Television Series

Exclusive Interview: Sean Hemeon on HUSBANDS THE SERIES Season 3

Sean Hemeon in HUSBANDS THE SERIES | ©2013 The CW

HUSBANDS THE SERIES began life in 2011 as a Web series consisting of eleven two-minute episodes, produced by series creators Jane Espenson and Brad “Cheeks” Bell. HUSBANDS follows entertainer Cheeks, played by Bell, and star baseball player Brady, played by Sean Hemeon, after their impulsive but federally legal marriage in Vegas. Although same-sex marriage is still not recognized in the U.S.on the federal level (which it is in HUSBANDS), it has become legal in many more states in the years that HUSBANDS has been around, making the show remarkably timely, verging on prescient. 2012’s Season 2 was funded in a […]Read On »


Exclusive Interview: TNT President Michael Wright on MOB CITY Season 1

Drew Struzan poster artwork for MOB CITY | ©2013 TNT

MOB CITY, the series developed by Frank Darabont and inspired by John Buntin’s book L.A. NOIR, dramatizes that battle royal that raged in the 1940s between the LAPD and mobsters Ben “Bugsy” Siegel, played by Edward Burns, and Mickey Cohen, played by Jeremy Luke. The TNT series has its two-hour season finale Wednesday, December 18 at 9 PM. TNT President/Head of Entertainment Michael Wright takes a few moments to discuss the show’s violence and the casting of Burns as the lethal Siegel. ASSIGNMENT X: Is the violence level on MOB CITY at all comparable to TNT’s previous present-day cop series […]Read On »


Interview: Edward Burns is the MOB CITY boss

Edward Burns in MOB CITY - Season 1 | ©2013 TNT/Doug Hyun

In TNT’s Forties noir drama MOB CITY, which has its two-hour first-season finale Wednesday December 18 at 9 PM, Edward Burns plays notorious real-life mobster Ben “Bugsy” Siegel. Burns, originally from Queens, New York, burst onto the indie film scene as an actor/writer/director/producer with 1995’s THE BROTHERS McMULLEN. He’s gone on to write/direct/produce a dozen other projects. As an actor, his feature film credits include SAVING PRIVATE RYAN, 27 DRESSES, MAN ON A LEDGE and he’s played himself on ENTOURAGE, but most of his roles call for Burns to play someone who is essentially decent, or at least possesses some […]Read On »


Interview: Milo Ventimiglia lawyers up MOB CITY

Milo Ventimiglia in MOB CITY - Season 1 ©2013 TNT/Scott Garfield

In TNT’s MOB CITY, developed by show runner/executive producer/director Frank Darabont, inspired by John Buntin’s book L.A. NOIR, we’re in 1940s Los Angeles. The bridge between hard-bitten LAPD detective Joe Teague (Jon Bernthal) and high-level gangsters Ben “Bugsy” Siegel (Edward Burns) and Mickey Cohen (Jeremy Luke) is Teague’s old U.S. Marines buddy and current Mob lawyer Ned Stax, played by Milo Ventimiglia. Ventimiglia, originally from Anaheim, California, has a lot of series regular characters under his belt, including Jed Perry on OPPOSITE SEX, Chris Pierce on AMERICAN DREAMS, Jess Mariano on GILMORE GIRLS, Richard Thorne III on THE BEDFORD DIARIES […]Read On »


Exclusive Interview: ALMOST HUMAN star Michael Irby on getting his jerk on

Michael Irby in ALMOST HUMAN - Season 1 | ©2013 Fox/Karen Hill

In ALMOST HUMAN the new futuristic science-fiction series from creators J.H. “Joel” Wyman and J.J. Abrams, Mondays at 8 PM on Fox, most of police detective John Kennex’s (Karl Urban) colleagues like and respect him. Kennex’s android partner Dorian (Michael Ealy) tries to improve their relationship, Kennex’s Captain Maldonado sometimes lets him overrule her and scientist/engineer Rudy Lom (Mackenzie Crook) is always willing to help. However, Michael Irby’s character, Detective Richard Paul, doesn’t really understand why everybody else thinks Kennex is so great. Irby, born in Palm Springs, California, has plenty of cop/FBI/military film and TV experience – he had […]Read On »


Exclusive Interview: Robert Knepper corners MOB CITY and the end of CULT

Robert Knepper in MOB CITY - Season 1 - "Banana Split" | ©2013 TNT/Doug Hyun

In MOB CITY, running on TNT in two-hour blocks Wednesdays at 9 PM, executive producer/director/writer Frank Darabont has adapted John Buntin’s book L.A. NOIR as a drama about the struggle between righteous cops, renegade officers and outright mobsters in 1940s Los Angeles. Some characters, like LAPD Chief William Parker (played by Neal McDonough) and gangsters Ben “Bugsy” Siegel (Edward Burns) and Mickey Cohen (Jeremy Luke), are historical figures. Others, including troubled police detective Joe Teague (Jon Bernthal) and female lead Jasmine Fontaine (Alexa Davalos) are Darabont’s creations. Robert Knepper’s character Syd Rothman, a hit man and lifelong friend of Siegel […]Read On »


Exclusive Interview: Alexa Davalos plays MOB CITY femme fatale

Alexa Davalos in MOB CITY Season 1 | ©2013 TNT/Scott Garfield

In TNT’s limited series MOB CITY, airing in two-hour blocks Wednesdays at 9 PM, ‘40s-era LAPD cop Joe Teague (Jon Bernthal) and mobster Ben “Bugsy” Siegel (Edward Burns) both have their eye on nightclub photographer Jasmine Fontaine, played by Alexa Davalos. This isn’t surprising – Davalos in the role looks like the quintessential film noir femme fatale. Davalos comes off a lot lighter when she’s not in character. The actress, born in France and a world traveler since then, previously worked with MOB CITY creator (working from John Buntin’s L.A. NOIR book/executive producer/director Frank Darabont on the feature film THE […]Read On »


Exclusive Interview: The GRIMM realities for actor Reggie Lee

Reggie Lee and David Giuntoli in GRIMM - Season 2 | ©2013 NBC/Michael Muller

At this point on GRIMM, now in its third season Fridays at 9 PM on NBC, almost all the main characters know that Portland,Oregon police detective Nick Burkhardt (David Giuntoli) is a Grimm. A Grimm is someone who can see (and if need be fight) Wesen, supernatural beings who can appear to be and live as humans, but who also have animalistic forms and idiosyncratic social structures. By now, Nick’s girlfriend Juliet (Bitsy Tulloch knows), Nick’s police partner (Russell Hornsby) knows, Nick’s part-Wesen police captain (Sasha Roiz knows) and Nick’s best friend, werewolf-like Wesen Monroe (Silas Weir Mitchell), knows. EvenMonroe’s […]Read On »


Interview: Giovanna Ottobre-Melton chats about MOB CITY costumes

Jon Bernthal in MOB CITY - Season 1 | ©2013 TNT

The interiors on the soundstages of Hollywood Red Studios for TNT’s MOB CITY, Wednesdays in two-hour blocks, are as elaborate as any feature film sets. For Frank Darabont’s tale of the Forties-era clash between Los Angeles mobsters and police, production designers Alex Hajdu and Gregory Melton have made sure that everything from the upscale clubs for the well-heeled to the scabby apartments of the desperate all have an accurate Forties look. The costumes designed by Giovanna Ottobre-Melton are similarly true to life. Robert Knepper, who plays Mob enforcer Syd Rothman, enthuses about Ottobre-Melton’s work, “The costumes are great. You put […]Read On »


Exclusive Interview: Neal McDonough cleans up MOB CITY

Neal McDonough and Jon Bernthal in MOB CITY - Season 1 - "Red Light" | ©2013 TNT/Doug Hyun

In MOB CITY, airing in three two-hour blocks on TNT on successive Wednesdays beginning tonightat 9 PM, some of the characters are fictional, like Jon Bernthal’s protagonist, LAPD Detective Joe Teague. However, some of the characters on both sides of the law in the Forties L.A./mobster noir drama, created by Frank Darabont based on John Buntin’s book, are taken from history. Ben “Bugsy” Siegel (Ed Burns) and Mickey Cohen (Jeremy Luke) made their mark in the annals of organized crime, while soon-to-be-LAPD Chief William Parker would someday have Parker Center named for him. Neal McDonough portrays Parker as the man’s […]Read On »

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