple of weeks (in its regular time slot on Wednesday nights), and Mark Valley spoke today about what to expect. The most important nugget of information – there won’t be a major cliffhanger ending Season Two. “It won’t be a cliffhanger in terms of last season was,” says Valley. “It does sort of complete the second season, while leaving a lot of uncertainties and relationships. Nobody is in physical peril as much, we don’t know where some […]Read On »

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