Exclusive Interview: TERRIERS executive producer Tim Minear talks frankly about the cancellation – Part 1

Donal Logue and Michael Raymond-James in TERRIERS - Season 1 | ©2010 FX/Mike Muller

TERRIERS was a series that concluded its thirteen-episode run a few weeks ago on FX. The series chronicled the adventures of unorthodox private eyes Hank Dolworth, played by Donal Logue, and Britt Pollack, played by Michael Raymond-James, who stumble upon a clandestine land deal that will be bad for their beloved San Diego. Like a lot of shows that have low ratings, TERRIERS did not survive to its second season. Unlike practically any other canceled show in memory, TERRIERS had the network president, John Landgraf, explain to both the press and the series creative team exactly what went into the […]Read On »


Exclusive Photos: From the World Premiere and AFI Benefit Screening of HOW DO YOU KNOW

Jack Nicholson at the World Premiere and AFI Benefit Screening of HOW DO YOU KNOW | © 2010 Sue Schneider

Columbia Pictures’ held the World Premiere and AFI Benefit Screening of HOW DO YOU KNOW recently at the Mann Village Theatre in Westwood. HOW DO YOU KNOW is written and directed by James L. Brooks and is a romantic comedy starring Reese Witherspoon as Lisa who finds herself in a love triangle with a major league baseball player Matty (Owen Wilson) and a well-meaning George (Paul Rudd) who is accused of a financial crime he didn’t commit. Jack Nicholson stars as Charles, George’s father. Seen walking the carpet were the stars of the film, which included Reese Witherspoon, Paul Rudd, […]Read On »


Profile: Five Questions with THE GOONIES co-stars Ke Huy Quan and Jeff Cohen

© 1985 Warner Bros. | Ke Huy Quan and Jeff Cohen in THE GOONIES

COHEN: I think if you look at all of Dick Donner’s movies, it’s verisimilitude, which is “the truth.” That’s his thing. It’s written on the wall in his office. With Donner’s movies, whether it’s SUPERMAN or GOONIES or OMEN, you have a fantastic situation of people behaving how you would behave if you got this crazy treasure map or this guy could fly or maybe the kid is the son of Satan. So I owe it to Donner for letting us curse, like kids curse. To let us develop our relationships amongst each other as kids. HUAN: I don’t remember […]Read On »


CD Review: THE NEXT THREE DAYS soundtrack

© 2010 Lions Gate Records | The Next Three Days Soundtrack

When Danny Elfman tackles action, it’s usually with the frenetic rock-orchestral energy of WANTED, or bringing down the dark cosmic thunder of HELLBOY 2. So it’s particularly cool when the composer gets to stretch with more realistic protagonists in the action arena, especially for the family-driven thrills of THE NEXT THREE DAYS, in which Russell Crowe (whom Elfman last scored for PROOF OF LIFE) tries to spring his character’s wife from an unjust murder rap. Elfman’s inimitably eccentric style has perhaps never sounded so effectively normal as it were, combining an emotional heartbeat with gripping suspense rhythms, as tender guitars, […]Read On »


CD Review: HAUNTED SUMMER soundtrack (1200 edition)

© 2010 La La Land Records | Haunted Summer Soundtrack

Christopher Young would grace many a low budget horror score with his eerily graceful melodies, among them HELLRAISER, A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET 2 and TRICK OR TREAT. Just before he’d go on to the more bloodily prestigious likes of COPYCAT and THE DARK HALF, Young took a last stab for the mini-majors with this beautiful swan song to the very beginnings of horror fiction with Cannon’s HAUNTED SUMMER. This was second (and far more lucid) cinematic rumination on the dalliances of Lord Byron, Percy and Mary Shelly and John Polidori- literary lions who would create vampires and science-stitched walking […]Read On »


TV Review: DOCTOR WHO – Season Six – “A Christmas Carol”

Michael Gambon, Matt Smith and Katherine Jenkins in DOCTOR WHO - Season Six - "A Christmas Carol" | © 2010 BBC

Stars: Matt Smith, Karen Gillan, Arthur Darvill, Michael Gambon, Katherine Jenkins, Micah Balfour, Pooky Quesnel, Leo Bill, Laurence Belcher, Danny Horn, Bailey Pepper, Steve North, Laura Rogers, Meg Wynn-Owen Writers: Steven Moffat Director: Toby Haynes Network: BBC America Original Telecast: December 25, 2010 The dialogue sparkles like shining snowflakes, each a perfectly formed piece of well-wrought wit, and the performances leap off the screen in what may be the most moving and delightful DOCTOR WHO Christmas special since the tradition began in 2005. “A Christmas Carol” rejoins the Doctor’s (Matt Smith) companions Amy Pond (Karen Gillan) and Rory Williams (Arthur […]Read On »


The X List: Five Great New Holiday Songs To Add To Your Playlist

THE KILLERS - "Boots" single

Every year, countless artists crank out Christmas related albums and singles. Most of them tread on songs from the past (either by re-invention or staying faithful). Yet, every year there are also numerous new songs that keep with the Christmas spirit in surprising ways – and some of them slip through the cracks. That’s why we here at ASSIGNMENT X decided to pick our five favorite new Christmas songs to add to your playlist – especially if you’re tired of the 800th rendition of “Silent Night” and fear someone is going to cover “I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus” again. […]Read On »


The X List: Horror For the Holidays – Ten Christmas Films That Will Disrupt Your Silent Nights

RARE EXPORTS - A CHRISTMAS TALE - U.S. Poster | © 2010 Oscilloscope Laboratories

While everyone else is cuddling up to a copy of A CHRISTMAS CAROL,  A CHRISTMAS STORY, NATIONAL LAMPOON’S CHRISTMAS VACATION, heck, even some people still watch WHITE CHRISTMAS, we here at ASSIGNMENT X thought it was high time to give credit where bloody credit is due to the films that have an unconventional way of celebrating Christmas cheer – namely one of sheer terror. That’s why we invite you to celebrate a little horror for the holiday’s with us, chronicling ten unconventional films that are just as worthy as the umpteenth incarnation of A CHRISTMAS STORY retold on any one […]Read On »


DVD Review: BLACK CHRISTMAS – Special Edition

BLACK CHRISTMAS movie poster

For decades, many cited HALLOWEEN as being the first true slasher film, igniting a subgenre that continues strong to this day, but it was this curious little exploitation film that set the bar for all slasher films to come.

It’s the holiday’s again, so now, is as good as time as any to revisit why BLACK CHRISTMAS, is hands down the best Christmas-themed horror movie (sorry SILENT NIGHT, DEADLY NIGHT).

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