Television Series

Exclusive Interview: Shawn Ashmore fights THE FOLLOWING

Shawn Ashmore in THE FOLLOWING - Season 1 - "Havenport" | ©2013 Fox/Michael Lavine

The title of THE FOLLOWING refers to the homicidal acolyte of brilliant serial killer Joe Carroll (James Purefoy), who currently seems to be in dire straits, with his young son Joey (Kyle Catlett) taken away from him by the Feds, who are also close to storming his location. Former FBI profiler Ryan Hardy (Kevin Bacon) has been brought in to help with capturing Carroll – he did it before, after all. Hardy has his own good kind of follower, FBI Special Agent Mike Weston, played by Shawn Ashmore. Mike admires Ryan, even when he thinks the older lawman is being […]Read On »


TV Review: ONCE UPON A TIME – Season 2 – “Welcome to Storybrooke”

Lana Parrila in ONCE UPON A TIME - Season 2 - "Welcome to Storybrooke" | ©2013 ABC/Jack Rowand

Stars: Ginnifer Goodwin, Jennifer Morrison, Robert Carlyle, Lana Parrilla, Jared Gilmore, Josh Dallas, Emilie de Ravin, Meghan Ory Writer: Ian Goldberg & Andrew Chambliss Director: David M. Barrett Network: ABC, Sunday nights, 8 p.m. Original Telecast: March 17, 2013 Fine. I get it. Taking ONCE UPON A TIME to a darker place opens up a lot of room for interesting character growth and additional storylines. That makes sense. It’s good writing. Fine. But there’s a big difference between darker and the roiling pit of self-destructive despair we find ourselves in with “Welcome to Storybrooke.” Dark is interesting. Despair is merely depressing and depression, with its inherent lassitude is an awfully hard […]Read On »


TV Review: ONCE UPON A TIME – Season 2 – “The Miller’s Daughter”

Rose McGowan and Robert Carlyle in ONCE UPON A TIME - Season 2 - "Miller's Daughter" | ©2013 ABC/Jack Rowand

Stars: Ginnifer Goodwin, Jennifer Morrison, Robert Carlyle, Lana Parrilla, Jared Gilmore, Josh Dallas, Emilie de Ravin, Meghan Ory Writer: Jane Espenson Director: Ralph Hemecker Network: ABC, Sunday nights, 8 p.m. Original Telecast: March 10, 2013 I have been saying since last season that I thought Cora (Barbara Hershey), “The Miller’s Daughter,” was, in fact, that miller’s daughter – you know, the one that got caught up in the original Rumpelstiltskin story, when her father bragged that she could spin straw into gold. Well, I was right and ONCE UPON A TIME has worked its magical twist once again, and very nicely turned that story on its ear in one intense episode. However, I […]Read On »


Exclusive Interview: BEAUTY AND THE BEAST stars Kristin Kreuk and Jay Ryan

Kristin Kreuk and Jay Ryan at the PEOPLE'S CHOICE AWARDS for Best New TV Drama with BEAUTY AND THE BEAST | ©2013 Sue Schneider

CW has another hit show on its network with BEAUTY AND THE BEAST and ASSIGNMENT X got a chance to sit down and talk to Kristin Kreuk, who stars as Catherine Chandler and Jay Ryan who stars as Vincent Keller recently. For those of you that loved BEAUTY AND THE BEAST (l987 – 1990), starring Ron Perlman as Vincent and Linda Hamilton as Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler this updated version will not disappoint you. BEAUTY AND THE BEAST won The People’s Choice Award for Favorite New TV Drama this year over other nominees ARROW, ELEMENTARY, NASHVILLE and REVOLUTION. ASSIGNMENT X: […]Read On »


TV Review: DALLAS – Season 2 Finale – “Guilt by Association” / “Legacies”

Josh Henderson and Jesse Metcalfe in Dallas - Season 2 - "Legacies" | ©2013 TNT/Van Redin

“Guilt by Association”  – written by Taylor Hamra, directed by Jesse Bochco “Legacies” – written by Cynthia Cidre & Robert Rovner, directed by Steve Robin Stars: Patrick Duffy, Brenda Strong, Linda Gray, Josh Henderson, Jesse Metcalfe, Jordana Brewster, Julie Gonzalo Network: TNT, airs Monday nights Original Telecast: April 15th,  2013 Well, they wrapped it all up on the DALLAS season two finale, but boy did they work hard to make it fit. The problem is it didn’t fit as tidily as it deserved to fit. The end of J.R.’s master plan is complete and yes from beyond the grave he […]Read On »


Exclusive Interview: THE FOLLOWING star Annie Parisse on playing FBI Special Agent Parker

Annie Parisse in THE FOLLOWING - Season 1 | ©2013 Fox/Michael Lavine

In Fox’s freshman hit THE FOLLOWING, Monday nights at 9 PM, it seems like Annie Parisse’s character, FBI agent and cult specialist Debra Parker, is one of the good guys. But on this serial killer thriller, created by Kevin Williamson, it’s hard to tell. Did Jacob (Nico Tortorella), a devoted follower of charismatic multiple murderer Joe Carroll (James Purefoy) spare Parker in last week’s episode because he needed leverage against series hero Ryan Hardy (Kevin Bacon), or did Parker reveal something to Jacob while we weren’t looking? Parisse, of course, is hardly likely to share an answer to that question. […]Read On »


Exclusive Interview: VEGAS star Carrie-Anne Moss rolls the dice

Carrie-Anne Moss in VEGAS - Season 1 - "(Il)Legitimate" | ©2013 CBS/Cliff Lipson

On VEGAS, CBS Friday nights at 9 PM, it’s 1960 and the Mob and glamour are both hitting town. This is a problem for rancher-turned-sheriff Ralph Lamb (Dennis Quaid), who in turn is making life a little rough forChicago businessman/casino owner Vincent Savino (Michael Chiklis). Carrie-Anne Moss’ character Katherine O’Connell keeps tabs on both men, though her relationship with Lamb is considerably less adversarial than her encounters with Savino. Canadian-born Moss will forever be revered by science-fiction fans for her portrayal of martial arts-savvy heroine Trinity in the three MATRIX films. Other feature credits include FIDO, DISTURBIA and Christopher Nolan’s […]Read On »


TV Review: DALLAS – Season 2 – “Love and Family”

DALLAS - Season 2 - "Let Me In" | ©2013 TNT/Zade Rosenthal

Stars: Patrick Duffy, Brenda Strong, Linda Gray, Josh Henderson, Jesse Metcalfe, Jordana Brewster, Julie Gonzalo Writer: John Whelpley Director: Randy Zisk Network: TNT, airs Monday nights Original Telecast: April 8th,  2013 Deception and subversion are coming to a head on DALLAS as season two draws to an end. John Ross (Josh Henderson) finally gets Pamela (Julie Gonzalo) to believe him when he told her that her father Cliff Barnes (Ken Kercheval) is responsible for the Ewing rig explosion. She is a woman with a vendetta against her father now and she will stop at nothing to seek her revenge on […]Read On »


TV Review: DALLAS – Season 2 – “A Call to Arms”

DALLAS - Season 2 - "A Call To Arms" | ©2013 TNT/Zade Rosenthal

Stars: Patrick Duffy, Brenda Strong, Linda Gray, Josh Henderson, Jesse Metcalfe, Jordana Brewster, Julie Gonzalo Writer: Gail Gilchriest Director: Ken Topolsky Network: TNT, airs Monday nights Original Telecast: April 8th,  2013 Sex, drugs and lies pretty much sums up this week’s DALLAS. Everyone plots, schemes and lies to get what they want. So, it makes sense when even the truth is too much for some. When John Ross (Josh Henderson) tells Pamela (Julia Gonzalo) her father was to blame for the explosion that killed her babies she hardly believes him, throwing him out. Sometimes it’s easier to live a fallacy […]Read On »


Exclusive Interview: Alfred Molina chats about MONDAY MORNINGS

Alfred Molina in MONDAY MORNINGS | ©2013 TNT/Doug Hyun

In MONDAY MORNINGS, TNT Mondays at 10 PM, Alfred Molina’s character plays Dr. Harding Hooten, who is in charge of the weekly Mortality and Morbidity meetings, where the hows and whys of patient deaths are discussed. The series has been adapted by David E. Kelley from Dr. Sanjay Gupta’s book, with both men producing. Molina has been a TV series regular before, most recently in LAW & ORDER: LOS ANGELES. He’s also known for multiple feature film appearances, including Satipo in RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK and Dr. Otto Octavius in SPIDER-MAN 2. He’s been on Broadway three times, earning […]Read On »

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