Movie Review: DISFLUENCY

DISFLUENCY movie poster | ©2025 Buffalo 8

Rating: Not Rated Stars: Libe Barer, Ariela Barer, Chelsea Alden, Dylan Arnold, Travis Tope, Kimiko Singer, Molly Hagan, Ricky Wayne, Diana DeLaCruz, Wayne David Parker, Michael Alan Herman Writer: Anna Baumgarten Director: Anna Baumgarten Distributor: Buffalo 8 Release Date: January 10, 2025 (theatrical), January 24, 2025 (VOD, digital) DISFLUENCY begins with a college professor (Molly Hagan) giving a lecture on “imperfect speech.” These are words people throw into their conversation, often without even being aware they’re doing so, like “um,” “hmm,” “totally,” and so on. There’s a behavioral corollary to this that we soon witness. Jane (Libe Barer), one of […]Read On »



UNFRIENDED DARK WEB poster | ©2018 Universal Pictures

Rating: R Stars: Colin Woodell, Betty Gabriel, Rebecca Rittenhouse, Stephanie Nogueras, Andrew Lees, Savira Windyani, Connor Del Rio, Chelsea Alden, Douglas Tait Writer: Stephen Susco Director: Stephen Susco Distributor: Universal Pictures Release Date: July 20, 2018 UNFRIENDED: DARK WEB shares with 2015’s UNFRIENDED the still fairly novel technique of having the entire movie play out over Facebook, Skype and video camera feeds. The two films also share the Blumhouse horror imprimatur. However, where the original UNFRIENDED was supernatural – literally, about a ghost in the machine – UNFRIENDED: DARK WEB concerns the possibilities of attracting the attention of some very […]Read On »

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