WHAT WE DO IN THE SHADOWS: Actor Mark Proksch on playing an energy vampire on Season 2 – Exclusive Interview

Mark Proksch as Colin Robinson in WHAT WE DO IN SHADOWS - Season 2 | ©2020 FX/Pari Dukovic

WHAT WE DO IN THE SHADOWS, the comedy about vampires in Staten Island created by Jemaine Clement, is now in its second season on FX on Wednesday nights (thereafter available on FX on Hulu). Mark Proksch plays Colin Robinson, a vampire unlike his housemates. Whereas Laszlo (Matt Berry), Nadja (Natasia Demetriou), and Nandor (Kayvan Novak) are all conventional blood-drinkers, Colin is an energy vampire, who feeds off human boredom. He preys on city council meetings and lines at the DMV; his idea of a banquet is sitting in the audience for a high school production of OUR TOWN, followed by […]Read On »


ALMOST PARADISE: Actor-Producer Christian Kane on new series and SUPERNATURAL – Exclusive Interview – Part 2

Christian Kane in ALMOST PARADISE - Season 1 | ©2020 Electric Entertainment/WGN America

In Part 2 of our exclusive telephone interview with Christian Kane, he talks more about starring in and being a producer on the series ALMOST PARADISE, airing Monday nights on WGN America and then on Amazon and the Electric Now app, plus his guest appearance on SUPERNATURAL, his music, and more. ASSIGNMENT X: You star as Alex Walker and you’re a producer on ALMOST PARADISE, which is the first U.S.-made TV series to shoot in the Philippines. Between wearing those two hats, you said you have your fingers in a bunch of different things on the show, so what are […]Read On »


VIDA: Creator Tanya Saracho gives the scoop on the third and final season – Exclusive Interview

VIDA - Season 3 Key Art | ©2020 Starz

VIDA is now in its third and final season, Sunday nights on Starz. The series concerns disparate sisters Emma (Mishel Prada) and Lyn (Melissa Barrera), who inherit their late mother’s lesbian bar in East Los Angeles. After a lot of consideration, the siblings decide to reopen the bar, rename it Vida (after their mom Vidalia), and add live music. Other main characters: Vida’s widow Eddy (Ser Anzoategui), who has learned that not only was she not legally married to Vida, but that Vida’s ex-husband is still alive; neighborhood Latinx activist Mari (Chelsea Rendon), whose father has thrown her out of […]Read On »


SIREN: Actress Rena Owen on SIREN and THE GLOAMING – Exclusive Interview – Part 2

Rena Owen as Helen in SIREN | ©2018 Freeform

In Part 2 of our exclusive interview with actress Rena Owen, she talks more about her part-mermaid character Helen Hawkins on Freeform’s drama SIREN, now in its third season on Thursday nights. Thereafter streaming on Freeform on Hulu. Owen also talks her upcoming Hulu miniseries THE GLOAMING and her background. ASSIGNMENT X: What would you say is the core of Helen’s character? RENA OWEN: It’s a complex one, because she’s had to live her life in secret. That was the thing that I found very attractive about her, or attracted me to her, in the pilot, in Season 1. And […]Read On »


SIREN: Actress Rena Owen on SIREN – Season 3 – Exclusive Interview – Part 1

Rena Owen as Helen in SIREN | ©2018 Freeform/Vu Ong

As SIREN continues its third season, Thursdays on Freeform (followed by streaming on Freeform on Hulu), the mermaid clan led by Ryn (Eline Powell) is facing war with the mermaids led by newcomer Tia (Tiffany Lonsdale). Ryn’s baby has been born to a human surrogate after a difficult delivery, and locals are getting ever more suspicious about the strange deaths in Bristol Bay. Rena Owen plays lifelong Bristol Bay resident Helen Hawkins, a gift shop owner who is secretly one-eighth mermaid. She endeavors to help Ryn and all of mer-kind while trying to figure out why she is being visited […]Read On »


LITTLE FIRES EVERYWHERE: Actor Gavin Lewis on Hulu mini-series – Exclusive Interview

Gavin Lewis in LITTLE FIRES EVERYWHERE | ©2020 Hulu/Irvin Rivera

In the eight-part miniseries LITTLE FIRES EVERYWHERE, now streaming in its entirety on Hulu, Gavin Lewis plays sixteen-year-old Michael “Moody” Richardson, second son of Elena (Reese Witherspoon, also an executive producer on the series) and Bill (Joshua Jackson). Based on the best-selling novel by Celeste Ng and set in the suburb of Shaker Heights, Ohio, LITTLE FIRES EVERYWHERE chronicles what happens when tightly-wound, well-intentioned Elena invites the enigmatic Mia Warren (Kerry Washington) to work for her as a kind of glorified housekeeper. Moody, one of the Richardsons’ four children, falls for Mia’s daughter Pearl (Lexi Underwood), which adds another layer […]Read On »


ALMOST PARADISE: Actor Christian Kane on his new action series – Exclusive Interview – Part 1

Christian Kane in ALMOST PARADISE - Season 1 | ©2020 Electric Entertainment

In ALMOST PARADISE, Monday nights on WGN America and thereafter available on Amazon Prime, Christian Kane stars as Alex Walker. Alex is an American former DEA agent, burned by his former partner and suffering from hypertension. He decides to retire to run a gift shop at an idyllic island resort in the Philippines. However, his expertise is noticed by the local police, who think he’d make a great consultant. Alex thinks he doesn’t want to be drawn back into law enforcement, but he finds he can’t stand idly by when criminals get active in his line of sight. ALMOST PARADISE […]Read On »


VIDA: Melissa Barrera and Mishel Prada on the final season – Exclusive Interview

Melissa Barrera and Mishel Prada in VIDA - Season 3 | ©2020 Starz

The third and final season of VIDA begins on Starz Sunday, April 26. In the series created by Tanya Saracho, free-spirited but overly impulsive Lyn Hernandez, played by Melissa Barrera, is finally learning how to act responsibly. Her older sister Emma, played by Mishel Prada, has spent years being cool and controlled, but is now learning how to open up to others. In Season 1, The siblings reunited after years apart when their mother Vida died, leaving her lesbian East L.A. bar to the two young women. Barrera, originally from Monterrey, Mexico, starred in numerous Spanish-language television series, as well […]Read On »


THE ROOKIE: Actor Eric Winter on Season 2 – Exclusive Interview

Eric Winter as Tim Bradford in THE ROOKIE - Season 2 | ©2020 ABC/Ed Herrera

In THE ROOKIE’s second season, Eric Winter’s character, LAPD training officer Tim Bradford, is starting to mellow a little. Sure, in the series created by Alexi Hawley, Bradford still addresses all the new officers as “Boot,” has no patience with slow responses, and generally expects everybody to live up to his standards of perfection. However, Bradford has gotten noticeably gentler with his trainee, Officer Lucy Chen (Melissa O’Neil), ever since she survived being kidnapped by a serial killer. Bradford has even mellowed, a little, toward the department’s oldest rookie, John Nolan, played by Nathan Fillion. Winter, a native Californian, played […]Read On »


MANHUNT: DEADLY GAMES: Jack Huston talks about playing a real-life serial bomber – Exclusive Interview

Jack Huston in MANHUNT: DEADLY GAMES | ©2020 Spectrum Originals/Lionsgate

MANHUNT: DEADLY GAMES, now available in its entirety on Spectrum on Demand and Spectrum streaming, dramatizes the real-life FBI search for serial bomber Eric Rudolph. While some of the characters are composites, Rudolph is portrayed by Jack Huston. Huston, grandson of filmmaker John Huston, is no stranger to playing real people. He portrayed poet Gerard Malanga in FACTORY GIRL, Jack Kerouac in KILL YOUR DARLINGS, King Charles II in the miniseries THE GREAT FIRE, and Robert Kennedy in THE IRISHMAN. Huston’s fictional characters include Jack Harrow in BOARDWALK EMPIRE and Felix Babineau in MR. MERCEDES. Later this year, Huston will […]Read On »

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