Movie Review: BONE COLD

Rating: Not Rated Stars: Jonathan Stoddard, Matt Munroe, Trinity Jo-Li Bliss, Jennifer Khoe, Shaan Sharma, Elise Berggreen, Jeremy Iversen, Danielle Poblarp, Alan Hanson, Brenda Pollock, Duncan Perry, Juliet Lopez, Ricardo Mestre Writer: Billy Hanson Director: Billy Hanson Distributor: Well Go USA Entertainment Release Date: June 13, 2023 (digital, Blu-ray, DVD) BONE COLD combines covert military action, PTSD, and the uncanny in a fairly suspenseful and effective package. U.S. military Reaper Team consists of two men, Jon Bryant (Jonathan Stoddard) and Marco Miller (Matt Munroe). We first see them in Afghanistan. Jon, who has the best aim, usually makes the kill […]Read On »