Conan Soundtrack | © 2010 Tadlow Records

For baby boomer fantasy fans, there were never better days than the early 80’s when it came to seeing sweaty, near-naked barbarians hacking their way through the Hyborean Age with sex and gore to spare. But in a period that’s fondly remembered for the cheesy likes of ATOR THE INVINCIBLE, YOR, HAWK THE SLAYER and THE SWORD AND THE SORCERER, one film truly took the genre seriously, with all the production polish to spare. And 28 years later, John Milius’ adaptation of Robert E. Howard’s CONAN THE BARBARIAN still remains the king of this genre, whose blood and thunder score by Basil Poledouris remains the one fantasy soundtrack to rule them all.


CD Review: HUMAN TARGET: Season 1 (2,000 edition)

HUMAN TARGET TV Soundtrack | © 2010 La La Land Records

Bear McCreary continues to prove himself as the hardest-working composer on television, whose sound gets bigger and better with each show, none more spectacularly than with the ripping symphonic style he’s given to Fox’s spin on DC comics’ HUMAN TARGET. Though he’s composed the pokey country experiments of EUREKA, the sci-fi mythos of GALACTICA and CAPRICA and the chilling apocalypses of THE SARAH CONNOR CHRONICLES and THE WALKING DEAD, there always seemed to be a superhero waiting to break free from Bear McCreary. And while TARGET’s danger-seeking impersonator might not have any powers beyond being extra crafty, McCreary’s adventurous scoring […]Read On »


Exclusive Interview: 24’s Howard Gordon reveals the scoop on the 24 movie (it’s on hold) and talks about his novel GIDEON’S WAR arriving in January – Part 2

Kiefer Sutherland in 24 - Season Eight | ©2010 Fox

It took eight seasons (and one made-for-TV movie) for time to run out for Fox’s venerable and ground-breaking action series 24 which starred Kiefer Sutherland as the tragic anti-hero Jack Bauer. The show took one day, in the life of the sometimes counter-terrorist agent Bauer and dealt with the ups and downs of a major attack on U.S. soil like clockwork every season. The real time conceit was the hook, but it was Sutherland and crackerjack storytelling that kept viewers hooked year after year. With 24 – Season Eight and 24: THE COMPLETE SERIES hitting DVD this week, ASSIGNMENT X […]Read On »


Exclusive Interview: TRON: LEGACY screenwriters Edward Kitsis and Adam Horowitz bring the franchise back online

TRON: LEGACY poster - Sam Flynn | ©2010 Disney Enterprises

How do you pick up the pieces of a cult classic like 1982’s TRON and turn it into the next big mega-budget, must-see high-tech 3-D blockbuster? It all starts with the script and the right take on the material which screenwriters Edward Kitsis and Adam Horowitz (who are former LOST scribes) figured out early on. They were fans of the original and wanted to take elements of the original film and the character of Kevin Flynn (Jeff Bridges) and progress the story to the present. The end result is TRON: LEGACY which focuses on Flynn’s grown-up son Sam (Garrett Hedlund) […]Read On »


Exclusive Photos: From the Los Angeles Premiere of THE TEMPEST

Helen Mirren at the Los Angeles Premiere of THE TEMPEST | ©2010 Sue Schneider

Touchstone Pictures and Miramax Films held the Los Angeles Premiere of THE TEMPEST at the El Capitan Theatre in Hollywood on December 6th. Across the street at the Grauman’s Chinese Theater was the premiere of Paramount’s THE FIGHTER, so needless to say Hollywood was very busy and the street was closed from Highland to Orange for this special night. This was not the first time that two premieres were held almost at the same time, but it was timed so that after I finished shooting THE TEMPEST, I was able to go over and cover THE FIGHTER. Academy Award-nominated Julie […]Read On »


The X List: DESPICABLE ME is one of the Highlights to DVD and Blu-ray Titles This Week

Your time is short. We know this. So in order to expedite your buying and Netflix decision making, we provide you with a list of the cool and not-so-cool titles coming out for movies, television and everything in-between. So put your feet up, grab some popcorn and check out this week’s selections. Movies: DESPICABLE ME – The animated comedy about an aging super villain and his falling popularity comes to video racks and on demand this week starring Steve Carell in the lead as Gru, the world’s greatest villain, along with his heinous crew and minions. The film is downright […]Read On »


TV Review: SMALLVILLE – Season 10 – “Icarus”

Tom Welling and Erica Durance in SMALLVILLE - Season 10 - "Icarus" | ©2010 The CW

One hour later after watching SMALLVILLE’s winter finale “Icarus,” and all I could think was, “what the hell?” And look, before I can continue, there’s no way to write this review without giving up spoilers, so considered yourself warned.


TV Review: DEXTER – Season 5 – “The Big One”

Michael C. Hall and Peter Weller in DEXTER - Season 5 - "The Big One" | ©2010 Showtime/Randy Tepper

Mindful of the fact that there’s probably no increasing over the stab to the heart that was the Season Four finale, the DEXTER team go in another direction as they conclude Season Five on a bittersweet note that feels just right.


Exclusive Interview: 24’s Howard Gordon gives the scoop on the end of the explosive Fox series – Part 1

Kiefer Sutherland in 24 - Season Eight | ©2010 Fox

It took eight seasons (and one made-for-TV movie) for time to run out for Fox’s venerable and ground-breaking action series 24 which starred Kiefer Sutherland as the tragic anti-hero Jack Bauer. Each season, the series took one day in the life of the sometimes counter-terrorist agent Bauer and dealt with the ups and downs of a major attack on U.S. soil like clockwork. The real time conceit was the hook, but it was Sutherland and crackerjack storytelling that kept viewers glued to their screens year after year. With 24 – Season Eight and The Complete Series hitting DVD this week, […]Read On »


Exclusive Interview: TRON: LEGACY co-producer Justin Springer reboots the franchise

Garrett Hedlund in TRON: LEGACY | ©2010 Disney Enterprises

If any movie can be viewed as this year’s AVATAR, TRON: LEGACY certainly has a shot. Not only was it shot in 3-D (instead of being converted in post), it also features one of the  most visually arresting and immersive science-fiction worlds this side of the STAR WARS franchise. TRON: LEGACY (which opens Friday) picks up the pieces from the under-appreciated 1982 cult classic TRON which put Kevin Flynn (Jeff Bridges) into a computer world where users and programs are pitted against each other He survived, but Flynn went back into that world (after the events in the first film) […]Read On »

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