Rating: PG-13 Stars: Megan Suri, Neeru Bajwa, Mohana Krishnan, Betty Gabriel, Vik Sahay, Gage Marsh, Jenaya Ross, Beatrice Kitsos Writer: Bishal Dutta, story by Bishal Dutta and Ashish Mehta Director: Bishal Dutta Distributor: Neon Release Date: September 22, 2023 (theatrical), November 7, 2023 (home video and digital) IT LIVES INSIDE bears certain similarities to the original THE EXORCIST, inasmuch as the film’s action relies on the concept that a particular religion’s demons are real. However, in the case of IT LIVES INSIDE, the religion is Hinduism, and the hero is not a cleric of any sort, but rather American high […]Read On »