THE PLACE BEYOND THE PINES | ©2013 Focus Features

Rating: R Stars: Ryan Gosling, Bradley Cooper, Eva Mendes, Rose Byrne, Dane DeHaan, Emory Cohen, Mahershala Ali, Ben Mendelsohn Writers: Derek Cianfrance & Ben Coccio & Darius Marder, story by Derek Cianfrance & Ben Coccio Director: Derek Cianfrance Distributor: Focus Features Release Date: March 29, 2013 There is no lack of ambition in THE PLACE BEYOND THE PINES, a film that aims for a novelistic sense of scope, drama and resonance. The structure is certainly brave and director Derek Cianfrance, who wrote the screenplay with Ben Coccio and Darius Marder, has a gift for naturalism. Naturalism, however, isn’t the same […]Read On »


Profile: The rundown on Hollywood’s AFI FILM FESTIVAL 2012

AFI Fest Logo I ©2012 AFI

A proper, successful film festival these days needs a savvy combination of 1) Fresh Discoveries, 2) Unique Foreign Films, 3) a smattering of the Boldly Bizarre AND to get the crowds big enough to support all those mentioned, 4) Highbrow Hollywood Pictures. The 2012 AFI Film Festival held November 1st-08th worked all those elements into play with amazing ease. Now in its fourth year of just giving tickets away to screenings, the AFI Fest seems to have hit its groove. Screenings were right on Hollywood Blvd at the iconic Grauman’s Chinese Theater, the satellite cinemas Chinese 1-6 and the historic […]Read On »


Exclusive Photos from THE WORDS Los Angeles Premiere

Bradley Cooper at the premiere of THE WORDS | ©2012 Sue Schneider

On September 4th CBS Films held the Los Angeles Premiere of THE WORDS at the ArcLight Hollywood. It was a small premiere with the fans at the end of the carpet that waited patiently to get an autograph and a picture with the stars. Seen walking the carpet were the stars of the film, which included: Bradley Cooper, Zoe Saldana, Dennis Quaid, Jeremy Irons, Ben Barnes J.K. Simmons, Composer Marcelo Zarvos, Writers and Directors Brian Klugman and Lee Sternthal, Producers Tatiana Kelly and Jim Young. Joining them were guests, which included: Charlotte Ross, Ahmet Zappa, Shana Muldoon, James Babson, Ian […]Read On »


Movie Review: THE WORDS

THE WORDS movie poster | ©2012 CBS Films

Rating: PG-13 Stars: Bradley Cooper, Jeremy Irons, Dennis Quaid, Olivia Wilde, Zoe Saldana, Ben Barnes, Nora Arnezeder, J.K. Simmons, Lee Sternthal Writers: Brian Klugman & Lee Sternthal Directors: Brian Klugman & Lee Sternthal Distributor: CBS Films Release Date: September 7, 2012 No one can fault THE WORDS for ambition, either as a film itself or in its eagerness to examine exactly what ambition means. It therefore gets points up front for being a film that wants to look at why people do what they do, even when their actions wind up putting them at odds with the results they ultimately […]Read On »



THE HANGOVER PART II final poster |©2011 Warner Bros.

Rating: R Stars: Bradley Cooper, Ed Helms, Zack Galifianakis, Justin Bartha, Ken Jeong Writers: Craig Mazin & Scot Armstrong & Todd Phillips, based on characters created by John Lucas & Scott Moore Director: Todd Phillips Distributor: Warner Bros. Release Date: May 26, 2011 THE HANGOVER PART II isn’t especially funny. Don’t misunderstand – the movie isn’t direly un-funny like (random comparison) COP OUT. It’s genial, it has a plot that trots along decently, a good cast and gorgeous Thailand scenery. Still, it is struck somewhere between past glory that it can’t recreate and a new scenario that is better for […]Read On »


Exclusive Photos: From THE HANGOVER PART II Los Angeles Premiere

Bradley Cooper at the Los Angeles premiere of THE HANGOVER PART II | ©2011 Sue Schneider

Warner Bros. Pictures, in association with Legendary Pictures, A Green Hat Films Production presented the Los Angeles Premiere of THE HANGOVER PART II on May 19th at the Grauman’s Chinese Theatre in Hollywood. Hollywood Boulevard was closed between Highland and Orange to accommodate the fans, and all the press. The “black carpet” had HANGOVER printed on it and where I was standing they had big red letters stating the same. In THE HANGOVER PART II, Phil (Bradley Cooper), Stu (Ed Helms), Alan (Zach Galifianakis) and Doug (Justin Bartha) travel to exotic Thailand for Stu’s wedding. Stu remembers the disastrous bachelor […]Read On »


Fresh Clip: Check out the new THE HANGOVER PART II trailer

THE HANGOVER PART II poster | ©2011 Warner Bros.

Finally, a better look at the hotly anticipated THE HANGOVER PART II which arrives in theaters May 26, 2011. Following on the heels of the surprise summer sequel THE HANGOVER, the latest installment starring Bradley Cooper, Zack Galifianakis and Ed Helms hews closely to the formula that made the original work – namely a drunk night out where our trio of losers can’t remember what happened. This time, they wake up in Thailand. Todd Phillips once again returns to the director’s chair. Check out the first look at the theatrical trailer below.


Movie Review: LIMITLESS

LIMITLESS poster | ©2011 Relativity

Rating: R Stars: Bradley Cooper, Abbie Cornish, Robert De Niro, Anna Friel, Andrew Howard, Johnny Whitworth Writer: Leslie Dixon, based on the novel THE DARK FIELDS by Alan Glynn Director: Neil Burger Distributor: Relativity Release Date: March 18, 2011 There are (and will continue to be) a lot of science fiction thrillers that desperately want to be smart and snappy. LIMITLESS is the movie that those are trying to be. There is only one genre twist here, but it informs pretty much everything else that happens, which gives the movie a sound foundation. What makes LIMITLESS work so well, though, […]Read On »


Super Bowl Commercial Review: LIMITLESS trailer

LIMITLESS poster | ©2011 Relativity

With Super Bowl Sunday here, ASSIGNMENT X has decided to review the movie trailer commercials in between the game to see how well the studios are using their mega-dollars they’re spending to draw people into theaters. LIMITLESS Release Date: March 18, 2011 Stars: Bradley Cooper, Robert De Niro, Abbie Cornish What Is it? A new sci-fi thriller about a drug that allows you to tap into all of the potential of your brain – and apparently makes you smarter than Robert De Niro. But hey, you don’t need a pill to make you smart enough to avoid starring in LITTLE […]Read On »

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