Exclusive Interview: WAREHOUSE 13 showrunner Jack Kenny on the Syfy series – Part 1

Saul Rubinek in WAREHOUSE 13 - Season 4 - "What Matters Most" | ©2013 Syfy/Steve Wilkie

In WAREHOUSE 13, a seemingly dull government facility in the middle of South Dakota contains an infinity of wonders within. This is the Warehouse, where powerful artifacts are stored. When an artifact is discovered to be missing or making mischief in the outside world, Warehouse agents Pete Latimer, played by Eddie McClintock, and Myka Bering, played by Joanne Kelly, are sent to retrieve them. On screen, the Warehouse is run by Artie Nielsen, played by Saul Rubinek, but behind the scenes, WAREHOUSE 13 is presided over by show runner Jack Kenny (creator of TITUS, writer/executive producer on CAROLINE IN THE […]Read On »

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