The Dork Side: A FESTIVUS for the rest of us


I don’t really celebrate Christmas. I’m not a Grinch or anything. I’m just more a Festivus girl. If you don’t know what Festivus is then … wait, really? You don’t know what Festivus is? If you don’t know then you probably don’t have Internet and you are probably not reading this so I will move along. I have put up my Festivus pole, and I plan to wrestle with the head of the household for the feats of strength. The head of our household is our wiener dog, Homer, so that shouldn’t be too hard. But my favorite part of […]Read On »


Interview: Jennifer Lawrence gets Oscar heat from WINTER’S BONE

WINTER'S BONE poster | ©2010 Lionsgate

Sometimes it’s hard to be a woman, especially when you’re barely one in the Ozarks, an economically depressed area fraught with meth labs. It’s through this frigidly beautiful, and dangerous terrain that 17 year-old Ree Dolly desperately searches for her missing, meth-cooking father, who’s missed court date threatens her family home with foreclosure. While it would be spoiling the many surprises of WINTER’S BONE to say what Ree uncovers on her quest, it’s no secret that Jennifer Lawrence’s understated, yet beguiling performance is one of this year’s major acting discoveries, one that just might dig up Oscar recognition come next […]Read On »


Juliet Landau’s TAKE FLIGHT release party flies this Sunday in Los Angeles

Juliet Landau

Ever wonder what might be going through Gary Oldman’s mind if he directed a Jewish hip-hop music video? You can find out at the DVD release party for director Juliet Landau’s TAKE FLIGHT, a twenty-five-minute documentary chronicling Oldman’s work with the band Chutzpah. The documentary will be screened and available for purchase Sunday night, Dec. 12, 6 PM at Meltdown Comics, 7522 Sunset Blvd., West Hollywood 90069. There will be a musical performance by Amy Kuney and the band Common Rotation (which features Adam Busch, who appeared with Landau in BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER, as well as Eric Kufs and […]Read On »


CD Review: SKYLINE soundtrack

© 2010 Varese Sarabande Records | Skyline Soundtrack

If you’re doing a DIY, apartment-set riff on ID4 for the sum of 10 million dollars, then trying to make your production look like it cost 10 times that, you’d better have a score as big as your ambitions. Thankfully, the effects wizard Strause brothers have Matthew Margeson unleashing the big orchestral guns for their unfairly maligned, and thoroughly entertaining gonzo sci-fi pic. With mad action skills learned during a career whose highlights range from assisting Klaus Badelt on CONSTANTINE, to arranging KICK-ASS and programming synths for ANGELS AND DEMONS, Margeson now has his own major debut to apply all […]Read On »


TV Review: WAREHOUSE 13 – Season 2 – “Secret Santa”

Eddie McClintock, Joanne Kelly in WAREHOUSE 13 - Season 2 - "Secret Santa" | ©2010 NBC Universal

When Los Angeles businessman Larry Newley (Paul Blackthorne, erstwhile star of Syfy’s THE DRESDEN FILES) has his home vandalized by an apparition that twinkles and swooshes, it means Pete (Eddie McClintock) and Myka (Joanne Kelly) have to say goodbye to their separate plans to spend Christmas with their respective families.


TV Review: EUREKA – Season 4 – “O Little Town”

Colin Ferguson and Erica Cerra in EUREKA - Season 4 - "Oh Little Town" | ©2010 NBC Universal

From its one-off holiday title sequence to the series-specific jokes about fruitcake (and of course the fruitcake does come to menace the town’s inhabitants), “O Little Town” is a uniquely EUREKA Christmas episode. Some plot elements are a bit too wacky even for EUREKA, which is why we get the framing device of Jack (Colin Ferguson) telling four cynical snowbound kids of a Yuletide when it was unseasonably sweltering in Eureka. The town’s electromagnetic shield has gone haywire, trapping everybody inside. Taggart (Matt Frewer) is visiting town in an actual flying sleigh, determined to find Santa, while at Global Dynamics, an energy project gone amok and Taggart’s gift-shrinking technology are causing the town to get smaller and smaller. On the upside, there’s a Secret Santa running around, giving everyone the perfect present. Who can it be? Maybe … Santa?


TV Review: GLEE – Season 2 – “A Very Glee Christmas”

Naya Rivera and Cory Monteith in GLEE - Season 2 - "A Very Glee Christmas" | ©2010 Fox/Justin Lubin

Not surprising, GLEE’s “A Very Glee Christmas” looks and feels like every other Christmas special out there (hitting all the major beats above), but also manages to put its own twists on the formula as well. We get a major break-up between Finn (Cory Monteith) and Rachel (Lea Michele) – with no happy resolution by episode’s end. And the very important line by Sue Sylvester (Jane Lynch) at the end of the episode to Will Schuester (Matthew Morrison) is the very un-Christmas-like “I hate you.”



STARCRASH - special edition DVD | © 2010 Shout Factory

Some times movies are bad because they don’t try hard enough to be good. Other times, movies are so bad, they’re amazingly good, which is the case of the long-lost 1979 Italian science-fiction cult flick STARCRASH. It’s badness comes from its earnestness and ambition. It has terrible dialogue, the occasional crappy special effect and a story that really doesn’t make a lick of sense.


Exclusive Interview: KIDS IN THE HALL member Dave Foley gets his Christmas jollies on LEVERAGE


Is it the winter season or the extra special Christmas bonus to Season Three? That’s the question surrounding the last three episodes of LEVERAGE, which begin airing this Sunday night (December 12) on TNT. First up is the official Christmas-themed episode “The Ho, Ho, Ho Job” where the Leverage team spearheaded by mastermind Nate Ford (Timothy Hutton) take down a shady department store Santa operation followed by the two-hour season finale airing December 19 that finally reveals the season’s Big Bad Damien Moreau (played by ER’s Goran Visnjic). To kick off the holiday spirit with a comedic chaser, ASSIGNMENT X […]Read On »


The X List: INCEPTION is one of the Highlights to DVD Releases This Week

INCEPTION – The science fiction fantasy movie is no doubt going to be the most popular title of the week. There is a ton of stuff to digest in the movie and I think watching it once is almost doing the film an injustice. Actually, it might take more than one viewing to actually “get” what is happening. In this world, dreams are no longer just our own but used to extract information from others and learn secrets of the people in high power positions. But along with any supernatural situation, the dangers while in the dream world are as real as they are in the real world.

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