Exclusive Interview: Producer Marcus Wilson talks DOCTOR WHO 50th and beyond!

Matt Smith as the Eleventh Doctor and David Tennant as the Tenth Doctor in The DOCTOR WHO 50th Anniversary Special - "The Day of the Doctor" | ©2013 BBCAmerica

Marcus Wilson has been a Producer on the current run of DOCTOR WHO for the last two series. Like all shows he has seen ups and downs in terms of fan and critic reaction to the episodes he has been part of. Now in it’s 50 Anniversary DOCTOR WHO is bigger that it ever has been, and it has a HUGE loyal following here the United States. With specials like AN ADVENTURE IN SPACE AND TIME, and the 50th Anniversary episode “The Day of the Doctor”, this year is big, big, bigger on the inside. Plus Wilson is seeing Matt […]Read On »


Exclusive Interview: ROGUE brain trust Matthew Parkhill, Nick Hamm and Patty Ishimoto on DirectTV’s first series

ROGUE | ©2013 DirectTV

ROGUE, Wednesday nights on DirecTV, follows former Oakland undercover cop Grace, played by Thandie Newton, who becomes so obsessed with finding the killer of her child that she’s taken off the force. With no badge, Grace goes back to her old false identity within the local mob run by Marton Csokas’s character Jimmy to uncover the truth. At the Television Critics Association press tour, ROGUE has already had its cast and creators question and answer panel in the main ballroom at the Pasadena Langham Hotel. Now ROGUE’s creator/supervising producer/creator Matthew Parkhill and executive producer Nick Hamm, both British, are hanging out […]Read On »


Exclusive Interview: CALL THE MIDWIFE women chat about Season 2

Jessica Raine, Helen George, and Bryony Hannah in CALL THE MIDWIFE| ©2013 PBS

ASSIGNMENT X got a chance to chat up a few of the ladies from PBS Masterpiece’s CALL THE MIDWIFE at the Winter TCAS, and get a bit of feedback as to what this new season has in store, what familiar things we can look for, and what they most look forward to as the series continues. Looks like there’s going to be some new faces this season with the introduction of at least one new girl at Nonnatus House in London’s East End, and things are going to get a bit more fun since the returning nurses all know each […]Read On »


COPPER: SEASON ONE Highlights this week in Blu-ray and DVD Releases

COPPER SEASON ONE | (c) 2012 BBC Warner

Your time is short. We know this. So in order to expedite your buying and Netflix decision making, we provide you with a list of the cool and not-so-cool titles coming out for movies, television and everything in-between. So put your feet up, grab some popcorn and check out this week’s selections. Television: COPPER: SEASON ONE – A very interesting new series from the BBC based on the early days of New York and the crime fighting after the Civil War has ravaged the country. After returning home from the war, Detective Corcoran (Tom Weston-Jones) discovers his daughter dead and […]Read On »


TV Review: COPPER – Season 1 – “A Vast and Fiendish Plot”- Season Finale

Kyle Schmid in COPPER - Season 1 - "A Vast and Fiendish Plot" | ©2012 BBC America/Cineflix (Copper) Inc.

Stars: Tom Weston-Jones, Kevin Ryan, Ato Essandoh, Anastasia Griffiths, Tanya Fischer, Kiara Glasco, Franka Potente Writer:  Tom Fontana & Will Rokos, Teleplay by Sara B. Cooper    Director: Ken Girotti          Network: BBC America, airs Sunday nights Original Telecast: October 21, 2012 “A Vast and Fiendish Plot” is the first season finale of BBC America’s new drama COPPER. Set in the Five Points slum area of New York in 1864, this ambitious series chronicles the lives of a group of policemen and the people that are part of their world and everyday lives. The series started with Detective Kevin Corcoran (Tom […]Read On »


TV Review: COPPER – Season 1 – “Better Times are Coming”

Franka Potente and Tom Weston-Jones in COPPER - Season 1 - "Better Times Are Coming" | ©2012 BBC AMERICA/Cineflix (Copper) Inc./George Kraychyk

Stars: Tom Weston-Jones, Kevin Ryan, Ato Essandoh, Anastasia Griffiths, Tanya Fischer, Kiara Glasco, Franka Potente Writer:  Tom Fontana & Will Rokos, Teleplay by Sara B. Cooper    Director: Larysa Kondracki         Network: BBC America, airs Sunday nights Original Telecast: October 7, 2012 Well it had to happen sooner or later, COPPER has started to become one of those interminably slow moving period dramas that can’t seem to fill up an hour worth of content that keeps everything interesting and moving along. The series has spent the first season careening precariously close to that edge on and off depending on what the […]Read On »


TV Review: COPPER – Season 1 – “Arsenic and Old Cake”

Kyle Schmid and Ato Essandoh in COPPER - Season 1 - "Arsenic and Old Cake" | ©2012 BBC America/Cineflix (Copper) Inc./George Kraychyk

Stars: Tom Weston-Jones, Kevin Ryan, Ato Essandoh, Anastasia Griffiths, Tanya Fischer, Kiara Glasco, Franka Potente Writer:  Tom Fontana & Will Rokos, Teleplay by Kevin Deiboldt    Director: Jeff Woolnough        Network: BBC America, airs Sunday nights Original Telecast: September 23, 2012 Just when I think I’ve sort of figured BBC America’s COPPER out, they have an episode like “Arsenic and Old Cake”. There are some rather disturbing character shifts in this episode, but the main story and murder mystery is one that ends up being comical (and yes I am surprised as you that murder can be a laughing matter on […]Read On »


TV Review: DOCTOR WHO – Series 7 – “The Angels Take Manhattan” – Review #2

Karen Gillan, Matt Smith, and Arthur Darvill in DOCTOR WHO - Series 7 - "The Angels Take Manhattan" | ©2012 BBC America

Stars: Matt Smith, Karen Gillan, Arthur Darvill Writer: Steven Moffat  Director:  Nick Hurran    Network: BBC America, airs Saturday nights Original Telecast: September 22, 2012 “The Angels Take Manhattan” is a tough episode of DOCTOR WHO –  in fact it might be the toughest since Matt Smith took over as the Eleventh Doctor. This episode is the big farewell to Amy (Karen Gillan) and Rory (Arthur Darvill), and since Amy has been the Doctor’s companion since his first episode in this newer incarnation, this has been a good run for the two of them. There’s also been a lot of change […]Read On »


TV Review: DOCTOR WHO – Series 7 – “The Power of Three” – Review #2

Arthur Darvill, Matt Smith, and Karen Gillan in DOCTOR WHO - Series 7 - "The Power of Three" | ©2012 BBC America

Stars: Matt Smith, Karen Gillan, Arthur Darvill Writer: Chris Chibnall Director:  Douglas Mackinnon   Network: BBC America, airs Saturday nights Original Telecast: September 22, 2012 Not every episode of DOCTOR WHO can be absolute gold. There have to be slow episodes, talking heads episodes, and yes even somewhat dull episodes. “The Power of Three” is not the best episode in the new run, but it’s not the worst since the series restarted in 2005. It’s just kind of a yawn episode with some amusing moments here and there. I really feel that since the Ponds are leaving next episode that this […]Read On »


TV Review: COPPER – Season 1 – “La Tempête”

Anastasia Griffith in COPPER - Season 1 - “La Tempête” | ©2012 BBC AMERICA/Cineflix (Copper) Inc./George Kraychyk

Stars: Tom Weston-Jones, Kevin Ryan, Ato Essandoh, Anastasia Griffiths, Tanya Fischer, Kiara Glasco, Franka Potente Writer:  Tom Fontana & Will Rokos, Teleplay by Brant Englestein    Director: Jeff Woolnough        Network: BBC America, airs Sunday nights Original Telecast: September 16, 2012 “La Tempête” the latest episode of COPPER, official starts the all out battle for rutting rights with Detective Corcoran (Tom Weston-Jones). Last episode we saw how far Eva (Franka Potente) is willing to go to keep Corky all to herself, when she slashed the neck of one of her own prozzies, Molly (Tanya Fischer). But that was just the grubby […]Read On »

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